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Thursday, 12 January 2012

Upchurch Parish Council Report - January and February 2012

The Parish Council met on Thursday 1st December in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 7 Councillors were present and 3 members of the public.

Planning - The following applications were considered:
 SW/11/1150 6 Wallbridge Lane – Change of use to a residential unit caring for young mothers - babies. A further response will be submitted to Swale BC. Concern was expressed that some information was still not known, for example, who is behind this planning application, who is going to run the unit? It was noted that the service users would be voluntarily accommodated under S20 of the Children Act 1989 which stated that “Every local authority shall provide accommodation for any child in need within their area...” However, it was commented that they were not aware of any need being identified, therefore it was requested that this evidence of “need” be reported.

Permission granted:
SW/11/1161 Redbrick Cottage, Poot Lane – Rear extension. To be used as a plant room (To house oil storage & boiler)
vi) Proposal to hold a private party for Scout Leaders, Committee Members and Supporters of the Scout Group on 31 December 2011 at Upchurch Scout Group Headquarters, Drake Lodge Recreation Ground, Oak Lane – There were no objections.                                                
Rural Needs HousingMembers discussed a request from a resident asking that a full declaration of interest be made by each councillor on the working party. It was agreed that sufficient checks were in place to ensure that they all behaved properly in relation to this proposal. Members noted a suggestion forwarded by Tessa O’Sullivan (ACRK) that it may be viable to build 8 to 10 units. Alison Thompson (ERHA) had also agreed that this might be possible and that the site next to Holywell Primary School could be considered. However, the Planning Officer at Swale BC had commented that it would need to be demonstrated that the other, more preferable sites originally identified, were not able to come forward, and also state the reason. Support for this site would also be subject to the design, bulk and scale of the proposed houses and how they relate to their surroundings. It was decided that the working group would meet to discuss this and report back at the next Parish Council meeting.
AdministrationAnnual Parish Meeting – This has been arranged for Thursday 26th April 2012 at 7.30pm in the main hall of Upchurch Village Hall. Everyone is welcome and wine and nibbles will be available after the meeting.
Allotments and Recreation GroundBonfire at Allotments – Members considered a request by a resident to stipulate times of the day when bonfires were allowed at the Allotments. It was suggested that allotment holders were reminded to show consideration to the neighbours and ensure that bonfires were not left unattended.
Paddock Dumping of garden waste – The Council would like to remind everyone that garden waste must not be disposed of in the Paddock and that it is considered as fly tipping.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardSt Marys Churchyard – footpath to Burial Ground - Members were informed that a quote had been received from First Highways Ltd.
EnvironmentQueens Diamond Jubilee – Please do consider joining the committee. They are hoping to plan an event which would be suitable for all ages. If you are interested, please contact the Clerk. Rural Broadband – Please consider completing a “needs” survey that is currently being carried out by KCC. You can access this by entering KCC Broadband in the search engine.
The Parish Council met on Thursday 5th January 2012 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 7 Councillors were present and 4 members of the public.

SW/11/1527 39 Oak LaneTwo storey side and rear extension – No objections.
SW/11/1520 81 Beckenham Park, Otterham Quay Lane – Laying of hardstanding to provide disabled parking bay – No objections.
SW/11/1296 Frogs Farm, Susans Lane – Retrospective application for the building of an agricultural barn - No objections.
Permission granted:
SW/11/1263 16 Oak Lane – Renewal of SW/08/0942 for single storey side and rear extension
SW/11/1160 Field to the rear of 32/62 Hartlip Hill – Variation of condition 4 of SW/11/0653 to allow 3 mobile field shelters and two horse trailers
SW/11/1394 1 Macklands Cottage, Otterham Quay Lane – Erection of single storey conservatory to rear
SW/11/1369 8 Drakes Close – To convert an integral garage into a habitable room and alteration to front elevation to remove garage door and replace with brick and window.

Rural Needs Housing - The working group had met to discuss the next steps. They recommended that members consider the two sites at the next meeting and agree which one to pursue further for this scheme. There would be an opportunity for members to discuss the site selection at the next meeting before a vote was taken. Then there would be a public meeting to further discuss the site selected. Following this public meeting, a referendum would be arranged. Residents would be asked whether they would like the scheme to go ahead or not. It was made clear that no decision would be made until the Council had received the results of the referendum. The Council has yet to decide how the results of the referendum will be interpreted.           
FinanceVillage Hall Asbestos Problem - It was agreed to forward a grant of £3,000 towards the cost of asbestos removal. Budget/Precept 2012/13 – It was agreed to submit a 0% increase in the precept.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardSt Marys Churchyard – Members noted confirmation from the PCC that they would be willing to contribute half the cost for widening the footpath.
Environment - Poplars at front of Oak Lane and corner of Wallbridge LaneA letter from Upchurch River Valley Golf Course explaining that during January they proposed to top out the Poplars. They requested that residents did not park on the site line during January. Queens Diamond Jubilee – Members are considering removing the tree stump in the Paddock and replanting a tree to mark the Queens Diamond Jubilee.
Highways Proposed Bus Shelter - Advice from Conservation Officer at Swale BC had been received. However, members were concerned that the designs he had suggested were all made of wood. Therefore the Clerk will forward him a copy of the design which the Council was considering. Also results of a questionnaire prepared by a resident supporting the need for a bus shelter were circulated.
Next meetings 2nd February and 1st March. Meetings start at 7.30pm and are held in the school Hall of Holywell Primary School.
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Rd. Tel: 01634 363906
(office hours Mon-Thurs 9-11.30am)

Upchurch Parish Council


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