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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Upchurch Women's Institute - News

Upchurch Women's Institute meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Village Hall.
Our March meeting is entitled "Molluscs & Me" by Helen Howard. Do join us on March the 13th. Then on April the 10th we have Margaret Lewis with a talk entitled "How to trace your family tree". Both meetings start at 7:30pm.

On Friday May the 11th why not book a table for our Quiz night ? Tables of 6 cost £5 a head, with a plouhgmans supper included. Bring your own drink. Starts at 7:30pm.

To book a table, please ring Joyce Gilbert: on 01634 232346.

Gillian Holland

Monday, 27 February 2012

An Invitation To A Sherry Reception

The “Friends of the Church” Trustees invite you all to a reception they are hosting in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin in Upchurch on Saturday the 21st of April from 6:30pm until 8:30pm. The evening provides an opportunity for the Trustees to introduce themselves also Frank Osborne has kindly agreed to give a brief talk on one of the major restoration projects undertaken in the Church.

The “Friends of the Church” scheme was launched in 2011 to raise funds to support the upkeep of the historic Church building.

Gerry Lewin – on behalf of the Trustees

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Upchurch Twinning Group - News

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.
Try the Holywell School website:  or Upchurch Matters:  for our news as well. In addition, visit:  for interesting stuff! 
Firstly, a thank you!
Quiz night – Thank you to all those stalwarts who turned out on a very snowy evening to support us on 4th February.  Because of the weather numbers were down a bit, but we all had a good time and we are pleased to say that we raised nearly £470 for our funds.
2012 is looking busy for the Twinning Group.  Here are some dates you may be interested in:
March – Holywell School trip– the children of years 5 and 6 will be visiting one of the schools in Ferques this month.  They will spend the morning with the French children in class and then visit the Nausicaä Sea Life centre in Boulogne. 
Sunday 15th April 2012 – Upchurch Choral Society trip - Our Choral Society will be giving a concert in the church in Ferques.  It is due to start at 6pm and end about 7.30pm.  Afterwards, there will be a reception in the Mairie before we all come home.  The choir is going by coach and we hope some of you might come along and listen!  There may even be one or two spare seats.  Do contact us for more details.  It would make a great ending to a day out in France.
Thursday 17th May 2012 – Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm in Holywell School.
Saturday 14th July – Bastille Day in Ferques – We will be having a stall at the street fair as usual, but no bric-a-brac this year.  We will be plying everyone with English food and beverages so it’s worth a visit for that and to see if you can pick up any bargains on the other stalls!
Saturday 25th August. 2012 – Sports Day – this is now an annual affair and this year will be in Ferques.   We will be arranging a coach so think about a day out with lots of sporty fun in France that day.  This is always most enjoyable and well supported so register your interest as soon as possible.
October – Anniversary Event – Originally planned for March, this will now happen in October and will take the form of an outing somewhere in Kent.  Watch this space!
Jim Harman (Chairman): 01634 235420 & Sue Rossiter (Secretary): 01634 234780
Sue Rossiter

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Celebrations are planned for the weekend of 2nd - 4th June.

On behalf of the Parish Council a committee is now progressing and developing plans for a weekend of public celebration to mark our Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and below is a brief idea of what is planned at present:

Saturday evening 2nd June – musical entertainment evening at the Village Hall.

Sunday 3rd June – All day – exhibition in the church of Coronation Day 1953 memorabilia.

Late morning onwards – a Jubilee Jolly at the Village Hall – stalls, games, fancy dress, food – something for all and for organisations to run stalls etc.

Mid-afternoon – a Service of Thanksgiving for everyone in the church.

Monday 4th June – Possible beacon lighting during the late evening.

In addition, the Parish Council hopes to plant a tree in the Paddock and also to give a commemorative mug to all primary school aged children in the village.

In respect of the mugs, we would be delighted to collect the names of all children of primary school age who live in Upchurch, but do not attend Holywell School. Please let one of the committee know so that they will receive one.

Sara Tucker tel: 01634 388971   Pat New tel: 01634 374220   Sue Rossiter tel: 01634 234780

Sue Rossiter

Miss Broughton and Holywell School

A throwback to the Victorian era, her lengthy period of 31 years as headmistress was not without controversy as she shaped the lives of consecutive generations of Upchurch children.

