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Thursday, 16 May 2013

Garden Wall Demolished - Forge Lane

What remains of Mr Sketchley's wall

During school pick up time on Tuesday 14th May, 2013 part of a garden wall at 27 Forge Lane, Upchurch was demolished by an unknown vehicle.

The owner of the property, Bernard Sketchley said that congestion outside the school has long been a problem, but I do understand that parents have to get their children to school so we do try to adopt a ‘live and let live attitude’ In fairness most parents park responsibly and I know for them to get a parking space must sometimes be a nightmare. On the other hand there are some that adopt a serious attitude when parking and they are the problem. With their ‘could not care less mentality’ they park in such a way that it is virtually impossible for passing traffic, particularly buses to get through. If the drivers ask them to move they either get ignored or they get abuse.

That my wall has been knocked down is not the main issue. I can have that rebuilt! It is the fact that someone has the arrogance to think they can do it and then just drive off is what gets to me.

If the person responsible just had the common decency to have knocked on my door it could have been sorted without any fuss. Accidents happen! As it is, I have now reported it to the police and they have said they will investigate. They class this as a criminal offence and when they catch the culprit (and the police think they will) there will be a prosecution. They also think they have access to some CCTV footage which may produce evidence so if the person who did it ends up in court so be it!

Unfortunately it is people like this that causes resentment toward all the parents which I think is totally unfair. Equally it is not fair to expect local residents to have to put up with this kind of damage and not complain. I believe because of people like this there will ultimately be parking restrictions put in place in Forge Lane and the surrounding roads and that will make it worse for everyone trying to get their children to school.

If anyone saw this incident please could you contact me on: 01795 431600

Bernard Sketchley


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