135 Oak Lane, Upchurch ME9 7AY. Tel: 01634 366113 or Email: lewing135@btinternet.com
Friday, 21 December 2012
Water on the Road - Windmill Hill
Water on the road
from Windmill Hill towards Otterham Quay Lane.
have for the last two weeks been concentrating my efforts on seeking a
resolution to this highways problem after receiving numerous complaints from
residents following the recent spell of cold weather. In this period the
offending gulley has been tested by Southern Water, Kent Highway Services have
undertaken closed circuit television viewing and it has been visited by
contractors working on behalf of Kent Highway Services.
of today Thursday 20th December I can report the following.
have cleared out the very shallow gulley at the top of Windmill Hill from where
the water was spilling onto the highway. After was emptied the Kent Highway
Services engineer has found no evidence of any water ingress into the gulley
except for a trickle of natural ground water at the bottom. He
also advises that there is no evidence of faults from other piped water systems
in the area.
engineer will therefore recommend that the gulley will be used as a chamber for
catchment of water from which an underground pipe will be laid down the
hill to an existing gulley at the bottom. The guesstimated
cost of this work will be around £25k which will need to be found from the KHS
2013/14 budget.
means that no remedial work will be undertaken in the short term. I therefore
stressed that he also reports back the need for gritting when ice is predicted.
The engineer agreed to do that. However
he pointed out that wet weather could wash the gritting away before the temperature
dropped below zero. In this case firstly there is a roadside slat bin in
that location and secondly local residents if they note that it has happened
should ask for some spot salting by KHS by phoning: 08548 247 800.
write to County Cllr Keith Ferrin asking for his support to the funding of this
scheme in 2013/14.
Gerry Lewin
135 Oak Lane, Upchurch ME9 7AY. Tel: 01634 366113 or Email: lewing135@btinternet.com
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Holywell School Christmas Fayre - Amount Raised
I hope that you enjoyed the Fayre, and that perhaps you feel inspired to come along and help organise a future event. New faces and ideas are always welcome, and the date of our next meeting will be circulated in the New Year.
On behalf of all of us in PFHS I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
With best wishes.
Clare Evans
Monday, 17 December 2012
Upchurch Parish Council Report - December 2012
The Parish Council met on Thursday 6th December
2012 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present
and 5 members of the public.
– Windmill Hill – A resident reported that the drain located on this
hill was still leaking. Internet Speeds – A resident asked for an update
on this. Cllr Lewin reported that he had consulted Cllr Catford and would be
taking this forward. Blocked drain – A resident reported that a drain in
The Poles was still blocked. Cllr Arnold reported that he had consulted Kent
Highways regarding this and would request it be cleaned again. Rural Crime –
A resident explained that this was happening all over the village. The Clerk
will contact PCSO Cork to request if his presence in the village could be
increased. Residents are reminded to report crime to the Police. The
non-emergency number for Kent Police is 101.
Dog waste – A resident reported that bags full of dog waste were
being left in the bushes along footpaths. Parking issues in the centre of
the Village – A resident raised concerns over parking on the bend of the
junction with Church Farm Road/Chaffes Lane during school pick up times. It was
suggested that wooden bollards on this bend could prevent this. Paddock Play
equipment – Two residents reported that they had come along to the meeting
to find out the Councils plan for the Paddock play area.
Administration - Co-option
of one member – Members welcomed David Steward who had filled
this vacancy.
Correspondence – Swale Rural Forum – The
next Forum will be held on Tuesday 8 January 2013 at 7pm at Eastchurch Village
- Permissions and Refusals – The
following changes have been made to the route on the Definitive Map sheets:
ZR32 (part) Upchurch – Public Path Diversion
Order 2010 – The Kent County Council (Map Sheet 089 (TQ86NE) Definitive Map
Modification Order, NO.2, 2012.
– KCC Member Community Engagement Grant Scheme 2012/13
– A grant of £6,120 for Paddock Play Equipment and re-pointing of church yard
wall had been approved and the acceptance form submitted to Kent County
Council. Members discussed ideas for the Paddock Project. It was hoped that a
working group could be set up with Parish Councillors and residents to investigate
this project further. A detailed plan and costing for the project was required
and then ways to obtain grant funding could be explored. Cllr Tucker offered to
contact the residents present at the meeting who had expressed an interest in
the project and the Clerk will consult Phil Newbery. Members were asked to
forward any ideas for the project to Cllr Tucker. Subscriptions 2013/14 –
Members agreed the planned expenditure for next year’s subscriptions and
donations. Budget/Precept Planning 2013-14 – The sub-group had met and a
draft proposal had been circulated. The Clerk reported that the draft plan
proposed a 0.3% increase in the precept, however the tax base had not yet been
reported by Swale BC, and therefore this figure could change. The sub-group
were looking towards planning for a three year budget.
Paddock – Lease – The Clerk reported that an email had
been received from Tim Simmons with several attachments. The correspondence
attached indicated that the lease renewal was in progress and that questions
had been raised with regards to the use of the Paddock as a car park. Trees
overhanging properties in Bradshaw Close – Cllr Kennard had met Paul Hegley, Tree Officer of Swale BC to
discuss the issues raised by residents of 2 and 3 Bradshaw Close. Members
considered the work required:
· The
felling of 5 false acacia/Robinia trees to the rear of No. 2
· The
felling of 2 no. Holm Oaks saplings to the rear of No. 3
Clerk will submit the application to Swale BC to remove these trees which are
located within a Conservation Area.
Burial Ground and Churchyard – Trees
overhanging pub garden, Churchyard wall and cables on outside of garage – It was suggested that a management
programme was needed for this area. The Clerk will contact the owners of the
garage in Horsham Lane with regards to the cables on the outside of the garage
wall. The Clerk will find out if the cost of repointing the churchyard wall was
still the same as previously quoted. The Clerk will arrange the weed spraying
of the churchyard wall as soon as possible. Cllr Lewin explained that he had
asked a resident to carry out adult supervision whilst the three fundraising
students carried out some menial tasks in the churchyard.
Environment – Christmas
tree Festival at St Marys Church from 16th December 2012 – The Clerk reported that a Christmas
tree would be decorated on behalf of the Council and the theme chosen was “A
Sweetie Christmas Tree”. She thanked Cllr Apps and his wife Trudy for kindly
offering to donate a real Christmas tree and providing the decorations.
Highways - Street
light in The Poles – An
email from a resident explaining that this light was causing light pollution
onto their property. Cllr Arnold would continue to follow this up. Street
Lights needing attention – Residents
may wish to report any faulty street lights found in the village to Cllr Arnold: john.arnold@justclickmail.com and/or the Clerk: clerk@upchurchpc.kentparishes.gov.uk Windmill
Hill – Cllr Arnold reported that
he was consulting Kent Highways regarding the issue of running water down this
hill. However, the ownership of this issue had not yet been identified.
Parish Council wishes all residents a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
meetings – 3rd January 2013, 7th
February 2013. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell
School and start at 7.30pm and the Public are welcome to attend this meeting.
The Public may put questions and/or make comments to members and it is helpful
if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting. Please contact the
Clerk if you require further advice.
Claire Attaway
Clerk to the Parish Council
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Monday – Thursday 9am to midday)
Website: www.upchurchpc.kentparishes.gov.uk
Upchurch Parish Council
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Christmas Bin Collections 2012
If your normal collection falls on ..... Your collection will take place
Monday 24th December ............................... Collection as normal
Tuesday 25th December................................ Thursday 27th December
Wednesday 26th December ......................... Friday 28th December
Thursday 27th December ............................. Saturday 29th December
Friday 28th December .................................. Monday 31st December
Monday 31st December ................................ Tuesday 1st January
Tuesday 1st January...................................... Wednesday 2nd January
Wednesday 2nd January ............................... Thursday 3rd January
Thursday 3rd January.................................... Friday 4th January
Friday 4th January ........................................ Saturday 5th January
Collections will return to normal on Monday the 8th of January.
Collections Disrupted By Weather (e.g. snow and ice) Our advice is simple - leave your bins out on collection day and we will get to you as soon as we can.
Daily updates will be on our Website: www.swale.gov.uk or from
Customer Services on: 01795 417850.
Upchurch Matters
Upchurch 50 Years Ago in December 1962
With the pending arrival of Christmas residents quickly entered into the season’s spirit with celebrations across the village while colourfully lit Christmas trees began appearing in living room windows.
The first main celebration took place on December 19th when the Darby and Joan Club held a Christmas party in the village hall. Reverend Bradshaw gave an opening address as guest speaker followed by games, dancing and singing with rousing solo singing performances by Mrs. Carlton from Wetham Green and Mrs. Lofthouse. The event turned out to be a very lively and happy one for the pensioners.
