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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Bredgar and Wormshill Light Railway June open day

See two newly restored locos.
Bredgar and Wormshill Light Railway June open day starts with two new locomotives on Sunday 5th June.

It has been a very long time since we steamed two newly restored locos on the same day but this coming Sunday we will be doing just that.

'Zambezi' was built in Leeds in 1912. Exported to Mozambique it worked at the Sena Sugar Estates until about 1965. It came to Bredgar in 1998 and required extensive work, including re-gauging from 1ft. 7.5 ins. to 2ft. and a new boiler to be fitted. All done.

'Helge' was built in Berlin in 1936 and worked on large construction sites in Northern Germany until 1957. It was brought to Bredgar in 1999 - as a large kit of parts but without a complete boiler. Now completely overhauled and with a new boiler fitted it will return to service in June.

We also have a new updated and more extensive guide book with lots of new information. The new standard guide book price on the gate is £4 however print this email and get your copy for just £3.

We can't guarantee the weather , although it does look like it could be kind to us, but we can guarantee a really good time with new things to see. We are going to be joined by the G.Scale Society and there will be a model aircraft display from the Medway Model Flying Club. Come
join us - kids of all ages welcome!!!.

After last years succcessful issue of season tickets we are offering annual membership at an even lower price of £30 per adult which will include one child. Extra children are £12. This will get you into all public and any member only events for 12 months.

Visit us at:  to find out more about BWLR and events.

Bill Best


Nursery Days Ltd Charity Teddy Bears Picnic and Walk

Bring along your Bears.
Nursery Days Ltd is holding a Charity Teddy Bears Picnic and Walk on Wednesday 22nd June between 9:30 – 11:15 am in Upchurch Paddock, to raise money for CLIC Sargent for children with cancer.

All funds raised will be sent to Medway Maritine Hospital who also provide care for children at Great Ormond Street Hospital and University College Hospital.

For more information please contact them on:  01634 263896

Upchurch Matters

Sunday, 29 May 2011

The Amazing Edmund Drake

Vicar of Upchurch 1560-1567

One of the first things you will be told about local history when you visit Upchurch is that Sir Francis Drake's father was vicar of the village church. Unfortunately, little more information is usually given. So who was this man whose son gained world fame as a sea faring adventurer and pirate?  He was certainly not a conventional priest as demonstrated by his escape from Devon after criminal activity, living on a shipwreck and then becoming a village vicar with a wife and twelve children.

Edmund Drake was born into a Devonshire farming family in 1514 and was brought up at Crowndale Farm near Tavistock comprising of 157 acres of land. The family was well off by contemporary standards and the Lay Subsidy Rolls of 1524 show that Edmund personally possessed £4 worth of goods when aged ten.

Memories of Upchurch.
Edmund became a shearman in the cloth industry for a while but there was only part time work in Tavistock and he disliked it. After what was believed to be a brief period in farming he decided to enter the clergy. He was born a Catholic but after the religious changes made during the reign of Henry VIII he converted to Protestantism at an early age. Little information is available about his ordination as a vicar, the date or precise details of his work but it is known that he became a lay preacher in Devon for a while and was vehemently anti Catholic, a trait that his son Francis inherited. In 1539 he got married and had twelve children. His son Francis was the eldest. During these years Edmund struggled. He had a family to maintain but was unable to live well on his income. This was probably because he was initially unable to enter or advance in the clergy because he was married. Although celibacy in the clergy was formally abolished in the Church of England in 1549, Mary Tudor revived it in the early 1550s during her attempt to reintroduce Catholicism to England. Elizabeth 1 later relaxed the requirement during the 1560s.

According to the English Patent Rolls of 1548, Edmund, with the help of two accomplices, attacked a man named Roger Langiford just outside Tavistock on April 16th 1548. After beating him with staves and swords they stole his purse containing twenty one shillings and seven pence. Nine days later Edmund was involved in another incident when he and an accomplice attacked a man named John Harte at Peter Tavy near Tavistock. They stole his horse worth £3. However, in December 1548 Edmund was pardoned of both crimes. The reason is not clear but it was probably due to influence and money. Edmund's father knew the Abbot of Tavistock and Lord Russell who later became godfather to Edmund's son Francis.

