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Thursday, 14 February 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - March 2013

The Parish Council met on Thursday 7th February in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present and 6 members of the public, including PCSO Cork.

Public TimeSW/12/1019 - A resident referred to this planning application at New Kaine Farm and commented that the solar panels were not right for the area. New Caravan Pitches - A resident commented that it was time to call a halt to this. Hursell Farm - The resident also queried whether the Enforcement Officer was aware of the structures being built there. It was reported that Swale BC was aware of the situation. Trees along boundary of Golf Course -The resident also raised concerns about these trees that front Oak Lane. He explained that around May each year there is a problem with a continuous snowfall which lasts up to 6 or 7 weeks. He asked if the Council could remind the Golf Course of their intentions to cut down these trees. Allotments – A resident asked if the issues with water had been resolved. It was reported that no issues were known at present. Local Needs Housing A resident referred to the minutes of the previous meeting and the agreement by the council that, in accordance with the letter sent with the form, the site votes were not formally counted or verified at the public count and therefore this information would not be published. It was suggested that the resident put his request formally in writing to the Clerk. Pedestrian Safety in Horsham Lane – A resident asked members to consider this after he was nearly hit by a vehicle trying to pass a horse rider. He had left the Post Office, walked into Horsham Lane, came to the end of the pavement, checked to see if any traffic was coming and then prepared to put his foot in the road. He explained that had he stepped out, he would have been hit by the vehicle. It was suggested that PCSO Cork could consider this and the Council would consult Highways.
Correspondence Upchurch Horticultural Society – Members agreed to a request to use the Paddock for a Plant Sale on Saturday 27th April.

Planning - The following application was considered: SW/12/1019 New Kaine Farm, Holywell Lane – Construction of Solar Farm comprising up to 7000 solar panels plus associated equipment, cabling and works, including a steel container to house invertors - Members had commented that they were concerned about the visual impact it could have on the countryside and had no major objections provided that it is erected sympathetically ensuring there is sufficient screening from the road and footpaths. Referring to Policies E7, E8 and E9 in the Swale Borough Local Plan 2008 they were we concerned that this could result in the merging of settlements and erosion of the rural countryside. They added that they understood that a condition to plant trees was placed on a previous planning application, yet this has not been compiled with. Therefore it was felt that should this application be approved, it could set a precedent for others to follow.

Permissions and Refusals – the following decision had been received:

Permission grantedSW/12/1511 Units Adj The Cottage, Otterham Quay LaneApplication for a new planning permission to replace extant planning permission SW/09/0642 for the erection of replacement building to provide two B1 (light industrial) units
Finance Parish Precept 2013/14 – The Precept form had been submitted to Swale BC and it was expected that there would be a 2% increase in the Precept.

Allotments and Recreation GroundRequest to use Recreation Ground for Community Fitness Class –Members agreed in principle to a request to use either the Paddock or Recreation Ground to hold a group exercise class for the community. Pot hole at entrance to Recreation Ground Car ParkKent Highways had repaired this at no cost to the Council.

Paddock Play Equipment –The Council had received a KCC grant of £4,000 towards toddler play equipment in the Paddock. Members agreed to install a Climbing frame from Wicksteed at a cost of £4,608 plus VAT for supply and installation.                       

Burial Ground and Churchyard Tree work in St Mary’s Churchyard – Cllr Kennard had met with the Conservation Officer, Paul Hegley. Cllr Kennard reported that he had agreed that the Council could cut down the clump of Sycamore suckers to ground level and reduce the overall canopy of the Horse Chestnut due to its current poor structural condition. However, the cutting back of the canopy of the London Plane would require the submission of an application. The Clerk will submit this application and obtain a revised quote for the work agreed by Paul Hegley. The Clerk will also refer back to a report produced by Councillors from a site visit to the old churchyard on 16th November 2012.            Request to remove 1 Leylandi and 1 Sycamore from Burial Ground –Councillors had arranged a site visit to review this request. It was agreed that on safety grounds that these trees should be removed as soon as possible.  Members agreed to accept a quote from Lindsay & Co. Re-pointing of Churchyard wall – A KCC grant of £2,120 had been received. The Clerk reported that a quote from Mr Troke was still valid and was awaiting two more quotes. Members would agree to accept a quote at the next meeting.
EnvironmentFootpath from Poot Lane to The Poles –Members noted the concerns of a resident when walking across a field where there were 3 horses. Residents can report any issues with Footpaths to KCC Countryside Access Service via the online reporting tool
at:  Trees – Cllr Kennard raised his concerns regarding the reporting of tree issues in areas maintained by the Council. He reported that any issues should be directed to him. It was agreed that members should be mindful of each other’s responsibilities.
Next meetings – 7th March and 4th April. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm. The Public are welcome to attend this meeting and may put questions and/or make comments to members. It is helpful if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting. Please contact the Clerk if you require further advice.

Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9.00am-midday)
Upchurch Parish Council


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