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Sunday 10 May 2015

VE Day in Upchurch May 1945 by David Wood

When Winston Churchill announced that the Second World War had officially ended 70 years ago on May 8th 1945, massive rejoicing took place in towns and villages across the country. After six years of hardship and loss people felt great relief and joy as they got ready to party. Celebrations were held in Upchurch on Tuesday 15th May, 1945.

Red, white and blue bunting gaily decorated The Street while Union Jack flags flew in many parts of the village. Cecil Bishop directed the operations, the church bells were rung and the bellringers included ex-prisoner of war Horace Boakes.

The most notable feature of the celebrations took the form of a decorated trolley that patrolled the village on which people appeared in fancy dress. These included Mrs. Joan Latter, Mr. Hamilton, Teddy Neame and members of their families. While Mrs. Latter played the piano on the trolley Mr. and Mrs Grigg and Mr. and Mrs Higgins made a collection for the Upchurch Welcome Home Fund. A total of £14/13/1d was collected from the watching spectators.

Later in the day Reverend Lightburne conducted a service in the church, Roy Rogers played the organ and a small orchestra participated. Members of the Parish Council, the Civil Defence and the police attended a packed service.

Children’s parties and victory teas were held in different parts of the parish. About 60 children attended a party in 'The Three Sisters' pub and were entertained with music and games after which every child was presented with a beaker bearing the flags of the allied nations and the famous V sign. They also received a red, white and blue bag with sweets and a new sixpence.

In The Street 58 children attended a party in the Infants school while In Oak Lane 24 children sat on Mrs. Burton's lawn where they were served with iced cakes and tea. Games and races in Ted Tress's orchard followed this. Afterwards the children were presented with a book, a pencil, a rubber, a shilling and a three penny piece.

At Gore Bank about 40 children sat down in Mr. Boakes’s orchard. After tea races took place and prizes that included a cockerel and eggs were presented to the winners. Every child received a token and sweets, babies were given a ball and money, older girls got a china beaker and money and older boys received a knife and money. A bonfire and fireworks followed this before Mrs M. Boakes presented prizes.

At Ham Green a victory tea took place in Mr. Hinge's meadow attended by about 40 children. Messrs Hinge, Holloway, Starnes and Howland gave gifts and money, Mrs Witherden gave strawberries and Mrs. Moon from Poot House gave cherries while Mrs Pat Atkinson from Webb’s Cottages looked after the children’s competitions. After races and games a bonfire with figures of former Nazi leaders Hitler and Goering sitting on top was lit and accompanied by fireworks. Street parties were also held throughout the parish where people sang, danced the hokey-cokey, performed the conga and ate and drank at decorated tables to celebrate the end of the war.

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Winston Churchill speaking in London summed up the VE Day celebrations when he said.

“In all our history, we have never seen a greater day. This is your hour. This is your victory.
It is not victory of a party or of any class. It’s a victory of the great British nation as a whole.”

About David
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at: or from us here at Upchurch Matters. Price £12 + £3.50 postage and packing.

David Wood

Saturday 9 May 2015

Annual Parish Meeting Report 2015

The Annual Parish Meeting took place on Thursday 30th April at the Village Hall where 8 Councillors were present and 19 members of the public.

