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Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Upchurch Parish Council Report - November 2015

The monthly Meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 5th November at the Village Hall where 4 Councillors were present and 10 members of the public including Ward Cllr Wright.
Minutes of the meeting held on 1st October 2015 – It was proposed by Cllr Lewin and seconded by Cllr Denny that they be accepted as a true record. All agreed.
Public TimePlanning – 2 Horsham Lane - A resident enquired whether the planning application for four 4 bedroom houses had been accepted for 2 Horsham Lane and whether Swale Planning had considered the impact that the extra cars would have on parking in the area around the development. Cllr Lewin reported that the planning application had been accepted and that as there was no objection from KCC the plans must have conformed to their parking standards. Cllr Tucker reported that the Council had raised concerns regarding the parking situation.   Brent Orchard, Halstow Lane - A resident asked whether the Council had received notification of a change of use from agricultural to residential. Cllr Tucker reported that the Council had not yet received the paperwork but would review the application when received. Jubilee Fields – A resident asked whether the Council had any update on this application. Cllr Tucker reported that a lot of testing had been taking place on the ground in the proposed area. Cllr Lewin reported that a date had not yet been set for the application to be discussed by the Swale Planning committee. Paddock Play Area – Several residents enquired as to why the play equipment had been removed and whether it would be replaced. Cllr Tucker reported that due to the play area equipment failing the recent safety report and therefore making the area uninsurable the Council had no choice regarding the removal of the equipment. The Council are looking to get residents opinions on how to progress with this area as any improvements will have an impact on the precept. It is the intention that the project be discussed at the Parish Meeting next year to enable residents to give their views and ideas and form part of a play area sub-committee. Bus Timetable - Ward Cllr Wright reported that himself and Ward Cllr Baldock are still in discussions regarding the reduced service on the 326/327 buses and possible solutions to this. Defibrillator – A resident enquired as to where the defibrillator has been sited. Cllr Arnold reported that the defibrillator is fully functional and sited on the Chaffes Lane wall of Snaffles. Initially it was thought that the machine could not be placed in direct sunlight but following discussions with the manufacturers it is fine to remain where it is. If the machine is needed then 999 should be dialled and the caller will be given a code to open the casing and access the machine. The machine then dictates how to proceed whilst a first responder will be despatched to the site. Bus shelter – A resident asked whether the Council had considered purchasing the bus shelter from a local joinery firm. Cllr Lewin reported that the governing factor when purchasing the bus shelter is ensuring that it conforms to the conservation order. The Council agreed that when the project meets the stage of purchase, quotations will be requested from local firms.
Declarations of Interest – Cllr Tucker and Cllr Arnold disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in the letter from the Fete committee.
Correspondence – Letter regarding parking in Recreation Ground– The Clerk had received a letter from a resident concerned about the parking in the Recreation Ground around the Scout hut and the dangers posed to pedestrians. The Clerk had liaised with the leaders of the Scouts, Guides and Brownies and requested that they speak with the parents regarding possible dangers at these times. KALC Community Awards Scheme – Cllr Tucker reported that Kent Association of Local Councils are running the community awards scheme again next year. It was agreed that the Council would put someone forward for this and any nominations should be forwarded to the Clerk. Fete – The Clerk reported that she had received a request from the Fete committee for the use of the Paddock and Recreation Ground on 18th June 2016. Permission was granted.
Planning –15/502716/FULL – Ridgedale Riding School, Halstow Lane – The Council have objected to this application on the basis that there are already a substantial amount of traveller sites in and around the village. Further comments are to be submitted with regards to the fact that the proposed site is a known flood plain and that the applicant has not shown sufficient evidence that they are of nomadic habit. 15/507923/FULL – 63 Chaffes Lane – The Council could see no reason to object to this application provided that any neighbour’s comments were taken into consideration. 15/508572/FULL – 17 Horsham Lane – The Council had only received the full paperwork for this application on the day of the meeting, therefore any comments will be submitted to planning once the paperwork has been reviewed. APP/V2255/D/15/3133082 – 61 Horsham Lane – The Clerk has liaised with the applicant regarding initial concerns the Council had regarding the amount of dormer windows in the application. Following this discussion it was confirmed that the application was in keeping with surrounding properties and the Clerk advised Swale Planning that the Council had no objections. 14/506519/FULL – Kent Terrace – Cllr Lewin reported that permission was granted for this application at the Swale planning meeting although the Council had raised concerns regarding the highway issues and the possible effects of the ground work on the existing Victorian terrace houses. The application was approved on the basis that a green space provision towards off-site play facilities be provided to the sum of £11203.40. The Clerk will contact the developers regarding this. 15/503300/FULL – 2 Horsham Lane – This application was accepted at the Swale Planning meeting with the agreement that the exterior finish would be facing brick rather than barge boarding. 
Finance – Annual Audit - The Clerk reported that the external audit had been completed successfully.  Finance meeting update – The Clerk reported the outcome of the recent finance meeting and it was agreed that the Council should endeavour to work with the residents to ascertain which projects should take priority over the coming years. It was agreed that over and above the regular responsibilities, the Council will make additional provision for the Bus Shelter, a survey of trees under the Council’s responsibility to assist with future budgeting, funds to potentially engage contractors to assist with tidying the environment and regeneration of the old play area – dependent on longer term plans. Potential projects are the Village Hall and the replacement of the play area. As the potential projects will impact the precept, it was agreed that next year’s Parish Meeting would provide a good forum for discussion in order to gauge resident’s views.
General Purposes Committee – A copy of the notes from the meeting held on 21st October had been circulated. All agreed that these were a true record of the meeting.
Casual Vacancy – The Clerk reported that a notice had been placed in the noticeboards advising that the Council currently have three casual vacancies. Councillors have begun to distribute leaflets throughout the village.
Review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations – It was agreed that Cllr Tucker would review these by May 2016.
Paddock – Cllr Arnold had provided the Clerk with quotations for a replacement gate in the Paddock. These will be reviewed at the next General Purposes Committee meeting.
Bus Shelter – The Clerk reported that she had received confirmation from Swale Planning that planning permission is not required for the Bus Shelter, however the proposed site is owned by KCC and therefore the Clerk will need to obtain permission form them.
Burial Ground and Churchyard – Tree overhanging the Crown Pub - The Clerk reported that she has a meeting with the Conservation Officer regarding the tree overhanging the Crown Pub on 6th November 2015. Ashes Plots in Churchyard – Cllr Denny reported that she and the Clerk have a meeting on 20th November 2015 with the Churchwardens regarding the proposal for ashes plots to be placed in the Churchyard.
Highways – Cllr Arnold reported that there are currently two faulty street lights in the village. Cllr Tucker advised that any pot holes should be reported directly to the KCC website or to the Clerk who will report them to KCC.
Other Matters not yet arising – Remembrance Sunday Service – This will take place in St Mary’s Church on 8th November at 10.15am. Cllr Lewin reported that the wreath will be laid by Royal Engineer Robert White.  
Please note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.
The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on 3rd December at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. A private session will take place before the meeting at 7.15pm which the public are not able to attend.
Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council.
Tel: 01634 363906


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