Follow the steps around the church and see how the events led to the horror of the Crucifixion and the triumph of the Resurrection!
See the Cross and the empty tomb and imagine yourself there!
For the children, we have plenty of craft ideas and fun things to do. For you all we offer hot cross buns and also hot soup and rolls at lunch time.
We shall be open from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm and we look forward to welcoming you all!
Queries? Ring Revd. Jacky on: 01795 842557, Elizabeth on: 01634 364676 or Gabriele on: 01634 374136.
Holy Week Services
Palm Sunday 24th March 9:00 am Sung Communion and the giving of Palm Crosses.
Maundy Thursday 28th March. Stripping of the Altar and Sung Communion. 8:00 pm.
Easter Sunday 31st March. 9:00 am Easter Celebration Sung Communion for all the family.
Easter Sunday You are invited to join Revd. Jacky and others at 6:30 am down by the Creek in Lower Halstow (behind L.H. church) for a service of light and celebration, continued in the church with Communion, and then after the service, stay for hot Bacon sandwiches and coffee!