Known as ‘Fanny’ Broughton to her pupils, she attended Sittingbourne County School from 1918 to 1924, had served as an unqualified teacher then entered Goldsmiths College London in 1926. She was then appointed to Sheerness Rose Street Junior School in 1929. After a short period at Sheerness Broadway Junior School she arrived at Holywell in September 1936.
Newly appointed Phyllis Broughton created a stir when parents discovered she was a Catholic. After all, Holywell had started as a Church of England school. Revd Lightburne writing in the parish magazine in October 1936 tried to reassure parents by stressing that her religious denomination had no bearing on her selection but expressed sadness that she would not be able to participate in the village church.
The H.M.I Report of November 17th 1937 recognised Miss Broughton’s talent as a teacher:
The headmistress gives vigorous lessons in physical training to both classes and the results of her introduction of imaginative painting and pattern work allied with simple book craft are most satisfactory.
Memories of Upchurch.
A strict, no nonsense lady with a round face, Miss Broughton used her own effective methods of dealing with pupils. A serious tantrum sometimes led to incarceration in the cloakroom at playtime, several sharp raps across the palm of the hand with a wooden ruler were frequently given for dissent. Occasionally, a ball kicked into Mr Steven’s adjacent field of bullocks during playtime would sometimes be retrieved by a pupil without permission. Reported immediately by watching ‘goody goodies’, Miss Broughton would soon be on hand with her trusty ruler ready to administer the inevitable punishment.
Few dared defy or question Miss Broughton. Her brother served as a detective inspector in the police so order and discipline ran in the family. However, she also demonstrated a sympathetic side as an entry in the school log book dated April 3rd 1939 shows: Percy Still bitten by a dog on the way to school. Treated in school–suffering from shock so was sent home.
On October 30th 1946 she wrote: During gardening Graham Clemons accidentally stuck a digging fork in Roger Martin’s foot. The wound was cleaned and dressed then the boy sent home.
Miss Broughton had an eye for picking potential 11 plus pupils and concentrated her efforts on them, ensuring the select group passed for the local grammar school. This method led to praise from some parents but criticism from others. A dedicated teacher, she consistently maintained good order and generally gained respect. She also successfully ran the school under difficult circumstances during World War Two when Upchurch based Rainham Secondary pupils had to return to Holywell to continue their education, sharply increasing numbers from 39 to 95 in 1940.
Miss Broughton finally retired in 1967 and is still remembered by former Holywell pupils for helping to shape their early education, with a few sharp raps across the palm with the dreaded ruler along the way.

David Wood, who was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village.

David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on:  price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Advice Surgery Appointments

MP Gordon Henderson.

Gordon Henderson will be hosting an advice surgery at Upchurch Village Hall on Friday the 2nd of March from 5pm until 7pm.

If any local residents are experiencing problems and would like to talk to their MP, please ask them to make an appointment by calling: 01795 423199.

Jess McMahon

Constituency Senior Caseworker to Gordon Henderson MP

Member of Parliament for Sittingbourne & Sheppey

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Pie, Mash and Liquor at The Brown Jug

The Brown Jug Upchurch are serving Dan's homemade Pie, Mash and Liquor this Friday the 17th, from 7:00pm - 10:00pm.

Please book early to avoid disappointment. Tel: 01634 366543.

Upchurch Matters

Monday, 13 February 2012

Upchurch Farmers Market

The first Upchurch Farmers Market of 2012 is on Sunday the 26th of February. Doors open at 10:00 am through to 1:00 pm.

There will be some 30 stalls on the day providing a wide range of local produce, services and crafts.

Affiliated to 
Kent Farmers Markets Association.

Dave Candy

Handel's Messiah at St. Mary’s Church

Upchurch Choral Society with conductor Helen Osborne and organist Sue Rossiter will be performing excerpts from Handel's Messiah on Good Friday, the 6th of April.

The show starts at 7:00pm at St Mary’s Church, Upchurch and entrance is FREE !

There will be a retiring collection in aid of Leukaemia Research.

All welcome.

Liz Walters

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Thank you from Upchurch Scouts

The Scouts Paper Chase in on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
On behalf of Upchurch Scouts, our heartfelt thanks to all the residents of Upchurch for the trouble they have taken to either tie their papers with string, or put them in cardboard boxes for our monthly paper collection this morning

We really do appreciate the effort you have taken.

Thanks again, please keep on saving your paper.

Jim Harman

Thursday, 9 February 2012

PFHS Pamper Evening

A great idea for a treat for someone in your family !
The Parents and Friends of Holywell School are holding a Pamper Evening at the School on Friday the 16th of March starting at 6:45pm.