Because of the Catholic rebellion in Devon against the imposition of the New English Prayer Book in 1549 Edmund, who may have suffered religious persecution, fled to Plymouth then took refuge in Kent. He found a home in the hulk of an old ship on the banks of the river Medway and became a prayer reader to seamen and shipwrights in Chatham. Edmund later applied to the Church authorities in Canterbury to become vicar of Upchurch. He succeeded and took up the position on June 25th 1560. It is not clear how he managed to do this, particularly with regard to his past misconduct but influence and his contacts in Devon probably played a part.

During the 1560s the parish of Upchurch consisted of 40 dwellings and had a population of about 250 people. The small port of Otterham Quay was situated nearby where six boats were based. Fourteen men from the village worked there and by getting to know them Edmund is thought to have secured an apprenticeship for his eldest son Francis. Until this time Francis had continued to live in Devon with the family of his cousin John Hawkins who also became a famous seamanFrancis did not attend school as Edmund is believed to have taught him to read and write himself. After this Francis obtained work on a small vessel that sailed up and down the river Medway to local and nearby continental ports. This is where he most likely learnt to sail. He later inherited the boat after the death of the owner.

Edmund continued as the vicar of Upchurch until his death in 1567. In such a small rural village as Upchurch he probably got to know his parishioners very well. He never returned to Devon. According to his will of December 26th, 1566 located in Canterbury Cathedral archives, he requested to be buried in Upchurch churchyard. This information is backed up by Lady Eliot Drake in her book Family and Heirs of Sir Francis Drake published in 1911.

Since Edmund’s death in 1567 the exact location of his grave in the churchyard is unknown as gravestones prior to the 18th century almost no longer exist there. He has been remembered as the father of Sir Francis Drake and his name has been given to a housing estate in the village known as Drakes Close.

David Wood, who was born and raised in Upchurch, is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village.

David Wood's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on:  price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood


Upchurch Twinning Group News

Upchurch is twinned with commune of Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.
Diary dates for you
Thursday 14th July 2011Bastille Day Street Fair in Ferques – the Twinning Groups from both Upchurch and Ferques will be there on their stall offering all sorts of goodies!  Come and have a day out or make it part of a longer break.
Saturday 27th August 2011Sporty Day in Upchurch.  To be held in the Recreation Ground.  A chance to meet up with some of the residents of Ferques, including youngsters, and enjoy a day of games of all descriptions, or just to observe and cheer on!  A Police Dog Handling Team and, hopefully, the Fire Service will be there and we hope to have a BBQ in the middle somewhere.
Upchurch is twinned with Ferques
Saturday 15th OctoberAnniversary Dinner and Dance in Ferques, again in Elinghen Village Hall.  This is an evening event, to include a meal and there will be some Celtic dancing this time.  No other details yet, but do consider going over to France that weekend for a jolly good time!
FRIENDS OF THE TWINNING GROUP – we are considering creating a “Friends of the Upchurch Twinning Group”.  These would be people willing to give practical support e.g. on stalls, or at events, giving hospitality etc etc.  Nothing too formal, but they would be people with a more firm connection to the committee, although of course the whole village of Upchurch is twinned with the whole village of Ferques.
BRIC-A-BRAC – we need your white elephants, unwanted presents, stuff you want to get rid of!  To sell on our stall at the Bastille Day fair (14th July).  Just contact us and we’ll collect or receive your donations.  Many thanks in advance.
Jim Harman (Chairman) 01634 235420                        Sue Rossiter (Secretary) 01634 234780

Upchurch Twinning Group

Friday, 27 May 2011

Inconsiderate parking can cost lives

Many roads across Swale, are regularly turned into: no-go zones, for fire engines, and other emergency vehicles, because cars are double-parked, positioned at junctions, or too far from the kerb.

