Co-op membership - supporting local causes
When Co-op members buy selected Co-op branded products and services, 2p for every £1 they spend goes into their membership account. And the Co-op split the same between like-minded community organisations and local causes within the Co-op Community Fund.
Members can select a local cause they would like to support.
Thanks to its members, the fund has raised £42,779 for causes close to Upchurch.
If you do not select a cause to support, the Co-op shares the funds you raised equally between the 3 local causes in your community.
The Co-op gives you a new set of causes to choose from every October.
You can change the cause you support at any time, and it is now possible for members to donate the rewards balance they have earned to the Co-op Foundation - helping the charity build fairer and more co-operative communities.
If you want to see more causes, use the search function at the bottom of the 'Choose a local cause' page on the Co-op membership website - see the link below.
Our 3 local causes are:
1st Upchurch Brownies and Guides
Upchurch Village Hall
Become a Co-op member and make a difference in your community
To get involved, join the Co-op as a member to earn rewards for you and choose a local cause to support in your community.
To earn and spend your rewards, remember to show your membership card or the Co-op app every time you pay.
As a member, you will also benefit from exclusive member discounts and receive personalised offers across the Co-op family of businesses.
You can spend the rewards you earn on most things you buy from the Co-op - not just Co-op products.
Or download and join using the Co-op app and start using your digital card today - It only costs £1 to join!
Upchurch Matters