Treatments available are: Reiki, Reflexology, Manicures, Pedicures, Tarot Card Readings and Waxing. Stalls will  be selling ICE Jewellery, Bunting and Bags and Phoenix Cards, there will also be a raffle.

Please bring your own refreshments and nibbles.

Entry tickets cost £2.50 each. To pre book treatments text Julie on : 07795 104031

Feel free to bring as many friends and family as you wish.

Upchurch Matters.

Upchurch Parish Council Report - March 2012

The Parish Council met on Thursday 2nd February in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 6 Councillors were present and 7 members of the public including PSCO Platt.

Public TimePCSO Platt reported that PCSO McCall will no longer be the PCSO for Upchurch. We await details of her replacement. Bus Shelter – One resident commented on the bus shelter recently installed in Lower Halstow and hoped that Upchurch would have one soon. One resident asked for further information on the questionnaire carried out by a resident supporting the bus shelter. Another resident reminded members that the proposed location was opposite a beautiful church and the Old School. He feared that the shelter would attract anti-social behaviour. Another resident explained that he had carried out a survey of the number of people using the bus during the last month. He reported that apart from the school children, normally 18, the 9:29 bus had the most people waiting for it, usually 5. However most of the time, there was no-one waiting for the bus. He commented that it would have to be a large shelter to accommodate 18 school children. Rural Needs Housing – A resident commented that issues with car parking in the centre of the village and the demand on school places needed to be considered in relation to this scheme.

CorrespondenceVillage Hall Management Committee – A letter expressing thanks for the Councils generous offer of a grant of £3,000 towards the cost of removing asbestos. War Memorial – An email from a resident seeking the Councils comments on an Upchurch War Memorial. Members discussed this suggestion and commented on the memorials at the church i.e. the Church Clock, the tablet inside the Lady Chapel and the war graves in the Churchyard. Cllr New asked for a copy of the email.            
Planning - The following applications will be considered by the Planning Review Team and reported at the next Parish Council Meeting:
SW/12/0079 39 Oak Lane – Proposed two storey side and rear extension
SW/12/0058 Hursell Farm, Chaffes Lane – Change of use of site to allow the siting of a gypsy mobile home with associated parking and amenity space (retrospective)
Permissions and Refusals – the following decisions have been received:
permission granted:
SW/11/0949 79 Chaffes Lane – Retrospective application for amendments to scheme approved under SW/10/0762 comprising additional bedroom and en-suite in loft space together with roof lights and light tube in roof slopes, barn hip to rear gable and porthole window to garden room
Permission refused:
SW/11/1296 Frogs Farm, Susans Lane – Retrospective application for the building of an agricultural barn
Other Planning matters Rural Needs Housing - The working group reported that holding a drop in event would be more productive than arranging a referendum. Members discussed various ways this event could be organised. It was suggested that at this event, residents could be given the opportunity to vote for the Parish Council to continue with the housing scheme and if so, which site they would prefer to be put forward. Another suggestion was to ask residents to vote on a site selected by the Parish Council. It was agreed that the working group needed to meet with Alison Thompson (English Rural Housing Association) and Tessa O’Sullivan (Action with Communities in Rural Kent) to discuss the next steps.
Finance Cheque for approval & signature – It was agreed that a cheque to the sum of £3,000 to Upchurch Village Hall Fund be signed.
Allotments and Recreation GroundWater usage at the Allotments - Cllr Apps confirmed that the water had been turned off and that there was no leak. He explained that the amount of water used in the three month period at the end of last year had been high but could not explain why. Members discussed various suggestions to tackling this issue. Cllr Apps will report back when the water is turned back on.                        
Paddock External hedgeCllr Catford reported that this would need cutting back shortly and would liaise with the Clerk as to the timing of this.                                    
Burial Ground and ChurchyardTree Related Subsidence at 2 Horsham LaneThe Council will be obtaining a quote for the removal of the trees adjacent to this property as requested in the report issued by Oriel Services Ltd. It is claimed that these trees are causing damage to this property. Yew Tree in Burial Ground A tree surgeon will be consulted regarding cutting back this tree and the Clerk will find out if this tree has a TPO.
EnvironmentQueens Diamond Jubilee CelebrationsThe sub-committee reported their ideas for these celebrations which included an all-faiths service on Sunday afternoon, a family event on Sunday morning and gifts for the children. Cllr Rossiter had brought two sample mugs to show members the style and design chosen by the committee. Also, an example of the logo and wording was distributed. Village Clean up dayCllr Catford explained that as the village cleaner was carrying out an excellent job, it was not necessary to organise a clean-up day this year. Cllr Lewin reported that he had forwarded a request to Swale BC for a litter pick in Oak Lane.
Highways Proposed Bus Shelter – It was commented that further research was required on the design of a bus shelter. Cllr New offered to lead a small sub-group who could investigate further a suitable design for the bus shelter. This could then be reviewed by the Parish Council before consulting the Conservation Officer. It was suggested that then a consultation event could be held. The Clerk will obtain ideas for designs of bus shelters and along with Cllr New investigate further with two or three residents. An email had been received from a resident strongly objecting to the planning of a bus shelter to be constructed in Horsham Lane/The Street. Letters of concern had also been received from residents living opposite the proposed location, along with results of a survey carried out in January.
Next meetings – 1st March 2012 and 29th March 2012, starting at 7.30pm in the Hall of Holywell Primary School. Please note that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held at the Village Hall on Thursday 26th April starting at 7.30pm where refreshments will be available after the meeting. Everyone is welcome.
 Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road Tel: 01634 363906
Office opening hours: Monday – Thursday 9.00 – 11.30am
Parish Councillors Contact Details are available on the Parish Council Notice boards and website. Please be aware that the Parish Council Office is at my home address therefore I request that you respect the opening times.