Poor parking by the public, restricts access to emergencies, for fire engines, because they are wide vehicles, and need a lot of room, to reach an incident quickly. Selfish and Inconsiderate parking, is particularly bad around local schools, during drop off, and pick up times. In other parts of Swale, motorists who ignore these warnings, were fined.

Fire crews will continue to work alongside their Community Safety partners, including Swale Borough Council, Parking Enforcement Officers, to monitor this, and other problem areas across Swale. The Council will target those who continue to ignore this life saving message, which could involve fines for the perpetrators, and removal of any cars causing an obstruction.

Kent Fire and Rescue Service, Kent Police, and Swale Borough Council

Vacancy for Village Cleaner

Due to the resignation of the village cleaner, Upchurch Parish Council will be advertising this position soon.

It will be a part-time position, involving litter picking and road sweeping the village centre for approx 10 hours per week, to include either a Saturday or Sunday.

Anyone interested, please contact the Clerk for more information on: 01634 363906 or by Email:

Upchurch Parish Council

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Nursery Allotment Plots

Upchurch Horticultural Society (UHS) has two nursery (small) allotment plots available on the Oak Lane allotment site.

These plots need to be worked before planting and are immediately available to residents of UPCHURCH VILLAGE ONLY who feel they would like to grow their own vegetables but the thought of coping with a full-size plot is too daunting for them.

These plots have been paid for by UHS for this year. If you are interested in having one of the plots, please contact Peter Freeman on: 01634-363129 or, Maxine Budden on: 01634-366822 or
Email:  for further information.

Maxine Budden

Monday, 23 May 2011

Local Produce Fair

The Three Tuns Lower Halstow are hosting a Local Produce Fair on Bank Holiday Monday the 30th of May between 12-4 pm.

Local businesses will be there promoting their own products. Stall holders to include:

Buy local produce on the day.

The Seafood Centre and Farm Shop
Cottage Bakery
Justcutts Butchers
Greening Lower Halstow
Veggie Perrin
Ellies Dairy
The Cheesemakers of Canterbury
Taywell Ice Creams
Sugar Gems

+ More to be confirmed

There will be some free tastings on the day, plus a Hog Roast and up to 7 Local Ales and Ciders from Kentish Breweries and the usual bar menu served from 12-9pm.

Upchurch Matters

Friday, 20 May 2011

Results of uncontested election

The following Persons were elected Parish Councillors for Upchurch without contest:

Michael Apps, Ina Bean, John Catford, Brian Kennard, Gerald Lewin, Patricia New and Susan Rossiter.

Upchurch Matters

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Upchurch Parish Council report for June 2011

Annual Parish Meeting - This was held on Thursday 28th April in the Hall of Holywell Primary School, where all Councillors attended and 28 members of the public. Chairman’s Report - Mr Catford presented his report and thanked the five Councillors that were not seeking re-election on 5th May. This was followed by an opportunity for the public to ask questions. Rural Needs Housing - Alison Thompson, from the English Rural Housing Association presented information on the process for providing rural needs housing in Upchurch and answered questions/concerns that were raised. Accounts -The final accounts were presented and approved by all. Road Safety in Upchurch - The possibility of using a radar camera (portable type) to measure the speed of vehicles around the village was suggested. Anyone interested in volunteering to operate the camera is asked to let the Clerk know. Provision of a Bus Shelter - Comments were heard from both residents supporting and opposing the provision of a bus shelter opposite the Church to serve people using the 327 bus service.  The Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebrations June 2012 – Ideas suggested were to hold a sports event in the Recreation Ground and a street party (garden party) in The Paddock where each street would be allocated a table. Anyone wishing to support these ideas or make anymore suggestions was encouraged to contact the Clerk. Refreshments were enjoyed by those present after the meeting.

