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Thursday, 10 November 2011

Upchurch Parish Council Report for December 2011

The Parish Council met on Thursday 3rd November in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public.

Public Time – A resident raised concerns about a street light in The Poles, which was still not working even though it had been reported. It was explained that the Council was required to report four street lights before DW Lighting would attend. Another resident raised concerns about vehicles parking on pavements, particularly at night, which caused pedestrians to walk in the road. The Council would like to remind people not to obstruct pathways when parking. Another resident referred to the November report in the Gabriel, asking why it referred to the traveller’s site formally known as Hursell Farm. It was explained that a resident had raised this issue and the Council was unaware of the situation. The resident reported that a planning application was being prepared by Mr Cullen of Kent Drawing.

CorrespondenceMonthly Indoor Boot fair to be held in Village HallA request from Lisa Older to use The Paddock as an overflow car park if required. Members considered this request and decided that more information was required about the people organising the Boot fair and also, highlight that a charge or donation may be made for the use of The Paddock. Swale Community Safety Unit – An email from Sergeant Tim Hill providing information about the unit and asking if the Council would like to gain a better understanding of this, the work they do and how they could assist our community. It was suggested that he might like to attend the Annual Parish Meeting in April 2012.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
SW/11/1150 6 Wallbridge Lane – Change of use to a residential unit caring for young mothers – babies - The following objections had been forwarded to Swale BC:-
·      The fact that it would be a business amongst residential properties and could possibly devalue them if the owners wish to sell at a future date
·      For Health & Safety reasons, it would not be appropriate for babies/toddlers to be in the vicinity of the covered swimming pool that takes up most of the garden at the rear of the property.  In this respect, it raises the question as to whether planning permission was sought or obtained for this to be built.
·      The residents adjacent to the property are elderly and one very elderly next door neighbour, who has a full-time carer, would find any excessive noise disturbing
·      It would be helpful if more information could be provided as to the ownership and management of the unit.  Are the staff to be subjected to CRB checks? The Council queries the need for such a unit in the 21st. century when unmarried mothers are not shut away in disgrace.  Are the residents likely to be battered wives who could have abusive partners causing a nuisance?  Is their stay to be temporary or permanent?  Will there be a constant change of residents?
SW/11/1160 Field to the rear of 32/62 Hartlip Hill – Variation of condition 4 of SW/11/0653 to allow 3 mobile field shelters and two horse trailers –No objections.
SW/11/1161 Redbrick Cottage, Poot Lane – Rear extension. To be used as plant room (To house oil storage & boiler) No objections.
SW/11/1226 Unit 12, Oast Park Trading Estate, Spade Lane, Hartlip – Use of unit 12 for B1 purposes –No objections.
SW/11/1263 16 Oak Lane – renewal of SW/08/0942 for single storey side and rear extension- No objections.
Permissions and refusals
Permission granted:
SW/11/1020 18 Horsham Lane – demolition of existing conservatory and existing rear extension and erection of new single storey pitched roof extension
SW/11/0866 Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – Stationing of portable office/restroom
SW/11/0867 Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – Formation of areas of hard standing, siting of wheel spinner, CCTV cameras and stanchion
Local Needs Housing –  An email from Alison Thompson of English Rural Housing Association informing the Council that the land owners of the site in Forge Lane opposite Holywell Primary School had decided not to sell this land. Members discussed the process taken by the Council to date and how it could decide what to do next. It was commented that deciding on whether to progress with this scheme would be a strategic decision for the village to make. It was suggested that the working group meet to discuss what do to next and to find a way of getting an objective view from all residents. Cllr Catford, Cllr Lewin and Cllr New would meet to discuss this and it was agreed that Cllr Tucker would also join the working group.                       
Finance KCC Community Engagement Grants Scheme 2011-12 – The Clerk reported that the grant for improvements to The Paddock was not supported by Keith Ferrin. Village Hall Asbestos Problem - A letter had been received from the Village Hall Management Committee requesting funding for the cost of asbestos removal, to the sum of £4,800. Members discussed various ways they could support this request. However, it was agreed that further information was still required, therefore the Clerk would forward them a grant application form in which to complete.                       
Allotments and Recreation GroundGoal Posts in Recreation Ground Advice from Graeme Tuff, Green spaces Manager at Swale BC had been circulated which suggested installing two 5 a side goal posts. The Clerk will obtain three quotes. Unfortunately, it was commented that the road cones, purchased by the Council, for the benefit of the footballers had been vandalised.  Allotment Rent Review – Members agreed that this be increased to £14 for a resident with a full plot and £23 for a non-resident, effective April 2012.
Paddock Tree work required by 22 Chaffes Lane – It was agreed to accept the quote from Lindsay & Company to the sum of £150 to fell and remove 3 overhanging false acacia.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardSt Marys Churchyard – Footpath to Burial Ground – Members had met with Neil sheppard of First Highways Ltd to discuss installing a footpath in the Churchyard, leading round to the Village Hall Car Park.
EnvironmentQueens Diamond Jubilee – Cllr New, Cllr Rossiter and Cllr Tucker will be forming a committee to discuss ideas or suggestions on how to celebrate this occasion. Residents are invited to join this committee too, please contact the Clerk for further details or if you wish to suggest any ideas.
Highways - Small ProfitsTrack at end of Crosier Court – An email from Michael Ellis, Public Rights of Way Officer, explaining that this track was privately owned. The public had a legal right to use the track as pedestrians and the landowner can give permission to individuals to use their land. He advised that he would only get involved if the exercise of private rights i.e. the Lorries damaged the surface to such an extent that it was no longer possible for the public to walk up and down the track.

Next meetings – 1st December 2011 and 5th January 2012 in the hall of Holywell School at 7.30pm.
 Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 363906
Office opening hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00am till 11.30am
Upchurch Parish Council


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