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Thursday, 14 April 2011

Upchurch Parish Council report for May 2011

The Parish Council met on Thursday 7th April in Challenger block of Holywell Primary School where 7 Councillors were present and 18 members of the public including PCSO Bodiam.
Mr Catford reported that seven candidates had been elected for the forthcoming elections. Nine seats were available therefore there would be no formal Parish Council Elections this year. There are two vacancies on the Parish Council so these will be filled by co-opting members after the Local Elections held on 5th May 2011.
If anyone is interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please do come along to our next meeting to be held on Thursday 12th May in Challenger block of Holywell School, starting at 7.30pm. If you would like to speak to a Parish Councillor about the roles and responsibilities it entails, contact details can be found on or on the Notice Board.

Public TimeRural Needs Housing – Concerns were expressed with the validity of the Housing Needs Survey dated May 2009, undertaken by Action with Communities in Rural Kent (ACRK). These concerns would be forwarded to ACRK. Entrance Walls to Orchard Park – Safety concerns were expressed over these. Highways and Swale BC will be consulted. Additional Sites for Rural Needs Housing – Residents queried these locations. It was explained that two of the sites were alongside the land either side of Horsham Hill and one site was the land in Forge Lane, opposite Holywell School. Gritting public footpaths - A resident suggested that the Village Cleaner grit the footpaths outside the village shops when there is heavy snowfall. Members highlighted the issues with this and explained it would not be possible. Parish Council Documents – A resident queried why the Housing Needs Survey was never published. The Resident was advised that a summary of this report had been available on the Parish Council Website. Also, all documents relating to the Council could be accessed via the Clerk, unless confidential. Please note that an appointment would need to be made with the Clerk.

CorrespondenceUpchurch Farmers Market – A letter requesting the use of The Paddock on market days for visitor parking. Members agreed to this request on the following conditions: a) weather permitting, only if the weather was dry and ground firm b) trial basis, to be reviewed again in October 2011. Also, they requested assistance with the initial start-up costs. Mrs New offered to identify appropriate grants at a Funding Fair she would be attending the following week.

Planning - The following application was considered:
 SW/11/0251 30 Woolbrook Close – Erection of 800mm high timber fence to side boundary (Retrospective). The Planning Review Team had commented that there was no objection to the lowered height fence
Permissions and Refusals – the following decisions have been received:
Permission granted:
SW/11/0018 The Barn Yard, Gore Farm – Retrospective application for change of use of part of the site from agriculture to a pet area
1 Boxted Farm Barns, Boxted Lane – Erection of a single storey outbuilding
35 Forge Lane – Erection of rear conservatory
Other Planning matters Rural Needs Housing – Members discussed comments from Rob Bailey, Planning Officer at Swale BC regarding the three additional sites. He had commented that in his view, both sites in Horsham Lane were unlikely to be preferable. There would be issues regarding highway safety. The site in Forge Lane would in his view be preferable to both of those in Horsham Lane and also to the land previously considered adjacent to the school.
Finance KCC Local Engagement Forum Grants Scheme – The grant application forms (2009-10) for the Church Wall Kerbing protection and repair of the Recreation ground Footpath had been re-submitted under the advice of KCC.  The grant application (2010-11) for the street light outside the car park to the school and the resurfacing of the Recreation Ground Car Park had been received. Members discussed ideas for the grant funding for 2011-12.
Allotments and Recreation GroundWigmore under 10s Football Team – A request to use the Recreation Ground on Saturday 4th June to host an awards ceremony. Members agreed to this request. Allotment rent due 1st April 2011 – Members agreed that any allotment holder whose rent was still outstanding on 30th April may have their plot reallocated.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardRe-pointing of Church Wall – A quote had been received and members will consider this again once outstanding grant funding had been received.
EnvironmentVillage Clean-up morning – This has been arranged for Saturday 28th May. Any help with litter picking would be appreciated. Mrs New will be handing out litter pickers and hi-vis jackets in the Paddock from 9.30am on this day. Poplar Trees in Oak Lane and Wallbridge Lane – A letter from Upchurch River Valley Golf Course explained that they do have problems with how to deal with the trees but hoped to be constructive. Therefore, after the autumn fall, were planning on cutting back some of the branches which should help. Members asked the Clerk to thank them for their letter.
Highways – Cllr Lewin reported on the changes to the free bus pass for pensioners that came into effect on 1st April 2011. KCC would no longer be funding this scheme from 9:00am. Therefore, residents can only use their free bus pass from 9:30am, despite a bus timetabled to arrive at 9:25am. Cllr Lewin will continue to follow this up and the Clerk will contact KCC Transport Integration at Kings Hill. Affected residents are also encouraged to write to Chalkwell explaining the issue.
Next meetings – Annual Parish Meeting 28th April, Annual Meeting of the Parish 12th May.
 Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 363906
 Please note the Clerk can normally be contacted during Monday-Thursday 9.00am – 11.30am.

Upchurch Parish Council


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