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Friday 10 June 2011

Uplift Café

Upchurch Youth Church will be serving: a bacon or sausage roll, a decorated cup cake and a tea/coffee/squash for £2.50 a head at Upchurch Village Hall on Sunday the 19th of June between 12.30pm and 1:30pm.

Come along to the Village Hall on the 19th.
All proceeds going to the Kampala childrens Orphanage in Uganda. Please come along and support this event.

Upchurch Matters.

St Mary's Church Repairs

Over £27,000 has been raised so far.
Funding is in place, planning permission granted, appropriate certificates and contracts have been signed. Work to repair the window, buttress and masonry on the North East side of the church and stonework on the tower will begin on June 13th and last for 13 weeks.

Scaffolding will be erected and all precautions will be taken to make it safe and inaccessible. Members of the public are asked to be vigilant and report any trespass.

Grateful thanks to all who helped in any way to raise money for the repair project! Donations, concerts, an Art Exhibition, a Quiz Night, together with monthly Porch Sales and Boot Fairs have raised over £27,000. Our target is to raise £30,000. English Heritage and other grant-funding bodies are providing the rest of the money. A list of these grants will be posted outside the church shortly.

Helen Osborne

Strawberry Tea

Help by eating Strawberries !
Upchurch Guides are holding another Strawberry Tea on Wednesday the 13th July at Upchurch Scout Hut 7.15pm til 8.30pm.

The proceeds will be split 50/50 between Breast Cancer Care and Upchurch Guides new tentage fund. All welcome, please come along and support us.

Upchurch Matters

Upchurch Parish Council Report for July 2010

The Parish Council met on Thursday 2nd June in Challenger block of Holywell Primary School where 9 Councillors were present and 9 members of the public, including Cllr John Wright.

Public TimeParking outside the Doctors Surgery – It was suggested that a lay by could be made on the open space outside the Doctors Surgery to help alleviate the parking issues during surgery hours. Highways will be consulted to see if this is possible.

Holywell Primary School – The Head of School Governors reported that the school had been selected to take part in a Localism pilot project led by University of Greenwich. It was expected that this would take between 5 and 9 months, starting in October 2011.

Administration – Co-option of two members – Mrs Sara Tucker and Mr John Arnold were co-opted onto the Parish Council prior to the start of the meeting.

Planning - The following applications were considered:

 SW/11/0496 Jack Russell Place, Halstow Lane – Removal of condition (1) of permission SW/11/08/0917 to permit permanent occupancy of the site for Gypsy family – The Planning Review Team objected commenting “The permanent development of this site adds considerably to the visual clutter of this area, as viewed from Halstow Lane. The area was open farmland, running down to the sea wall, until recently. Further landscaping would be unlikely to significantly reduce the visual impact of this site. This is a small site which would make little impact on the overall need for caravan and mobile home pitches within Swale.
The Swale Landscape Character and Assessment and Guidelines of 2005 characterises the land as Upchurch and Lower Halstow Fruit Belt. The advice provided is that conserve and create should be the aim of developments in the area. Upchurch Parish Council does not believe the proposed permanent site meets these aims.

There is a manifest gap between the settlements of Upchurch and Lower Halstow along Forge Lane and its continuation, Halstow Lane. Allowing this development to become permanent would contravene Swale Local Plan 2008 Policy E7 “The Separation of Settlements” particularly E7, sub clauses b and c.
The Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment Consultation conducted by the Council in 2009 notes that this site GT11 is “finely balanced”. It is the view of the Parish Council that the assessment took insufficient account of some access issues. Many local residents consider that vehicular access to the site is dangerous when narrowness of the road and the amount of traffic are fully considered. A more severe consideration is that pedestrian access to the site along Halstow Lane to go to either Upchurch or Lower Halstow is dangerous except in the dry and in good visibility.  This is especially so for children.”

SW/11/0529 Barn at Stoney Crop, Land R/o Drakes Close/Chaffes Lane – Erection of barn (amendment to SW/10/0112 to increase height of 4m). Planning Review Team will meet to discuss.
iii)            SW/11/0545 Sandyridge, 61 Horsham Lane – Extension to side of house to provide 1 reception room and bedroom. Planning Review Team will meet to discuss.
iv)            SW/11/0549 Oastfields, Stud & Livery, Track off Holywell Lane – Application to site a mobile home and 3 horse foaling boxes. Planning Review Team will meet to discuss. Cllr Lewin outlined the proposal, indicating that it would operate for 48 weeks per year, employ 2 people, include a commercial building for vet/employees, occupied for up to 4 nights a week. He felt very strongly about the quality of landscaping, commenting that it be well landscaped.                       
viii)            Rural Needs Housing -Swale BC Rural Housing Sub-Strategy – the first draft is open for consultation and can be viewed at:
Site in Forge Lane opposite Holywell Primary School – English Rural Housing Association are meeting the landowner shortly to discuss the proposed scheme in more detail.
EnvironmentVillage Cleaner – Mr Griffith-Jones has notified the Council that he intends to retire and will be leaving at the end of June 2011. Members discussed the need for employing a village cleaner. It was decided to recruit another village cleaner but this will be reviewed at the Annual Parish Meeting to be held next year. Anyone interested in applying for this position, is encouraged to look out for notices or contact the Clerk/Chairman. The Parish Council will be looking for a motivated person who is willing to take a pride in Upchurch.
Village Clean-up morning – This was held on Saturday 28th May where Mrs New met 5 residents and 1 Councillor Litter pick various areas in the village. Members would like to consult with residents at the next Annual Parish Council as to how and when these should be organised in order to encourage more participation.
Best Kept Garden Competition – Judging is due to take place over a weekend in July. Cllr Lewin is unable to organise the Scarecrow Competition this year and is therefore looking for a volunteer to continue this. If anyone is interested, they can contact Cllr Lewin on 366113 for further information.
Provision of dog waste bins – Installing additional bins will be considered when preparing the budget for 2012/13. However, members are considering relocating some of the bins to other areas of the village. Please let the Clerk know of any areas that would benefit from having a dog waste installed.
Highways – Speed watch – To date 6 residents have volunteered to learn how to operate a radar camera which could be used to measure the speed of vehicles travelling around the village. Please do consider becoming a volunteer, the Parish Council would ideally like to have a team of around 10 people. If you would like more information, please contact either the Clerk or Chairman.
Sunday 327 Bus Service – KCC are proposing to withdraw this service from 31st December 2011. Please do let the Clerk know if you have any comments regarding this proposal.
Next meetings – 7th July, 1st September. Please note that the meetings are held in the Challenger Block of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm.
Parish Clerk: Claire Attaway, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 363906
Chairman: John Catford, 2b Crosier Court, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 231326
Upchurch Parish Council

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Upchurch Village Hall 50th Anniversary

The Village Hall is celebrating it's 50th Anniversary this year and the committee are arranging a celebration day on Saturday the 12th of November.

The Village Hall is 50 years old this year.
People will be invited to a finger buffet at lunchtime on the day and then the afternoon will be for the children. There will be a magician and also some time for the children themselves to perform, showing off their abilities singing, acting, playing musical instruments etc.

During the evening the adults will have their opportunity to entertain e.g. the Choir, telling stories etc. There will be light refreshments.

If you would like to participate in any way or if you have any ideas, please contact
Jan Lacy on: 01634 366729 or Mollie Catford on: 01634 231326

Please support this important village celebration.

Upchurch Matters


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