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Thursday, 10 May 2012

Upchurch Parish Council Report - June 2012

The Parish Council met on Thursday 3rd May in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 7 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public, including Cllr John Wright.

Public time - SW/12/0334 Oastfield Stud & Livery, Track off Holywell Lane- A resident explained that she was disappointed with the lack of support from the Council with regards to this planning application. Members agreed to arrange a meeting to have a look at the site. Hursell Farm – A resident wished members to understand her gypsy way of life.
Planning - The following applications were considered: SW/12/0331 Frog Farm, Susans Lane – Retrospective application for construction of barn -no objections.

SW/12/0334 Oastfield Stud & Livery, Track off Holywell Lane Change of use from private stables to stud & livery farm including erection of 3 foaling boxes, static mobile unit and provision of parking and turningThe plans show a significant increase in the floor area of the buildings, on what should be green field. Therefore, the Council would object to the size of the mobile home if it was big enough for permanent habitation. Also, there is a risk that the road could begin to look like a suburban road with an increase in vehicular traffic.

TC/12/0040 St Marys Church, Horsham LaneRemove 2 x Leyland Cypress, 1 x Sycamore and 2 x Ash trees –  no objections.

SW/12/0399 Co-Op, 3 The StreetAdvertisement Consent for one internally illuminated wall mounted display unit – The majority of members objected to this proposal.
SW/12/0413 Court Lodge, Breach LaneLawful Development Certificate for occupation property without complying with the terms of condition VI (agricultural occupancy) appended to planning permission SW/78/1283 (existing) – no objections.

SW/12/0418 Land at Breach LaneChange of use of land for the mixed use of agriculture and keeping of horses with the provision of three new stables, tack rooms, haystore, and sand school – no objections.

SW/12/0393 Land r/o 24 Wallbridge LaneDemolition and replacement of existing building for use as a tractor and implement store and part domestic garage – no objections.                                   
SW/12/0464 The Oast, Holywell LaneSingle storey rear extension with room in loft area. No objections.

SW/12/0439 Bedfont House, Holywell LaneChange of use from commercial offices to             private dwelling (5 in total), extend length of north facing dormers to accommodate juliette             balconies and additional windows in flank elevation – It was commented that members would             like to know if information had been provided that indicated whether there was a demand for this property to be marketed as offices.
SW/12/0330 Tanzor Riding School, Poot Lane Retention of existing timber building in             support of livery use of land – The Planning Review Team will review this proposal.
Other planning matters:
The Local Government Boundary Commission – Electoral Review of Swale: Draft Recommendationsthe proposals for Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch ward remained unchanged.
Rural Needs Housing –Members considered the draft wording of the questions on the voting form “Do you support the development of a small, new, affordable, housing site in Upchurch? and “Which of the two sites A or B do you think is most suitable for such a development or do you think either site would be suitable? It was commented that the Council should be consistent when referring to the proposed scheme i.e. rural needs housing or local needs housing or affordable housing. Members discussed the possibility of asking ACRK or other body to independently supervise the count. The working group would meet to discuss further.            
Members were informed that a letter had been received from Mr Sketchley concerned by the proposed Rural Housing Needs Drop In event. His concerns were that opposition groups would not be allowed to oppose, local residents were being denied the same democratic right as those extended to external organisations, the draft voting form was obtained from the organisations wishing to promote the project and that many local residents had no idea what the proposal actually meant. The Clerk will forward a copy of the letter to all members.
Finance Annual Audit ReturnThe Clerk had circulated copies of the relevant pages of the Audit return. It was agreed that section 1, statement of accounts, be approved. Section 2, Annual governance statement, was perused and completed satisfactory. Both sections were signed. Local Engagement Forum Grants Scheme - applications submitted for 2012-13 – the applications for Paddock Play Equipment and the re-pointing of the Church Wall have been approved at the Swale West Parishes meeting, totalling around £6,000. A highways grant application to the sum of £1,000 has also been submitted for Speed Watch equipment.

Administration - Vacancy for one councillor – Members will be arriving at 7pm at the next meeting, for a confidential session with any person interested in this vacancy. One person has expressed an interest.

Allotments and Recreation GroundGoal Posts installed in the Recreation GroundIt is hoped to fix pig/rabbit wire on the fence bordering Chaffes Lane to prevent footballs straying into the road.  Wigmore under 11s football teama request to use the Recreation Ground for an awards ceremony on Saturday 26th May 2012 from midday has been allowed.  Use of Hosepipes at AllotmentsSouthern Water have confirmed that hosepipes will not be allowed whilst the water restrictions are in place.

Burial Ground and Churchyard - Trees in Burial Ground the removal of 8 x large conifers to ground level and one large ash tree will be carried out shortly. Availability of remaining space in the Burial Ground- It is hoped to carry out another formal assessment on the future capacity of the Burial Ground.

Environment - Queens Diamond Jubilee CelebrationsThe Committee are making good progress.

Highways - Speed WatchCllr Catford reported that he would be meeting the Police Officer responsible for Speed Watch on Friday 11th May 2012 to discuss setting up this scheme. Parking in driveways, not in the roaddue to the parking problems in Upchurch, residents are requested to use their driveway for parking if they have one.
Next meetings – Thursday 7th June and Thursday 5th July. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm.
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906  Email:
Parish Council website:
Please note the office is open between the hours of 9am and midday, Monday –Thursday.

Upchurch Parish Council


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