Annual Meeting of the Council - This was held on Thursday 12th May in Challenger block of Holywell Primary School where 6 Councillors were present and 2 members of the public. At this meeting, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected and decisions made about responsibilities. John Catford was elected Chairman, with Cllr Gerry Lewin as Vice-Chairman for another year. The other Councillors volunteered for various jobs and responsibilities.

Administration – Vacancy for Two Councillors – Members would like to co-opt any persons to fill the vacancies remaining unfilled. It is hoped to carry out interviews prior to the start of the meeting to be held on 2nd June. Please contact the Chairman or the Clerk if you would like further details.

CorrespondenceUpchurch Village Hall – Members were informed that the Village Hall is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and that the Hall had been booked for the whole day on Saturday 12th November for everyone to take part in commemorating this event. It is hoped to set up a stall advertising the roles and responsibilities of the Parish Council. Upchurch Festival of Music- Members agreed to sponsor this event.

Planning - The following applications were considered:           
SW/11/0458 Jasmil Kennels, Breach Lane, Lower Halstow Removal of existing portacabin office and erection of timber office building- The Planning Review Team had no objections.
SW/11/0946 Jack Russell Place, Halstow Lane – Removal of condition (1) of permission SW/08/0917 to permit permanent occupancy of the site for Gypsy family. Members discussed this application and also, the Consultation by the Government “Planning for Traveller Sites” that is currently taking place. This will eventually lead to new National Planning Policy when this part of the Localism Bill is passed. This consultation will end on 6th July 2011. The document can be found at:
It was decided that the Planning Review Team would forward their comments on this application to Swale BC and will be reported at the next meeting.

PN/10/0013 Land behind 79-93 Chaffes Lane – prior notification for a barn.
Permissions and refusals - The following decisions had been received from Swale BC
Permissions granted:
SW/11/0251 30 Woolbrook Close – Erection of 800mm high timber fence to side boundary.
SW/11/0183 New Kaine Farm, Holywell Lane – Installation of solar panels (564 in total) to three agricultural buildings.
Certificate of lawfulness of proposed use or development:
SW/11/0136 3 Homefield Drive – Pitched roof glass conservatory at rear, as shown on the drawings received 23rd February 2011.
Rural Needs Housing – Site in Forge Lane opposite Holywell School – The director of the landowners had indicated that they had no objection to selling the land in principle but would need to know a lot more detail before committing themselves.  It is expected that Alison Thompson, from English Rural Housing Association will contact them directly.

vii) Unauthorised Gypsy encampments in Swale – A Report and Information Line is available on 08458 247 247 or by  email on:

Points raised at the Annual Parish MeetingBarrier at the end of the Recreation ground footpath by Bishop Lane/Oak Lane - The Clerk will seek the advice of RoSPA. Parking in the Village Centre – Members will consult Swale BC. Use of radar camera to record vehicles speeding Four volunteers have come forward. If anyone is interested in volunteering, please let the Clerk know. Training will be given and it is hoped to have a team of around 10 trained to operate the camera. Provision of a Bus Shelter – The Clerk will contact PCSO McCall to outline the proposal and obtain her opinion on anti-social behaviour in the village. Bus Stop at Windmill Hill – Cllr Lewin reported the issue of overgrown vegetation at this location was still on-going.  Possibility of using the garage in Horsham Lane for car parking – Members discussed this suggestion raised by a resident. It was decided not to pursue this at the present time.

Paddock Safety Issues by entrance in Chaffes Lane - A resident had raised safety concerns with the entrance to this footpath into the Paddock, nearest to Bradshaw Close. To be discussed again at the next meeting. Members are considering closing this entrance, please let the Clerk know if you have any comments.

Highways – Installation of street light outside Holywell Primary School – A quote for connection to the unmetered supply had been received. Unfortunately, this quote was higher than expected; therefore it is unlikely that this street light will be installed at present.
Temporary Closure of A2 High Street, Newington – Kent Highway Services are planning to temporarily close this section from 25th July 2011 for up to 6 weeks. This is to allow essential gas mains replacement works to be carried out where the road is narrow. More details of diversion routes will be given nearer the time.