Upchurch Parish Council

The Well - This Sunday

The Well - A Community Cafe for local villages. Enjoy a home-cooked lunch for £2.50 this Sunday, 12 February, with loads of free activities for the kids to do so you have a chance to have some time off.

This Sunday The Well includes a free book, CD & DVD swap, so bring along something you've read or watched and swap it for something new.

The Well is open from 12:30-2:30pm in Newington Village Hall and everyone is welcome. No need to book, just turn up.

Hugh Nelson

Upchurch War Memorial article in the KM Sittingbourne News Extra

The KM Sittingbourne News Extra ran this article yesterday on the Proposed new War Memorial for Upchurch. Thanks very much to Hayley Robinson for writing such a nice piece.

Click on the article to enlarge it.

Upchurch Matters

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Memories of Working at Horsham Farm

Milking the cows, looking after the pigs, sheep and bull, Bob Bearup who has lived in Upchurch all his life, loved his work at Horsham Farm where he started as a school leaver in 1958.

“I had always wanted to work with animals”, he says. “I could have gone to college to learn more about it but ‘Nutty’ Gransden who taught me everything about livestock at the farm advised me not to. I later got diplomas in dairy and beef production by studying full time. This qualified me as a stockman in those areas”

“The day began at 5 a.m. with the milking of cows”, says Bob. “This was followed by breakfast. After that the sheds were cleaned out and washed then the young stock fed. Next, the main work of the day took place with haymaking in summer which I hated because I was away from the animals.  Afternoon milking took place at 3 p.m. then the sheds were cleaned out again before the day ended.”

Horsham Farm Upchurch.
Horsham Farm consisted of 100 acres of land and was managed by Lyn Jenkins who employed several other men. These included Sid Jenkins, ‘Nutty Gransden’, Terry Tomkins and Bob Trice. Kath Jenkins, Lyn’s wife, also helped out. The farmland and house were rented from Rugby Portland Cement Company and the farm produced milk and beef with a herd of 25 to 30 Sussex cows. Sheep and pigs were also produced.  Mrs Bearup and Mrs Sketchley from Chaffes Lane and Mrs Trice from Drakes Close were regular seasonal workers who prepared the Christmas fowl annually in December.

A fatal disaster almost occurred when Lyn Jenkins got gored by the farm bull. After instructing the workers not to go into the pen unaccompanied, he broke his own rule when he entered it alone. The bull immediately charged and knocked him to the ground then began goring him. Bob says, “Terry Tomkins and I tried to help after Lyn shouted out. As I wrestled with the bull it dragged me towards the farm building. I knew I had to do something quickly otherwise if it pinned me against the wall I was finished. I managed to grab its nose ring and twist it hard until the animal fell on its side.” Lyn Jenkins luckily escaped with superficial injuries while Bob remained uninjured.

There was also a comical side to the work and Bob remembers haymaking on the hay cart with Eric Woolley and Terry Tomkins when a wheel came off and all of them were flung to the ground amongst the hay which ended in laughter after an awkward moment.

