Do you remember the fun you had as a Beaver, Cub, or Scout in Upchurch? Maybe you had a memorable camp in the rain, or a hike through the snow, perhaps you remember what it was like to do bob-a-job week. Upchurch Scout group need your help. The leaders would like to create a history of our group to share some of the heritage with our young members. So if you were a young member or a leader and have any anecdotes to tell, documents or photos that you think may be of interest please call Rozz on: 01634 375168. All documents and photos will be scanned onto a computer and returned to you straight away.
We also need your help with our paper drive. Every 2nd Saturday of the month, some wonderful volunteers collect paper and cardboard from around the village to help us raise funds to do activities with the young people in our group. Please leave your unwanted paper and cardboard at the front of your property by 9:00am for us to collect and re-cycle.
We would like to say a really big Thank You to all of the volunteers that collect the paper and to the people of the village that continue to offer us support by putting paper out for us.
Rozz Dyett (Group Scout Leader)