The Darby and Joan Club celebrations were soon followed up by a well attended torchlight procession around the village which began at the vicarage and ended at the village hall. Many people representing different village organisations attended in fancy dress. An organ mounted on a van playing Christmas carols and a sleigh with Father Christmas followed by hoards of village children proved to be very popular. Afterwards, in the village hall, stalls sold various types of produce and sideshows took place. Many village clubs participated in this with Young Wives members Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Ray from Horsham Lane winning the fancy dress competition with their entry ‘A mother and baby.’ The event, organised by the parish council, was held in aid of the ‘Village Hall Fund’ and proved to be a great success.
The Women’s Institute made sure that they didn’t miss out on the festive spirit when they invited the church choir to perform carols at their Annual General Meeting and had a musical end to the evening. Before this the election of new committee members took place with Mrs. Burrows elected president, Mrs. Daniel vice president, Mrs. Jones secretary and Mrs. Thompson treasurer. The new committee consisted of Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Pepperill, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Turner and Miss. South.
On December 28th the final Christmas celebration took place with a Christmas concert in the village hall. A wide variety of village organisations participated in a musical event that raised money for the ‘Freedom from Hunger Fund’ and new curtains for the village hall.
During an evening service the church suffered a power cut and candles and torches had to be used for the event to be completed. This became another example to back up residents’ complaints to the parish council about the poor quality electricity supply to the village discussed at the monthly council meeting. Another problem occurred for the church when organist Mr. Wheeler resigned but this was soon resolved when Mrs. Bodley-Scott from Wallbridge Lane offered to help out until an alternative could be found. The recently formed Girl Guides group also had a leadership problem as vicar’s wife Mrs. Bradshaw continued to run them on a temporary basis although Mrs. Olive Couling from Crosier Court volunteered to be lieutenant to take some pressure off.
The only Christmas wedding involved Diana Naylor from The Street with Roger Gilbert from Rochester along with the baptism of Caroline Casey from Crosier Court. This ended an entertaining month in the village before a prolonged freezing cold spell with heavy snowfall set in on Boxing Day and lasted until March.
The Darby and Joan Club celebrations were soon followed up by a well attended torchlight procession around the village which began at the vicarage and ended at the village hall. Many people representing different village organisations attended in fancy dress. An organ mounted on a van playing Christmas carols and a sleigh with Father Christmas followed by hoards of village children proved to be very popular. Afterwards, in the village hall, stalls sold various types of produce and sideshows took place. Many village clubs participated in this with Young Wives members Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Ray from Horsham Lane winning the fancy dress competition with their entry ‘A mother and baby.’ The event, organised by the parish council, was held in aid of the ‘Village Hall Fund’ and proved to be a great success.
The Women’s Institute made sure that they didn’t miss out on the festive spirit when they invited the church choir to perform carols at their Annual General Meeting and had a musical end to the evening. Before this the election of new committee members took place with Mrs. Burrows elected president, Mrs. Daniel vice president, Mrs. Jones secretary and Mrs. Thompson treasurer. The new committee consisted of Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Pepperill, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Turner and Miss. South.
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David Wood. |
On December 28th the final Christmas celebration took place with a Christmas concert in the village hall. A wide variety of village organisations participated in a musical event that raised money for the ‘Freedom from Hunger Fund’ and new curtains for the village hall.
During an evening service the church suffered a power cut and candles and torches had to be used for the event to be completed. This became another example to back up residents’ complaints to the parish council about the poor quality electricity supply to the village discussed at the monthly council meeting. Another problem occurred for the church when organist Mr. Wheeler resigned but this was soon resolved when Mrs. Bodley-Scott from Wallbridge Lane offered to help out until an alternative could be found. The recently formed Girl Guides group also had a leadership problem as vicar’s wife Mrs. Bradshaw continued to run them on a temporary basis although Mrs. Olive Couling from Crosier Court volunteered to be lieutenant to take some pressure off.
The only Christmas wedding involved Diana Naylor from The Street with Roger Gilbert from Rochester along with the baptism of Caroline Casey from Crosier Court. This ended an entertaining month in the village before a prolonged freezing cold spell with heavy snowfall set in on Boxing Day and lasted until March.
About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on: david3702001@yahoo.co.uk or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.
David Wood
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on: david3702001@yahoo.co.uk or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.
David Wood
Holywell School. Vacancy - Clerk to the Governors
The Headteacher and governors require a clerk to arrange and clerk meetings of the Board of governors. Maintain information on the membership of the Governing Body in accordance with legal requirements. Advise the governing Body on some procedural and legislative matters.
