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Thursday, 11 April 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - May 2013

The Parish Council met on Thursday 4th April 2013 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 6 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public.
Public TimeRural Crime – A resident expressed concerns about petty crime in the village. It was reiterated the importance of reporting crime to the Police. Please report non-urgent crime on the non-emergency number 101. SW/13/0030 Hursell Farm – The resident also commented on this planning application for change of use of land to gypsy site. They questioned whether a public footpath would be kept opened if this application was granted. It was felt that this footpath would not be affected.  Issues with people using footpaths – A resident explained that the Footpath Officer from KCC had visited him recently to follow up a complaint regarding his horses kept in a field close to Horsham Lake. He reported that the Footpath Officer was assured that his horses were not causing any danger to people using the footpath and explained the issues that he was experiencing. His horses had been fed by people passing by which meant that they now associated anyone walking though with food. Children aged between 6 and 10 were using a corner of the field to make a camp which he didn’t mind. However, they were now throwing things at the horses. Dog walkers were not clearing up after their dogs and often let their dogs run loose. Members have asked that residents note these issues and avoid them continuing. Please show respect for the horses in the field and co-operate with the land owners. Water at the Allotments – A resident asked why the water had not yet been turned back on. The Clerk reported that there was a suspected leak. Footpaths The resident also commented that he had seen dog walkers letting their dogs run loose across the field and cutting corners. Dog poo bags being thrown in hedges was a common problem in his field. The Council would look into all these issues.
CorrespondenceUpchurch Twinning Group – A letter confirming another Sports Day was being planned by the Twinning Group and would be held in Upchurch on Sunday 1st September 2013. Further details will follow and the venue for the day will be Upchurch Cricket Ground. KALC Community Awards Scheme – Information on a new Scheme being launched. The aim of the Scheme was to acknowledge & give recognition to those who have made a significant contribution to local community. It was a voluntary Scheme and it was hoped that awards would be presented at Parish and Town Council Annual General Meetings in May 2014.Members agreed to adopt the Scheme. Upchurch Village Management Committee – A request for representative trustees to be nominated. Members were advised that the Village Hall AGM would be held on Wednesday 10th April in the back hall starting at 7.30pm. Cllr Tucker agreed to be a representative trustee. 
Planning - The following applications were considered:
 SW/13/0283 2 Macklands Cottages, Otterham Quay Lane – Single storey infill extension with new roof over existing garage. No objections.
SW/13/0306 136 Horsham Lane – Erection of a two storey side extension, roof extension and rear dormer window. No objections.
SW/13/0323 11 Crosier Court – Single storey rear extension to residential dwelling to accommodate extended kitchen. No objections.
TP/12/0155 The Paddock, Rear of 2-6 Bradshaw Close – Fell 4 Robinia trees to rear of 2 Bradshaw Close and fell 2 Holm Oak saplings to rear of 3 Bradshaw Close. No objections.
TC/13/0028 St Marys churchyard, Horsham Lane – reduction of 1 x London Plane by 5-10%. No objections.
SW/13/0331 3 Marstan Close – single storey rear extension. The Planning Review Team had no objections. Members would review this proposal on-line. 
SW/13/0030 Hursell Farm – Change of use of land to gypsy site for two gypsy families (related) and for the siting of one static caravan and extension and erection of dwelling (stable building) and stationing of one touring caravan and use of existing barn as general amenity (retrospective). This application had only just been received; therefore the Planning Review Team will meet to discuss this further.
SW/13/0362 2 Amelia Cottages, Otterham Quay Lane – Two storey side extension. This application had only just been received; therefore the Planning Review Team will look at this proposal on-line.
ix) Permissions and refusals: Application withdrawn: SW/13/0190 11 Forge Lane Single storey rear extension
Permission granted: SW/13/0046 49 Chaffes LaneTo construct a single storey one bedroom annexe for disabled accommodation .

Allotments and Recreation GroundParking on the grass in the Recreation Ground – concern over the number and frequency of vehicles using the Recreation ground as an extension to the car park. This was causing the grass and ground to be churned up whilst vehicles manoeuvre to park and also very dangerous to people wishing to walk through the Recreation ground or access the Scout Hut. Water at Allotments – The Clerk reported that a local plumber had been contacted to quote for installing three stop cocks at the Allotments. Rent due from Allotment holders by 1st April 2013 – The Clerk reported that rent was outstanding from 10 allotment holders. A notice will be displayed at the Allotments informing allotment holders that should payment not be received by 1st May, then tenancy agreements would be terminated and plots reallocated.
Paddock Paddock project – Cllr Tucker and the Clerk had met with Mr Newbery to discuss the Paddock Project that was considered by the Council several years ago. Cllr Tucker explained that the project focused on the vegetation in The Paddock. The aim was to open up the area by removing trees/shrubs/hedgerows so that it became a “Village Green”. It was agreed that Cllr Steward, Cllr Tucker, Cllr Arnold and Cllr Denny would form a sub-committee to progress this project further. 
Burial Ground and ChurchyardBurial Ground Gate – Members had been informed that this gate had been damaged by hirers of the Village Hall. A repair had been carried out by Mr F Osborne and a cheque to the sum of £170 had been agreed for payment. Re-pointing of Church Yard wall – A quote from Gransden Construction to the sum of £2,682 plus VAT had been agreed. It was hoped that work would commence as soon as the weather was warmer.
EnvironmentBroadband project – It was suggested that the Council may wish to carry out a survey by compiling a questionnaire and forwarding the results to BT. All agreed. Best Kept Garden Competition 2013 It was confirmed that this would be organised again this year and it was hoped to carry out judging during July. 
Highways - Horsham Hill – a suggestion for traffic lights being installed on Horsham Hill to allow only one flow of traffic. Members discussed this and Cllr Arnold will refer this to KCC Highways. Also, it was suggested starting a walking bus to help alleviate the traffic congestion during school pick up/drop off times. The Clerk will refer this to the Head teacher of Holywell Primary School. Speed watch –A Dual Message Display System has been brought by the Council and it is hoped to discuss the use of this equipment at the next meeting. The Poles Street Light – Members noted emails from two residents in The Poles. Although one resident expressed his appreciation to the Council for replacing this lantern, another resident commented that no consultation or notification was carried out. 
Next meetings – Annual Parish Meeting - 25th April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome!
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – 2nd May at 7.00pm followed by monthly meeting at 7.30pm at Holywell Primary School. The monthly meeting in June will held on 6th June at 7.30pm at Holywell School.

Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12)


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