Swale Foodbank Christmas Collections
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Upchurch.
The photo doesn't show the amount of food you provided justice.
There was lots - the shelf behind Georgina and Esther was holding bags that were mostly three deep. You are amazing!
I will be collecting your foodbank donations at the bus stop opposite the church again on Wednesday the 1st of November and Wednesday the 6th of December, between 10:30am and 11:30am, when we are hoping to go all out for Christmas. If you could add Christmas treats or go completely Christmas for the next two months, that would be fantastic.
If you are able to provide long-lasting Christmas-type food, for example:
Christmas Pudding
Christmas Cake
Tinned Ham
Christmas Treat Stockings
Tinned Cream
After Eight Mints
Christmas Twiglets and other savoury treats
Biscuits to go with Cheese
Nuts and Crisps
Squash and Drinks
Please bring your items in carrier bags.
We will then deliver them to the Swale Foodbank Warehouse, part of the Trussell Trust.
All donations are helpful, providing the food is long life and well within date.
The Salvation Army - Christmas Food Hampers
I attended a meeting between Swale Foodbank and the Salvation Army. There is a big move to bring Christmas to vulnerable families this year.
If you want to drop off something Christmassy at other times, Upchurch's Co-op is kindly receiving your gifts and storing them for me to pick up and take to the right place.
St Mary's / Uplift and UPARA will be making Hampers.
If a group of you would like to put together a hamper, that would be amazing.
A hamper needs 20 or more Christmassy bits, so getting together in a group is a better way of putting a hamper together. If you are able to make up a hamper, I will pick it up. Please let me know Email: gilliangay99@yahoo.co.uk
God bless you - it might be getting cold, but with glowing hearts from helping those in need, we will be very warm, and we will help families get through what can be one of the most difficult times of the year.
Thank you, and may God bless you ❤️
Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator