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Monday, 17 September 2012

Upchurch Parish Council Report - October 2012

The Parish Council met on Thursday 6th September 2012 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present and 2 members of the public.
Public Time – A resident raised concerns over the condition of the Churchyard wall. He was assured that this was being monitored.
CorrespondenceBennett’s Expedition to Peru –Members considered ideas for supporting the two residents in their objective to raise funds to participate in a 4 week expedition to Peru in July 2014. The Clerk was asked to contact another resident who was also hoping to participate in a separate expedition.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
SW/12/0906 The Paddocks, Holywell Lane – Variation of condition (3) of SW/04/1302 to allow mobile home to be sited 35m from Holywell Lane. No objections.
ii) SW/12/1015 6 Wallbridge Lane – Variation of condition (4) of planning permission SW/11/1150 to permit four mothers & babies (plus staff) at any one time instead of three. The Planning Review Team had expressed concerns about the expansion of the facility so soon after the initial application. They commented that approval was given but the house now needed converting before even being set up. Members also commented that visiting hours should not be allowed outside normal social hours and asked if the applicant had properly accommodated parking spaces for staff and visitors.
Permissions and Refusals – the following decisions have been received:
Prior approval not required:
Proposed agricultural barn extension; Ham Green Farm, Ham Green
Permission granted:
SW/12/0906 The Paddocks, Holywell Lane – Variation of condition (3) of SW/04/1302 to allow mobile home to be sited 35m from Holywell Lane
SW/12/0511 Dingles Field, Chaffes Lane – Side extension to existing workshop
SW/12/0675 97 Chaffes Lane – Rear conservatory
Application withdrawn:
Hursell Farm, Chaffes Lane – Change of use of site to allow the siting of a gypsy mobile home with associated parking and amenity space (retrospective)
Other Planning matters Local Needs Housing - A positioning paper written by Cllr Tucker had been circulated to all members. Three meetings of the sub-group had taken place where representatives had attended. It had been agreed that there would be two letters accompanying the voting form, one from the Parish Council and one from the representatives. A copy of the letter from the representatives would be reviewed by members at the next sub-group meeting. A suggestion by the Clerk to enable residents to vote at the ‘drop-in’ had not been agreed by representatives. Members agreed the voting forms would be distributed after the ‘drop-in’ event as planned. It was requested that there would be no campaigning by any party after the ‘drop-in’ event and this had been agreed by all at the sub-group meeting. The Clerk insisted that a neutral collection point be allocated for the return of the voting forms to ensure that no accusations of tampering could be raised. The tampering issue was raised by representatives at the sub-group meeting. Members discussed this and suggested placing a voting box in the Church at various times.
Cllr Tucker had suggested that the Council vote on the following:
“Should the Parish Council return a decision to ERHA & ACRK that it is NOT the right time for the village to undertake such a scheme?” It was explained that this request had been made after the agenda had been distributed, therefore it would be difficult for members to vote on this at the meeting. Also an issue had been raised that two Councillors lived very close to one of the proposed sites under the scheme and therefore had a conflict of interest. The Clerk was asked to obtain advice regarding this. Members are planning to discuss this further at the next meeting. Residents are advised that the ‘drop in’ is provisionally planned for Friday 12th October in the Village Hall between the hours of 3pm and 8pm. This is still to be confirmed.
Finance Audit Commission – Annual return for the year ended 31 March 2012 – The Clerk reported that this had been completed and certified. No issues had been identified by the Audit Commission.

Allotments and Recreation GroundRelocating gate at Allotments - The Clerk reported that two quotes had been received and another was expected shortly. Recreation ground fencing cost – An email from a resident regarding the cost to install wire fencing to part of the Chaffes Lane boundary. Members discussed the possibility of advertising similar small jobs on the notice boards asking people to volunteer their services. It was agreed to discuss this again.                                   
Paddock Lease – The Clerk reported that Mowll & Mowll Solicitors had confirmed that they were preparing the lease. A cheque to the sum of £2,400 had been forwarded to Gullands Solicitors to enable them to enter into the undertaking. Mr Simmons had copied the Clerk in correspondence chasing Mowll & Mowll for the Lease. Football in the Paddock –Members are considering installing boulders in front of the trees to discourage footballers to play in the Paddock. The cost of this will be considered when preparing the budget for 2013/14. Trees overhanging properties in Bradshaw Close – A letter had been received from residents raising issues with trees which were overhanging their garden. The Tree Warden will investigate and discuss further with the Clerk.                       

Burial Ground and Churchyard Litter in the churchyard – It was reported that after weddings had taken place at the church, litter was accumulating in the churchyard. The Clerk will contact PCC asking who is responsible for keeping this area tidy after a wedding.
EnvironmentFootpath by fishing lake – An email from a resident reporting the state of the footpath that runs from Horsham Lane up to the footpath that crosses the horses fields and leads to The Poles. It was reported that the footpath end nearest the fishing lakes was being used as a public toilet. The Clerk will forward this information on to the owner of the lake and inform PCSO John Cork.                                                           

Highways - Street light at Windmill Hill – A quote to the sum of £358.52 plus VAT for the installation of a new lantern was considered. All agreed and the Clerk will arrange this.

Next meetings – Thursday 4th October 2012 and Thursday 8th November 2012. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm.
 Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road Tel: 01634 363906
(Mon. – Thurs. 9am – midday)
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