Horsham Farm finally ceased production in 1984 due to pressures of the European Economic Community after operating as a working farm for centuries. The house with eight acres was sold to a private buyer while the remaining farmland was rented to Bill Barling from Poot Lane. Although Bob was sad about the farm closure he describes his experience there as, “One of the best times of my life. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.”

David Wood, who was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village.

David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on:  price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood

Friendship Lunch - Next Venue and Date

The next Friendship Lunch will be held in Iwade Village Hall, from 12:00 noon until 2:00 pm on Friday the 13th of April.

If you wish to come, to help us to know numbers, please call the following contacts by Monday evening the 9th of April: Ron Partridge on: 01795 842007 or Sylvia O'Shea on: 01795 478103. If you need a lift, also please call Ron Partridge on: 01795 842007.

Ron Partridge

Monday, 6 February 2012

Church News

 St. Margaret’s Church, Lower Halstow.
If anyone would like to join our newly started Alpha Course – (An introduction to Christianity), we have one up and running right now. Hosted by St. Margaret’s, Lower Halstow, it is open to all those reading this especially Upchurch folk! No pressure, give it a try for one session and then decide. It starts in the church at 7:00p.m. with a hot supper, DVD, questions and answers, finishing at 9:00p.m. We have 14 taking part at the moment. Queries? Ring Revd. Jacky Davis on: 01795 842557 or Revd. Hugh Nelson on: 01795 589857.

We will be marking the beginning of Lent by sharing an Ash Wednesday service also in Lower Halstow Church, on Wednesday the 22nd of February at 7:30p.m. This will be a Sung Communion service with the opportunity to receive a cross of ash on your forehead.  (This is not compulsory). The service will be clearly explained throughout, and if you have never been to Lower Halstow church before, you’re in for a treat. It will be warm and candle lit. To find it, enter the village and turn left into Lapwing Drive, follow to the end of the road, bearing to the right. Park here and the church can be seen down on the right.

Our Lent Course will be starting on Tuesday the 5th of March from 9:30a.m. - 11.30a.m. at 3 Horsham Lane, Upchurch , (opp. the church’s front door). Our hosts are Bryan and Evelyn Veale. It will be led by Revd. Jacky, we had 17 who enjoyed it last year!  YOU are very welcome to join us!

Lastly, in preparation for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, St. Mary’s will be mounting an exhibition of mementos, photos, and written memories of those who remember that day in 1953!  Can we borrow your memories?  If we can, please contact Elizabeth Shorthouse on: 01634 364676.

Thank you very much

Revd. Jacky Davis

Upchurch Twinning Group Quiz Night - Report

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.
A good time was had by all who attended the Twinning Group Quiz Night on Saturday the 4th of February 2012. We are very proud to say that we made a profit of £466.00. This will go towards the cost of coaches for the Holywell School and Choral Group to visit our twinned village of Ferques this spring.

Our thanks to all who came, in spite of the inclement weather and participated to make it possible.

Sue Rossiter

Twinning Group Secretary

Thursday, 2 February 2012

News from Upchurch Scout Group

Upchurch Scouts are looking for more adults to help out.

The Upchurch Scout Group is a registered charity. The Group is made up of the following sections, which all meet weekly in Drakes Lodge on the recreation ground in the village. 

Beavers (5 ¾ – 8 yrs) Mondays 6:00pm - 7:00pm 

Cubs (8 – 10 ½ yrs) Mondays 7:15 - 8:30pm 

Scouts (10 ½ - 14 yrs) Fridays 7:30pm – 9:00pm 

If your child wishes to join any section of the Scout Group please phone either Darren on: 01634 373313 for Beavers or Cubs, or Robin and Diane on: 01634 371921 for Scouts. For all other enquiries please phone Rozz on: 01634 375168.

(We are an expanding group so are always looking for more adults to help out)

Beavers is great fun and you can start at 5 ¾ !

Rozz Dyett (GSL)

Cub Camp Newsletter 2012 by Cub Joshua Rose

At Cub camp in Bexon Lane, Sittingbourne, we did all sorts of activities. Here are just some of them;

Shooting, abseiling, archery, rotating climbing wall, rocket bottle, orienteering, obstacle course, and a sing-song around the massive camp fire!

You will never be bored because there are lots of activities and jobs to do! So who wants to have a full English breakfast or enjoy a barbeque, make new friends and sleep in an enormous tent? Maybe you would like to join Upchurch Cubs then you could come camping at Bexon Lane too!

Joshua Rose


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