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Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Kent Police - 101 Non-Emergency Number

101 – national non-emergency number for police
You can now call Kent Police for non-urgent issues on 101. The number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
To make it quicker and easier for the public to get in contact with their local police, 101 has been introduced in England and Wales. It gives a single, easy-to-remember number to call to report crime and other issues which do not require an emergency response.
You can also call 101 to speak to your local neighbourhood officer, to make a general enquiry or to make us aware of a policing issue where you live.
What classes as an emergency?
Calling 101 for situations that do not require an immediate police response helps keep 999 available for when there is an emergency. An emergency is when a crime is happening, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, someone is injured, being threatened or a life is at risk, or there is a traffic incident involving personal injury or danger.
Each call to 101 will never cost more than 15 pence - no matter what time of day you call, how long your call lasts or even if you call from a mobile. We do not receive any of the call cost.
Call 999 if you can see a crime in progress
Call 999 if someone's life is in immediate danger or they are hurt
Call 101 to report a theft after it has happened
Call 101 to report nuisance vehicles or to speak to your local officer
Call 101 to report minor collisions or if you suspect drug use or dealing

PSE Helen Marshall 57873


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