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Thursday, 6 March 2025

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Kent Police - Register Your CCTV and Doorbell Camera

Do you have a security or doorbell camera?

Sign up to our CCTV Registry and help keep your community safe.

It’s free, secure, and quick to register.

Your camera footage could be used to support investigations, bringing criminals to justice and making your area a safer place to live.

Please note:
We do not have access to your cameras.
 We can only view the location of registered cameras.
 We always contact the camera owner to request footage.

To register or learn more, go to:

Kent Police

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Poolside Bar & Courtyard Music Night with P’ZAZ at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course
Telephone: 01634 360626



URGENT - Can You Help Us to Save The Gabriel?

Dave Candy - Editor

The Rainbow Café at St Mary's Church

On the 2nd Thursday of each month.

The Rainbow Café at St Mary's Church opens its doors again on Thursday the 13th of March, between 2:00pm and 4:30pm.

As usual, we will be offering delicious cakes and savouries.

We will have our fantastic kid's snack deal - 5 items and a drink for £1. Where else would you get such wonderful value?

There will be crafts, a story for the children and a warm welcome for everyone.  

This all helps us support 4 children in Uganda to go to school and supply breakfast for a group of Ugandan children at their Saturday Club. How special is that?

Come and join us.

Gill Gay and the Rainbow Café Team

Swale Foodbank Collection - March

Swale Foodbank Collection

Thank you to everyone who donated food and other needed items in February.

Upchurch, your hearts are full of godly kindness. Here is a picture of the three trolleys you filled with love.

I will be collecting your foodbank donations at the bus stop opposite the church again on Wednesday the 5th of March, between 10:30am and 11:30am.

Please bring your items in carrier bags.

We will then deliver them to the Swale Foodbank Warehouse, part of the Trussell Trust.

All donations are helpful, providing the food is long life and well within date.

Thank you

May God bless you ❤️

Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator


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