This position needs good interpersonal skill; ICT skills; Good listening, oral and literacy skills. Full job details with application form. Training will be given.
The successful applicant will need to have a CRB check and manage CRB checks for Governors.
Please contact Mrs J Bunting, Office Manager, Tel: 01634 366416 or Email:
office@holywell.kent.sch.uk for an application form.
Return form to School Marked ‘For the Attention of Mr A. HORTON’.
Closing date 9th of January 2013.
Ray Kemsley
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Thwarted Burglary in Chaffes Lane
Message: 1395
[Reference: XY/037764/12]
In view of a thwarted opportunist burglary at a property in Chaffes Lane, Upchurch, we would advise that householders keep all external doors locked even if they are at home and expecting a visitor.
If you need to contact Kent police, use telephone number 101 and state you are a member of Neighbourhood Watch.
Thank you end of message
Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch
spaceMonday, 10 December 2012
Nursery Days Christmas Fayre - Amount Raised
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Sarah is raising money for Cancer Research UK. |
Nursery Days Upchurch are pleased to announce their Christmas Fayre on Tuesday the 4th of December raised a grand total of £250 for Cancer Research UK.
The money raised will go towards Sarah Oakham's fundraising.
On the 28th of April 2013 Sarah will be running in the 2013 London Marathon to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Sarah's giving page is: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/SarahOakham
Sarah and Steph would like to thank everybody for their generosity and for coming along.
Steph Oakham
Monday, 3 December 2012
2 Attempted Burglaries in Upchurch
Message: 1358
This is a joint message from Swale Neighbourhood Watch and Kent Police.
This is a joint message from Swale Neighbourhood Watch and Kent Police.
Item one: An attempted burglary was averted when a security light activated and alerted a household member in Marstan Close, Upchurch. This happened at 6:30 pm on Sunday the 2nd of December.
Thank you end of message
Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch
Saturday, 1 December 2012
The End of World War 1 Village Memorial and Celebration Events
At the end of World War 1 most
of the 140 Upchurch men who had fought in the conflict returned home, thirty
four didn’t. Discussions took place in the village about how to greet those who
had survived and what should be done to remember those who had perished.
The first major event took
place on May 24th, 1919 when a marble memorial tablet and stained
glass window named ‘Soldiers at the Crucifixion’ were dedicated by the Rural
Dean in the church. With the building packed to capacity the parish magazine of
June 1919 described the service as a highly emotional event with tears streaming
down many people’s faces as a bugler played ‘The Last Post’. The 34 names of
those who had died in the conflict were then read out and a sermon given by
Reverend J. G Easton in which he quoted from Rupert Brooke’s poetry:
Blow out you bugles, over the rich dead.
There’s none of these so lonely and poor of old.
Best, dying has made us rarer gifts than gold.
Such was the intensity of
emotion that Upchurch vicar Reverend Dicker was moved to comment in the
following month’s edition of the village magazine that those who had openly wept
at the service should not be ashamed.
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Memories of Upchurch. |
On June 3rd
1919 a vote took place in the village for the best peace memorial. Residents
had the choice of a clock for the church tower, a new recreation ground, a gate
to the churchyard or a sun balcony for a hospital which had all been put
forward at the parish council ‘Memorial Committee’ meeting. After residents had
voted for the options a memorial clock for the church tower came first with 240
votes. The clock was eventually fitted to the church tower after a series of
fund raising events in 1921.
A victory celebration fete
took place at Holywell Meadow followed by entertainment for the soldiers and
sailors from the village who had survived the war on Saturday July 19th
1919. The Upchurch Nuggets performed a variety of clown acts followed by sports
events after which old people and children were treated to a meat tea in the
marquee. Gifts of tobacco were given to the old people and sweets to the
children. The fete ended with the playing of the National Anthem.
The last celebration took
place at the Infant’s School when welcome home celebrations for soldiers and
sailors were held on August 8th 1919. With the building decorated with red,
white and blue bunting guests sat down at long tables decorated with flowers.
After Reverend Dicker had given a brief address packets of cigarettes and
tobacco were distributed and a concert party with music took place to entertain
Finally, on November 11th
1920 people in Upchurch were requested to stand still for two minutes at 11 a.m.
followed by the tolling of a single church bell 34 times in memory of those
from the village who had died in the war. A Sunday Remembrance Day service also
became established which is still observed in the church every November.
About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on: david3702001@yahoo.co.uk or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.
David Wood
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on: david3702001@yahoo.co.uk or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.
David Wood
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