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Saturday, 25 February 2012

Upchurch Twinning Group - News

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.
Try the Holywell School website:  or Upchurch Matters:  for our news as well. In addition, visit:  for interesting stuff! 
Firstly, a thank you!
Quiz night – Thank you to all those stalwarts who turned out on a very snowy evening to support us on 4th February.  Because of the weather numbers were down a bit, but we all had a good time and we are pleased to say that we raised nearly £470 for our funds.
2012 is looking busy for the Twinning Group.  Here are some dates you may be interested in:
March – Holywell School trip– the children of years 5 and 6 will be visiting one of the schools in Ferques this month.  They will spend the morning with the French children in class and then visit the Nausicaä Sea Life centre in Boulogne. 
Sunday 15th April 2012 – Upchurch Choral Society trip - Our Choral Society will be giving a concert in the church in Ferques.  It is due to start at 6pm and end about 7.30pm.  Afterwards, there will be a reception in the Mairie before we all come home.  The choir is going by coach and we hope some of you might come along and listen!  There may even be one or two spare seats.  Do contact us for more details.  It would make a great ending to a day out in France.
Thursday 17th May 2012 – Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm in Holywell School.
Saturday 14th July – Bastille Day in Ferques – We will be having a stall at the street fair as usual, but no bric-a-brac this year.  We will be plying everyone with English food and beverages so it’s worth a visit for that and to see if you can pick up any bargains on the other stalls!
Saturday 25th August. 2012 – Sports Day – this is now an annual affair and this year will be in Ferques.   We will be arranging a coach so think about a day out with lots of sporty fun in France that day.  This is always most enjoyable and well supported so register your interest as soon as possible.
October – Anniversary Event – Originally planned for March, this will now happen in October and will take the form of an outing somewhere in Kent.  Watch this space!
Jim Harman (Chairman): 01634 235420 & Sue Rossiter (Secretary): 01634 234780
Sue Rossiter


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