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Friday 4 December 2020

Public Consultation on Proposed Highway Improvements at A249 Key Street and Grovehurst Road Junctions

A249 Key Street and Grovehurst Road Junctions

A public consultation on proposed highway improvements at the A249 Key Street and Grovehurst Road Junctions is now open.

The consultation runs from Wednesday 2nd December 2020 until Tuesday 26th January 2021.

A consultation booklet is downloadable from the consultation website accessed via the following link:

Comments regarding the proposals can be provided through the ‘Have you Say’ section within the Virtual Consultation Hall.

If you have any questions for the project team or require any of the consultation material printed, please Email or leave a message on 03000 421437.

Upchurch Matters

Thursday 3 December 2020

Please Clean Up After Your Dog

The age-old nuisance of dog fouling around Chaffes and Oak Lane has been raised again in messages from residents angry after seeing irresponsible dog owners not cleaning up after their pets.

The Parish Council has placed litter & dog waste bins as well as TiksPac dispensers at the Recreation Ground and near the Paddock in Chaffes Lane and there are bins at other locations around the village where owners can dispose of bagged dog waste.

There really is no excuse for not cleaning up after your dog.

It is an offence to allow a dog under your control to foul a public place and Swale Borough Council has the power to fine dog owners who do not clean up after their dog.

You can report dog fouling to Swale Borough Council at:

Allowing your dog to mess in a public place and not clean it up is completely antisocial and unacceptable to all residents!

Upchurch Matters

Urgent Call for Volunteers to Help at Medway's COVID Test Centres

Click posters to enlarge.

Could you be a #MedwayHero and help your local community?

Medway Council is looking for volunteers to help at Medway's COVID Test Centres.

To volunteer, please Email volunteer coordinator George Kilaiditis:

Thank you

NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group

Wednesday 2 December 2020

The Salvation Army Christmas Present Appeal - Thank You

Santa's been

What a fantastic response!

Yet again you have filled my boot with love ❤️

Thank you and God bless you.

If anyone still has gifts they would like to bring along for the Salvation Army, I will be back at the layby next to the bus stop in Horsham Lane, Upchurch between 10:30am and 11:30am on Friday the 4th of December.

This date has changed from Saturday because we have to get everything to the Salvation Army for Saturday morning.

Give a gift and light up a life!

The Salvation Army believes every child deserves a new gift at Christmas (so they are unable to take used or second-hand items) and ask for donations with the following guidance:-

 0-3 years: dolls, teddy bears, cot mobiles, baby clothes, bath toys, CDs of suitable music and nursery rhymes, puzzles.
 3-5: dolls and action figures, cars, lorries, DVDs and CDs (music and nursery rhymes), colouring sets, pencils, crayons, books, puzzles.
 5-9: educational games & toys, stationery (colouring sets, pencils, crayons, school sets), CDs & family-friendly DVDs, books, puzzles, wordsearch, crosswords.
 9-12: games and toys, stationery, DVDs, books, t-shirts, hair accessories, gloves, scarves, hats.
 13-16: books, make-up and toiletries (please try to ensure non-allergic ingredients if possible), gloves, scarves, hats, t-shirts, hair accessories and gift vouchers.

Over the years, millions of children and young people have benefited from gifts donated to The Salvation Army.

By giving a gift to the Christmas Present Appeal you can make a real difference in someone’s life this Christmas.

Read more about the Christmas Present Appeal at:

Thank you again

Gillian Gay

December News from Upchurch Horticultural Society - From the Potting Shed

Sponsored by Upchurch River Valley Golf Course Ltd

Well, the year is drawing to a close and I am settled down nicely beside the fire mugging up on vegetable seeds and looking at what to buy for next year. We had the first good frost on Nov 20th so I will start to lift the parsnips and get them into the casseroles. In a surge of “Dig for Victory” euphoria back in March I planted them in the flower borders as well as the vegetable patch. The problem is the tops die down in the winter so I need to find them before it’s too late! The weather has been mild so far, so I do venture out to do a bit of tidying but winter gardening is for the weather beaten.

There are vegetable and flower seeds that can be sowed in a greenhouse to get off to a flying start in the spring, but gardening should be a leisurely pursuit not a Le Mans style mad dash. I still haven’t forgotten getting hit by a late frost in April this year and losing most of the vegetable seedlings. I am going to go with the seasons and not try to get ahead of them.

Aquadulce Claudia Broad Beans can be planted this time of year, but I will go for Exhibition Longpod in March which provides a bumper crop in August. The Cobra Climbing Beans and Scarlet Emperor Runner Beans are on the list and will go in the sunniest spot next year. Swift Sweetcorn is another must with a wonderful flavour. Gladiator is the parsnip of choice and Badger Cross for Marrows. Personally, I am looking for girth in a Marrow so it can be cut into stacks, the seeds hollowed out and then stuffed with mince and onions, bolognese, curry or chilli. A new discovery is chorizo, bacon and tomato which works well with stuffed marrow and is also great with fish. Rocket for early Potatoes which lives up to its name and Picasso for maincrop which is the best mash known to man. That leaves Leeks which I will think about for a while… this year’s were a flop! I would love to do more but can’t squeeze any more into the patch. All the berry fruits can be planted as bare roots this month as well as Raspberry canes and Strawberries.

It’s amazing how many jobs you can think up while sitting by the fire. Personally, I enjoy the break which combined with Lockdown enables me to recuperate and recharge before March comes round and it starts all over again. That’s the seed order nearly completed, next on the list is the wine order. I have discovered a curious little white wine called Alborino which has Sulphites added and makes a lovely long drink when spritzered with soda water plus the Veltliner which is halfway between a Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Grigio and a good party wine... but will there be a party? Come on Boris don’t be a pooper otherwise we will all be raking up leaves this Xmas.

Whatever happens, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and if the worst comes to the worst we can all have a party on Zoom.

We are always looking for new members and try to encourage a fun attitude towards friendly competition. So if you want to grow your own fruit, vegetables and flowers or even enter any of the 3 shows we hold each year, then please get in touch, we would be happy to hear from you.

If you are interested in becoming a new member, (all ages are welcome), please contact Rosey on: 01634 377812 (evenings) or Email:

Sean Barry - Upchurch Horticultural Society

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner - 2020 Annual Policing Survey

Matthew Scott.

Matthew Scott, Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner, has launched his 2020 Annual Policing Survey.

The survey is run every year and gives residents the opportunity to have their say on what Kent Police’s priorities should be, how safe they feel and on other matters, such as finances.

The results are used to shape the priorities in the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan, which he holds the Chief Constable to account for delivering.

Matthew said:

“PCCs are elected to fight crime, be a voice for residents and speak up for victims. The Annual Policing Survey is important because it leads to meaningful change. Burglary fell 13% last year and knife crime by a quarter - because more officers and staff were put into these areas. And new PCSO taskforces, which will prevent crime and antisocial behaviour, will start soon.”

The survey asks about the deployment of extra police officers, with Kent gaining a share of the Government’s 20,000 uplift.” 

Matthew added:

“Thanks to the work I have done with Kent Police since 2016, there are more officers now than ever before, and with Government funding, the number will grow even further. There is no doubt that this increase in officers and staff is Making Kent Safer.” 

The survey runs from 1st December until 5th January at >>

Upchurch Matters


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