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Thursday, 19 May 2011

Upchurch Parish Council report for June 2011

Annual Parish Meeting - This was held on Thursday 28th April in the Hall of Holywell Primary School, where all Councillors attended and 28 members of the public. Chairman’s Report - Mr Catford presented his report and thanked the five Councillors that were not seeking re-election on 5th May. This was followed by an opportunity for the public to ask questions. Rural Needs Housing - Alison Thompson, from the English Rural Housing Association presented information on the process for providing rural needs housing in Upchurch and answered questions/concerns that were raised. Accounts -The final accounts were presented and approved by all. Road Safety in Upchurch - The possibility of using a radar camera (portable type) to measure the speed of vehicles around the village was suggested. Anyone interested in volunteering to operate the camera is asked to let the Clerk know. Provision of a Bus Shelter - Comments were heard from both residents supporting and opposing the provision of a bus shelter opposite the Church to serve people using the 327 bus service.  The Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebrations June 2012 – Ideas suggested were to hold a sports event in the Recreation Ground and a street party (garden party) in The Paddock where each street would be allocated a table. Anyone wishing to support these ideas or make anymore suggestions was encouraged to contact the Clerk. Refreshments were enjoyed by those present after the meeting.

Annual Meeting of the Council - This was held on Thursday 12th May in Challenger block of Holywell Primary School where 6 Councillors were present and 2 members of the public. At this meeting, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected and decisions made about responsibilities. John Catford was elected Chairman, with Cllr Gerry Lewin as Vice-Chairman for another year. The other Councillors volunteered for various jobs and responsibilities.

Administration – Vacancy for Two Councillors – Members would like to co-opt any persons to fill the vacancies remaining unfilled. It is hoped to carry out interviews prior to the start of the meeting to be held on 2nd June. Please contact the Chairman or the Clerk if you would like further details.

CorrespondenceUpchurch Village Hall – Members were informed that the Village Hall is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and that the Hall had been booked for the whole day on Saturday 12th November for everyone to take part in commemorating this event. It is hoped to set up a stall advertising the roles and responsibilities of the Parish Council. Upchurch Festival of Music- Members agreed to sponsor this event.

Planning - The following applications were considered:           
SW/11/0458 Jasmil Kennels, Breach Lane, Lower Halstow Removal of existing portacabin office and erection of timber office building- The Planning Review Team had no objections.
SW/11/0946 Jack Russell Place, Halstow Lane – Removal of condition (1) of permission SW/08/0917 to permit permanent occupancy of the site for Gypsy family. Members discussed this application and also, the Consultation by the Government “Planning for Traveller Sites” that is currently taking place. This will eventually lead to new National Planning Policy when this part of the Localism Bill is passed. This consultation will end on 6th July 2011. The document can be found at:
It was decided that the Planning Review Team would forward their comments on this application to Swale BC and will be reported at the next meeting.

PN/10/0013 Land behind 79-93 Chaffes Lane – prior notification for a barn.
Permissions and refusals - The following decisions had been received from Swale BC
Permissions granted:
SW/11/0251 30 Woolbrook Close – Erection of 800mm high timber fence to side boundary.
SW/11/0183 New Kaine Farm, Holywell Lane – Installation of solar panels (564 in total) to three agricultural buildings.
Certificate of lawfulness of proposed use or development:
SW/11/0136 3 Homefield Drive – Pitched roof glass conservatory at rear, as shown on the drawings received 23rd February 2011.
Rural Needs Housing – Site in Forge Lane opposite Holywell School – The director of the landowners had indicated that they had no objection to selling the land in principle but would need to know a lot more detail before committing themselves.  It is expected that Alison Thompson, from English Rural Housing Association will contact them directly.

vii) Unauthorised Gypsy encampments in Swale – A Report and Information Line is available on 08458 247 247 or by  email on:

Points raised at the Annual Parish MeetingBarrier at the end of the Recreation ground footpath by Bishop Lane/Oak Lane - The Clerk will seek the advice of RoSPA. Parking in the Village Centre – Members will consult Swale BC. Use of radar camera to record vehicles speeding Four volunteers have come forward. If anyone is interested in volunteering, please let the Clerk know. Training will be given and it is hoped to have a team of around 10 trained to operate the camera. Provision of a Bus Shelter – The Clerk will contact PCSO McCall to outline the proposal and obtain her opinion on anti-social behaviour in the village. Bus Stop at Windmill Hill – Cllr Lewin reported the issue of overgrown vegetation at this location was still on-going.  Possibility of using the garage in Horsham Lane for car parking – Members discussed this suggestion raised by a resident. It was decided not to pursue this at the present time.

Paddock Safety Issues by entrance in Chaffes Lane - A resident had raised safety concerns with the entrance to this footpath into the Paddock, nearest to Bradshaw Close. To be discussed again at the next meeting. Members are considering closing this entrance, please let the Clerk know if you have any comments.

Highways – Installation of street light outside Holywell Primary School – A quote for connection to the unmetered supply had been received. Unfortunately, this quote was higher than expected; therefore it is unlikely that this street light will be installed at present.
Temporary Closure of A2 High Street, Newington – Kent Highway Services are planning to temporarily close this section from 25th July 2011 for up to 6 weeks. This is to allow essential gas mains replacement works to be carried out where the road is narrow. More details of diversion routes will be given nearer the time.

Sunday 327 Bus Service – Kent County Council are proposing to withdraw this Sunday service from 31st December 2011. Members will look into possible ways forward.

Next meetings – 2nd June and 7th July, in Challenger Block of Holywell School, starting at 7.30pm.

Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 363906
Upchurch Parish Council


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