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Saturday 4 February 2023

Kent PCC Matthew Scott Launches Victim Voice

Your guide to reporting crime, the justice system and victims' services.

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott has launched Victim Voice, a new campaign to raise awareness and empower people who need support.

The Kent PCC wants to encourage people to be aware of victims' rights. It is one of the recommendations that came out of his work into Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).

Covering every possible step of the process, from contacting the police and crime reporting to what could happen in court, it is a one-stop shop to guide anyone who needs it through the process.

It also includes vital information on support services that victims can access and how as victims of crime you can get decisions reviewed or complaints raised.

Matthew Scott said:

“I have decided to create this Victim Voice Initiative to collate the information in one place, and to raise awareness about victims' rights.

Victims have repeatedly told me they feel their voice is not heard and that they feel reporting a crime does not lead to appropriate action by the criminal justice system.

Victim satisfaction levels in my 2021 Annual Policing Survey was 4.26 out of 10. My Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) survey evidenced only 37% of VAWG victims had reported the crime they experienced.

I want people to feel confident that when they report crime, they get the information and support they deserve, and are legally entitled to.”

You can read the booklet at:

The Office of the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner website is >>

Upchurch Matters

Friday 3 February 2023

National Highways: M2 Junction 5 - A249 Stockbury Interchange Improvement Scheme - Changes to the Road Layout and the Way Traffic Uses the Junction

The map of the junction shows how traffic will use the slip roads from
Monday the 30th of January. Click map to enlarge.

Changes to the road layout and the way traffic uses the junction

After more than 4 months, National Highways eventually reopened the coastbound slip roads on Monday morning, the 30th of January, but with some changes to the road layout and the way traffic uses the junction.

Vehicles accessing the A249 northbound (towards Sittingbourne) from the M2 coastbound off slip will need to use lane 1 of the slip and use the new segregated lane onto the northbound carriageway.

Vehicles travelling northbound on the A249 towards Stockbury roundabout will need to be in lane 1 to access the M2 coastbound on the slip, as this lane is now for the slip road only. All other A249 northbound traffic, including those heading towards Sittingbourne, must be in lane 2 on the approach to the roundabout.

Further information

National Highways is continuing with their weekend closures of the A249 - the full details of these will be shown on the project webpage >>

These dates will be subject to weather conditions.

If you have any questions, you can Email National Highways at: or call: 0300 123 5000, and someone will be in touch.

Upchurch Matters

Thursday 2 February 2023

Upchurch Poppy Appeal 2022 - Thank You

The Royal British Legion will benefit from your generosity of donations and gift aid totalling £3,327.01 to the Upchurch Poppy Appeal in 2022.

My Royal British Legion thanks to the house-to-house collectors who raised £1,608.13 of the total. I will shortly be handing over five-year service awards from the Royal British Legion to the Upchurch Guides, Sue Rossiter and Ben Sawyer to recognise their contribution as house-to-house collectors.

Thanks also to the local businesses, retail outlets, schools and others who provided static collection points raising £1,450.30.

The work of The Royal British Legion continues and it stands shoulder to shoulder with all who serve in our Armed Forces. It provides financial, social and emotional support to those who have served or are currently serving including their dependents.


Hon. Alderman Gerry Lewin - Poppy Appeal Organiser 
Telephone: 01634 366113

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Poolside Bar Music Night with Mike ‘Smooth’ Harris at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Jenny Giles - Upchurch River Valley Golf Course
Telephone: 01634 360626

Temporary Road Closure - Lower Rainham Road, Upchurch, and Rainham

Click the map to enlarge it.
Lower Rainham Road, Upchurch, and Rainham will be closed from Friday the 10th of February, with estimated completion by Tuesday the 21st of February 2023.
The closure is required while new foul water connection and highway improvement works are undertaken.
Access will be maintained at all times when possible.
For information regarding this closure, please contact Medway Council: 01634 333 333
KCC 24hr Contact Centre: 03000 418181
For details of roadworks, see:
Upchurch Matters

Medway Council - Donate Unwanted Items to Help Medway’s Most Vulnerable Residents

When visiting one of Medway’s Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRCs), residents can now donate reusable items to a charity.

Residents can donate good quality, clean items including furniture, fridges, freezers, washing machines, small electrical items, books, homeware, tools and toys at Medway Council’s three HWRCs in Capstone, Cuxton and Hoath Way, Gillingham, thanks to a new partnership between Medway Norse and Gillingham Street Angels.

Medway Norse manages the recycling centres on behalf of Medway Council.

Gillingham Street Angels supports people across Medway during difficult times and has charity shops in Rochester, Chatham and Gillingham.

The charity was awarded the overall Pride in Medway award at last year’s awards.

Cllr Phil Filmer, Medway Council’s Portfolio Holder for Frontline Services, said:

“I am pleased that we are working with Gillingham Street Angels. By donating quality second-hand items to charity instead of throwing them away, residents will be helping the environment, contributing to a more sustainable future and supporting a Medway charity which helps some of Medway’s most vulnerable residents. We are extremely grateful to all of the charitable organisations and community groups who support residents.”

Neil Charlick, CEO of Gillingham Street Angels, said:

“Gillingham Street Angels is delighted to be working in partnership with Medway Norse and Medway Council. Our ethos is to repair, reuse, recycle and repurpose where possible. This contract will provide the opportunity for us to offer community groups where people can come together to learn and share new skills by up-cycling unwanted items.”

This exciting project also supports Medway Council’s climate change ambitions.

For more information, visit:

To book your trip to one of Medway’s HWRCs, visit:

Medway Council


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