Sunday 327 Bus Service – Kent County Council are proposing to withdraw this Sunday service from 31st December 2011. Members will look into possible ways forward.

Next meetings – 2nd June and 7th July, in Challenger Block of Holywell School, starting at 7.30pm.

Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 363906
Upchurch Parish Council

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Vacancy for two Councillors

At the Local Elections held on 5th May, seven persons were nominated for the election of nine Councillors, therefore they were duly elected. Contact details of the Parish Councillors can be found on the notice board and website. The Parish Council would like to co-opt any persons to fill the vacancies remaining unfilled.

Anyone interested in coming on to the Council should apply in writing to the Clerk as soon as possible. The qualifications are that you should be a European national, at least 18 years old, an elector and living within three miles of the parish for 12 months or someone with land or a primary place of business in the parish.

Please include the following in your written application:

• Contact details
• Length of residence in Upchurch
• Profession or trade
• Other relevant interests outside work including other Upchurch organisations
• Brief statement as to how you feel you can contribute to the work of the Parish Council

If you would like to find out more about the roles and responsibilities of a Parish Councillor, please contact the Chairman or the Clerk.
Mr John Catford
2b Crosier Court
Tel: 01634 231326

Mrs Claire Attaway
33 Church Farm Road
Tel: 01634 363906

Parish Council Website:

Upchurch Parish Council

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Medway Flower Fair

Cozenton Park 10am – 5pm on Saturday, 14 May and Sunday, 15 May.

Celebrate all that is good about your garden with this free two-day event. Visitors will benefit from a range of specialist nurseries, garden suppliers, the horticultural expertise of  Hadlow College and have the chance to win a planted border worth £100.

Upchurch Matters

Message from Kent Fire & Rescue

You could help save a life.

The most vulnerable members of our community are most at risk of being injured, or even dying, in a house fire - and worst of all it’s nearly always preventable.
This is why Kent Fire and Rescue Service are asking Neighbourhood Watch members who have vulnerable friends, neighbours or relatives to pass on our freephone number 0800 923 7000 and encourage them to contact us to book a free home safety visit. By helping us reach out to people in your community you will be playing an important part in helping someone you know stay safe and independent in their own home.

A combination of factors can put someone at higher risk, so please look out for anyone you know who would tick more than one of these boxes:

• Elderly or in poor health
• Has mobility problems
• Lives alone
• Uses an old or unstable heater
• Is a smoker or likes a drink
• Is on medication that makes them sleepy

Once the person rings us, friendly staff from Kent Fire and Rescue Service will take down some information and if needed arrange a time to visit them in their home to offer safety advice and fit a smoke alarm. We even have a range of fire safety devices for the visually and hearing impaired people, as well as other special gadgets eg if someone is getting forgetful about turning off the cooker. It all takes about 30 minutes and the visit and any equipment we fit is all free.

Thank you,

Kent Fire & Rescue

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Planning for Traveller Sites Consultation by Government

The Department for Communities and Local Government is currently consulting on its draft Planning Guidance on 'Planning for Traveller Sites'.

This will eventually lead to new National Planning Policy when this part of the Localism Bill is passed.

The consultation will end on 6th July 2011.

The document can be found at:

Cllr Gerry Lewin


Friday, 6 May 2011

Key Link

In partnership with Kent Police, Kent KeyLink provides a vital service to help keep homes throughout the county of Kent safe.

· Peace of mind as Kent Police has 24-hour access to your keyholders’ details, 365 days a year.

· Kent Police will contact your nominated keyholders in the event of an incident and contact your nominated trade services should emergency repairs be needed.

· Kent KeyLink are a partner of Kent Police, based at Force HQ Maidstone, managing the Kent Police keyholders’ database.

· As a not for profit company, any profit made from membership fees is reinvested into crime prevention initiatives within Kent.

