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Monday, 17 December 2012

Upchurch Parish Council Report - December 2012

The Parish Council met on Thursday 6th December 2012 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public.
Public TimeWindmill Hill – A resident reported that the drain located on this hill was still leaking. Internet Speeds – A resident asked for an update on this. Cllr Lewin reported that he had consulted Cllr Catford and would be taking this forward. Blocked drain – A resident reported that a drain in The Poles was still blocked. Cllr Arnold reported that he had consulted Kent Highways regarding this and would request it be cleaned again. Rural Crime – A resident explained that this was happening all over the village. The Clerk will contact PCSO Cork to request if his presence in the village could be increased. Residents are reminded to report crime to the Police. The non-emergency number for Kent Police is 101. Dog waste – A resident reported that bags full of dog waste were being left in the bushes along footpaths. Parking issues in the centre of the Village – A resident raised concerns over parking on the bend of the junction with Church Farm Road/Chaffes Lane during school pick up times. It was suggested that wooden bollards on this bend could prevent this. Paddock Play equipment – Two residents reported that they had come along to the meeting to find out the Councils plan for the Paddock play area.
Administration - Co-option of one member – Members welcomed David Steward who had filled this vacancy.
CorrespondenceSwale Rural Forum – The next Forum will be held on Tuesday 8 January 2013 at 7pm at Eastchurch Village Hall.
Planning - Permissions and Refusals – The following changes have been made to the route on the Definitive Map sheets:
Footpath ZR32 (part) Upchurch – Public Path Diversion Order 2010 – The Kent County Council (Map Sheet 089 (TQ86NE) Definitive Map Modification Order, NO.2, 2012.  
Finance KCC Member Community Engagement Grant Scheme 2012/13 – A grant of £6,120 for Paddock Play Equipment and re-pointing of church yard wall had been approved and the acceptance form submitted to Kent County Council. Members discussed ideas for the Paddock Project. It was hoped that a working group could be set up with Parish Councillors and residents to investigate this project further. A detailed plan and costing for the project was required and then ways to obtain grant funding could be explored. Cllr Tucker offered to contact the residents present at the meeting who had expressed an interest in the project and the Clerk will consult Phil Newbery. Members were asked to forward any ideas for the project to Cllr Tucker. Subscriptions 2013/14 – Members agreed the planned expenditure for next year’s subscriptions and donations. Budget/Precept Planning 2013-14 – The sub-group had met and a draft proposal had been circulated. The Clerk reported that the draft plan proposed a 0.3% increase in the precept, however the tax base had not yet been reported by Swale BC, and therefore this figure could change. The sub-group were looking towards planning for a three year budget.                                                           
Paddock LeaseThe Clerk reported that an email had been received from Tim Simmons with several attachments. The correspondence attached indicated that the lease renewal was in progress and that questions had been raised with regards to the use of the Paddock as a car park. Trees overhanging properties in Bradshaw Close Cllr Kennard had met Paul Hegley, Tree Officer of Swale BC to discuss the issues raised by residents of 2 and 3 Bradshaw Close. Members considered the work required:
·      The felling of 5 false acacia/Robinia trees to the rear of No. 2
·      The felling of 2 no. Holm Oaks saplings to the rear of No. 3
The Clerk will submit the application to Swale BC to remove these trees which are located within a Conservation Area. 
Burial Ground and ChurchyardTrees overhanging pub garden, Churchyard wall and cables on outside of garage It was suggested that a management programme was needed for this area. The Clerk will contact the owners of the garage in Horsham Lane with regards to the cables on the outside of the garage wall. The Clerk will find out if the cost of repointing the churchyard wall was still the same as previously quoted. The Clerk will arrange the weed spraying of the churchyard wall as soon as possible. Cllr Lewin explained that he had asked a resident to carry out adult supervision whilst the three fundraising students carried out some menial tasks in the churchyard.                                    
EnvironmentChristmas tree Festival at St Marys Church from 16th December 2012The Clerk reported that a Christmas tree would be decorated on behalf of the Council and the theme chosen was “A Sweetie Christmas Tree”. She thanked Cllr Apps and his wife Trudy for kindly offering to donate a real Christmas tree and providing the decorations.                                                
Highways - Street light in The PolesAn email from a resident explaining that this light was causing light pollution onto their property. Cllr Arnold would continue to follow this up. Street Lights needing attentionResidents may wish to report any faulty street lights found in the village to Cllr Arnold:  and/or the Clerk:  Windmill HillCllr Arnold reported that he was consulting Kent Highways regarding the issue of running water down this hill. However, the ownership of this issue had not yet been identified.                                                           
Upchurch Parish Council wishes all residents a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Next meetings – 3rd January 2013, 7th February 2013. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm and the Public are welcome to attend this meeting. The Public may put questions and/or make comments to members and it is helpful if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting. Please contact the Clerk if you require further advice.
Claire Attaway
Clerk to the Parish Council
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Monday – Thursday 9am to midday)
Upchurch Parish Council


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