Chairman’s Introduction – All present were warmly welcomed by the Chairman.
Minutes of the meeting held on 24th April 2014 – There were no amendments to the minutes and in the absence of a public copy it was proposed by Cllr Rose and seconded by Cllr Lewin that they be accepted as a true record. All agreed.
Presentation of the Accounts – The Clerk presented the Accounts for 2013/2014 and referred to the KCC match funding grant of £750 which was received in order to make improvements to the Recreation Ground, the new fencing was erected in March and the Council are still looking into the costings for a bench. The Burial Income was £1000 less and is expected to continue to decrease due to the lack of space. The expenditure for Street Lighting Repairs had been one of the biggest outgoings due to extensive repairs needed to several lights and faulty bulbs now being replaced with more expensive LED bulbs.  The Clerk explained that it is the Council’s intention to implement a three year budget plan. The full report and a copy of the Accounts are held with the full Minutes and can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.
Presentation from Scott Montgomery – Community First Responder – A presentation was given from Scott Montgomery highlighting the need for a First Responder in Upchurch and detailing the vital work the First Responders carry out. Once a 999 call is received for a medical emergency a First Responder is despatched and will usually be on the scene before an ambulance, it is normally the First Responder that will commence life-saving medical assistance including CPR. Throughout Kent there are 300 First Responders, all of which are volunteers. Mr Montgomery praised the work of the W.I in their efforts to raise money to purchase a defibrillator for Upchurch. Mr Montgomery had brought along three volunteers to demonstrate their equipment. Cllr Tucker thanked Mr Montgomery for his very informative speech.
W.I Report on defibrillators – A representative from the W.I reported that as part of their 100 year anniversary celebrations they are raising money to purchase a defibrillator for Upchurch. It was reported that their fund raising has been very successful so far with over £1000 raised and further donations have been promised. They are currently looking for an appropriate site for the defibrillator and as the Parish Council will be responsible for the maintenance of the defibrillator are keeping the Clerk and Chair informed of their progress. Any donations should be made out to the W.I.
Chairman’s Report – Cllr Tucker gave her report of the Parish Council’s year and covered a wide variety of areas including the bus shelter proposal, the memorial for Barbara Webb, crime within the Village, the Burial Ground proposal, the role of the Village Caretaker and the Burial Ground Gardener, the Village Fete and the Recreation Ground and Allotment areas. Cllr Tucker thanked all of the Councillors for their support throughout the year and Claire Attaway who had resigned as Clerk in December following six years in the role. The full Chairman’s Report is filed with the Minutes and can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.
Presentation of KALC Community Award Cllr Tucker thanked Jan Lacy for her outstanding voluntary work with various groups and organisations in the village. Mrs Lacy was presented with a certificate and bouquet of flowers. Mrs Lacy thanked the Council and commented that she would continue to work with the groups as she gained so much pleasure and enjoyment from it.
Matters arising and questions on the Chairman’s report -.  Presentation to Cllr New and Cllr Rossiter– Cllr Tucker thanked Cllr New and Cllr Rossiter for their work as Parish Councillor’s and presented them with a bottle of wine and basket of flowers each. They both thanked the Council and said that it had been both a privilege and pleasure to be both a Clerk and Councillor for Upchurch Parish Council. Cllr Rossiter went on to say that she felt that the Parish has a strong Council now which is positive for the future. Bus Shelter – Several residents raised concerns that the bus shelter had taken so long to progress forward. Cllr Tucker reported that Cllr Masson is currently putting a proposal together and that the Council are looking into funding in order to make the bus shelter a priority. Church Wall – A resident asked when the Church Wall would be sprayed. Cllr Tucker advised that the contractor had already been asked to spray the wall and would be doing so as soon as weather permitted. Windmill Hill – A resident raised concerns regarding the dangers to pedestrians on Windmill Hill and asked if the Council were doing anything about this as they were getting no responses from KCC. Cllr Tucker reported that the Council continuously raise the issues of road safety at Swale Forums but are met with the response that KCC have to prioritise and that there is no evidence for the changes we request. Cllr Arnold reported that he would continue to chase Highways but advised that he was not receiving responses from them either. Recreation Ground – A resident raised concerns that the recent issues with tyre tracks on the Recreation Ground were mainly due to residents leaving the gate open allowing unauthorised vehicular access. He suggested that another sign be placed on the gate asking for it to be closed at all times. Thank you to the Chair – Cllr Lewin thanked Cllr Tucker for her tireless work and her commitment to the Parish Council during the interim period between Clerks and commented that this was appreciated by all.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked those present for attending.
Please note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.
Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council.
Tel: 01634 363906

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Qualified Nursery Nurse Wanted - Nursery Days

Nursery Days Limited are looking for a Qualified Nursery Nurse to work in our nursery and after school club.

36 hours a week

Mon - Fri between 0700 - 1830 starting at £6.50 an hour.

Essential requirements are a level 3 in early years, a passion for childcare and knowledge of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Interviews to be held week commencing Monday 18th May.

Please contact Stephanie or Melanie on: 01634 263896 
or Email:

Nursery Days Limited

2 Bro - Live Music at The Three Sisters

Superb Saxophone - Singer duo 2 Bro play live at
The 3 Sisters this Friday the 8th of May.

With a set packed full of Classic Soul, Motown, Reggae and much more,
2 Bro win the hearts of every audience they play to.

Come along for an evening of top live music!



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