As a partner of Kent Police, Kent KeyLink would like to offer all Neighbourhood Watch members one year’s residential membership to the Kent Keylink keyholder scheme for only £10 for one year, half the standard price (usually £20). For more details and to register visit Kent KeyLink at:

Jonathan Styance

Borough Council election results

Results now in for Swale including Upchurch can be viewed here on The Swale Borough Council Website:

Upchurch Matters

Coach trip to Wisley Gardens

The Upchurch Horticultural Society has arranged a 33 seater coach for a visit to Wisley Gardens on Saturday 4th June leaving at 9.00am from the bus layby opposite the church in Upchurch and arriving back at at 5.30pm. 

There are six seats available - cost is £15.00 per person and this includes entry to the gardens.  If you are interested in coming along, please contact Maxine Budden on: 1634 366822 or, Email:
Latest date for notification is 19th May as I need to advise Wisley on the final number.

Maxine Budden

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

The Well

Come along to Newington Village Hall.
The Well includes good home-cooked food (and lunch boxes for the kids), loads of activities for children, a space for teenagers, the Sunday 'papers and the 'Community Exchange' - a space to share local news, requests and offers of help - all of this for £2.

The Community Exchange' is an area where people can post notices with information about events and groups in the local area, as well as requests and offers of help and items.

It takes place in Newington Village Hall on the 2nd Sunday of the month between 12:30-2:30.
The next one is this Sunday, 8 May - no need to book, just come along.

Rev Hugh Nelson
Curate, The Six

Summary of local needs housing survey


1. Approx 980 surveys sent – 300 returned = 30% response rate. Good response.

2. Housing costs – in excess of £37,000 needed to purchase a 2 bed property in Upchurch.

3. Survey shows that 91% respondents are owner occupiers.

4. 48% of respondents have lived in the parish for more than 16 years.

5. 79 respondents said family members had left in past few years; a total of 131 people. 19 respondents indicated they would return if cheaper accommodation was available. Employment and ‘other’ were most frequently given as the reason for people leaving.

6. 60% of respondents who answered the question/57% of all respondents said they would not object to a development which would help to meet local needs.

7. The most frequently given answers to the question ‘what kind of housing do you think is needed in the parish’ was housing for young people and shared ownership.

8. Suggested Site - many respondents suggested Oak Lane, Chaffes Lane and Four Gun Field.

9. In total 13% (38) respondents indicated that they had a housing need.

HOUSING NEED SECTION – Assessing the housing need

10. 38 responses to section 2 (14 of these were excluded because they all wanted to buy on the open market only).

11. That leaves 11 households in need of housing now and 13 in need of housing  in the next 3 years.

12. People in housing need range from 0-15 – 75+ 

13. Total households in need are 14 single people, 5 couples and 5 families = 24 households with a housing need – only 6 of these households are registered on the local authority’s housing register.

16. Reasons for needing a new home were mostly first independent home.

17. Majority of people indicated wanting a house or flat with 2 older residents wanting a bungalow.

18. Majority of people wanted to rent from a Housing Association or shared ownership, some chose either option. From figures given only 3 households indicated sufficient income to afford SO.

19. The survey has found a need for up to 24 affordable homes for local people. A mix of 1,2 and 3 bed properties are needed. 

Any resident wishing to view the full survey can arrange an appointment to view this. A charge may be made if they wish to have their own copy.

For your information, the housing needs survey attached was carried out by Action with Communities in Rural Kent.

Upchurch Parish Council

Monday, 2 May 2011

Upchurch Best Kept Garden 2011

This is a reminder to all residents that judging for the Best Kept Garden will take place over a weekend in the middle of July. The judges will be asked to assess what can be seen at the front of each house as follows.

Enter and you may win a prize.
Firstly a garden which is predominately growing flowers, secondly a garden which is mixture of flowers, trees and or shrubs, and finally for those with only a small or no front garden the judges will assess any hanging baskets or flower troughs.

Prizes for the above will be presented to the winners at the September Horticultural Society Show in the Village Hall.  

Would you please contact me if you wish to sponsor a prize (cash or in kind) - Gerry Lewin on: 01634 366113 or


Gerry Lewin


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