The Parish Council met on Thursday 9th January in
the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 6 Councillors were present and 12
members of the public.
– Bus Shelter – A resident referred to objections made at the last
meeting. He commented that the suggestion that the village sign be taken away
in order to remove the pavement was rather dangerous. The comment that there is
only one bus every two hours therefore a shelter is not required is precisely
the reason why you do need one as you have no choice. Tree outside 21 Oak
Lane – A resident reported that work is being planned. Water leak
outside 29 Oak Lane – The resident reported that this section of the road
is gradually disappearing. Tree overshadowing allotment plot – A
resident referred to his request for this tree to be trimmed. Parking on Granny’s
Green – A resident commented that a number of vehicles have been parking on
the grassed area. Emergency road closure of Oak Lane – A resident
commented that it was totally inadequate closing this road when Windmill Hill
was closed. He felt that a “stop/go sign” was needed in Canterbury Lane or
alternatively, Police assistance. It was advised that the closure was necessary
to carry out the work. The Clerk will contact Highways to explain that traffic
lights would be needed in Canterbury Lane if this situation ever arose
again. SW/13/1373 Orchard Park,
Oak Lane – A resident asked if it was the Councils policy to publish
details of planning applications on notice boards and lamp posts. It was
explained that the Council had not posted this application on lamp posts around
the village and it was not their policy to do so. This application was on the
agenda for discussion at the meeting as an additional comment had been
submitted to Swale BC. Details of all planning applications are available
on-line for public information. All planning applications that are forwarded to
the Council for comment are discussed at monthly Parish Council meetings.
Correspondence – Planning Application for Orchard Park, Oak Lane – A letter from Upchurch Golf Course requesting a meeting be
arranged with them, neighbouring Parish Councils and Mr Freeman, Senior Planner
at Swale BC. Bus Shelter – A letter and an email from residents of Horsham
Lane objecting to this. Members commented that the Council had been discussing
this for a while. It was decided to note any future correspondence regarding
this and then gather together for discussion at one meeting. The Council will
investigate the options available for carrying out a public survey in the
village. Young Kent and KIYS Clinic Launch – An email from the Youth Development Officer explaining the
restructure of Kent Integrated Youth Services. The Clerk will invite them to
the Annual Parish Meeting scheduled for 24th April.
- The
following applications were considered:
Orchard Park, Oak Lane – It was reported that
additional comments had been submitted to Swale BC following comments raised
during public time at the last meeting. It was agreed that Cllr Tucker would
request to speak at the Planning Committee meeting of the Council scheduled for
16th January at Swale House.
SW/13/1518 14 Horsham Lane – single storey first floor rear extension and provision of
balcony. The Planning Review Team had no objections provided neighbours views
were taken into consideration.
TC/13/0147 The Paddock – Fell 4 x Sycamore, 1 x Oak, 1 x Holm Oak, 1 x Ash, 1 x
Hawthorne. Crown lift 6 x Holm Oak, 1 x Sycamore, 1 x Oak, 2 x Lime. Coppice 2
x Field Maple. Cut & remove Ivy, 1 x Sycamore, 1 x Acacia. Thinning of 50%
of vegetation. The Planning Review Team commented:
Mrs Attaway, as Clerk to the Parish Council, has submitted
this application on our behalf as the land in question is leased by the Parish
Council. The area has been sadly left unattended, other than emergency work,
for many years due to issues in renewing the lease on The Paddock. Now this is
satisfactorily resolved, we now need to undertake the work to thin out the trees,
giving better growing conditions and tidy up overgrown areas to improve the
overall appearance of The Paddock. All proposed work has been discussed in
detail with our local Conservation Officer and local Tree Surgeon so as to
ensure we protect the area’s overall ambience, whilst opening up overcrowded
areas and attempting to control spread of unwanted growth. There is no
intention to completely strip out areas with heavy undergrowth but it is felt
that tactful clearance would improve the overall view of the area.
Proposed diversion of Public
Footpath ZR24 (part) Upchurch – Members
were advised that the order will be determined following a hearing at 10.00am
on 15th April 2014 at Upchurch Village Hall. Cllr Lewin will attend
Permission granted:
SW/13/1098 Hursell Farm,
Chaffes Lane – Change of use of land to
gypsy site and for siting for two static caravans and extension of one static
caravan, and stationing of one touring caravan and use of barn as general
amenities and extension of barn, and erection of stable building for the
keeping of horses, and use of part of site for keeping horses. (Part
SW/13/1190 The Cart Lodge,
Chaffes Lane – Construction of Oak-framed
garage and two open fronted parking bay. Relocation of entrance gate (new
fencing to be installed at boundary where existing gate is removed) and
formation of new access and excavation of soil around the proposed garage.
Permission refused:
SW/13/1403 13 Wilks Close – Convert garage into habitable room
SW/13/1369 2 Macklands Cottages
– Proposed raised patio area with
workshops/store below
Public Consultation on the Pre
Submission Draft of the Kent Minerals & Waste Local Plan – Members were advised that the consultation will commence
online Here on 31st January 2014 and close on 16th March 2014.
Budget/Precept 2014/15 – It
was agreed to accept a 0.3% increase in the precept.
– Paddock Project
- Quote for tree work – It
was commented that a local tree surgeon had assisted members with moving this
project forward. It was therefore felt that he be consulted when seeking quotes
for the work. It was agreed to waive the standing orders on this occasion and
obtain one quote for the tree work. Village Fete – The Clerk reported
that village organisations and businesses had been advised of this proposed
event with a suggested date as Saturday
28th June 2014.
Support had been received from Upchurch Matters and Upchurch Golf Course.
Holywell School and St Marys PCC had already indicated an interest. It is hoped
that this will be a village event, facilitated by the Parish Council. Residents
are encouraged to be part of the working group so please do contact either the
Clerk or Chair if you would like further details.
Environment – Power
Supply Problems – Members discussed the problems experienced during the
storms. The Clerk will contact UK Power Networks to highlight the poor
communication and ask what the plans are for this area in the future.
– Zigzag markings outside Holywell School – Kent
Highways had confirmed that they would be able to remark the zigzags to the
maximum permitted length of 43.56m (i.e. by nine metres in each direction) without
the need to make any further amendments to the current Traffic Regulation
meetings – 6th February and 6th
March in the Hall of Holywell School at 7.30pm.
Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)