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Monday, 26 February 2024

Swale Foodbank Collection - March

Swale Foodbank Collection

Thank you again, Upchurch.

The amount of food and other items we transported to the foodbank warehouse in February was amazing.

We love waiting opposite the church on foodbank day because your generosity warms and lightens our hearts.

In a world where love is often missing, you are certainly blessing people, so may God bless you ❤️

I will be collecting your generous foodbank donations at the bus stop opposite the church again on Wednesday the 6th of March, between 10:30am and 11:30am.

Please bring your items in carrier bags.

We will then deliver them to the Swale Foodbank Warehouse, part of the Trussell Trust.

All donations are helpful, providing the food is long life and well within date.

Thank you

Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator

Sunday, 18 February 2024

Temporary Road Closure - Horsham Lane, Upchurch

It will be necessary to close part of Horsham Lane, Upchurch from Monday 4th March 2024, for up to one day, between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30, or until the works have been completed.

The road will be closed in the vicinity of number 165, to the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The alternative route is via Horsham Lane, Otterham Quay Lane, A2 Moor Street, A2 London Road, Oak Lane and vice versa.

Pedestrian access will be maintained during the works.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while pole testing works are undertaken by Openreach.

For information regarding this closure, please contact Openreach on: 0800 023 2023, who will be able to assist with the scope of these works.

KCC 24hr Contact Centre: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks, see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Upchurch Bingo Group

Our bingo sessions are held in the back room of The Crown on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Eyes down at 8:00pm - £1 entry and £1 each book.

We are a non-profit group, and all proceeds are distributed as prizes.

Our next session is on Tuesday the 20th of February.

Why not join us for an evening of fun?

Sylvia Roberts

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Happy Birthday, UpARA

Upchurch's active retirement association is 10 years old today 
👏🏼 😀

UpARA has remained popular during its first decade thanks to its hard-working and dedicated committee members and organisers, both past and present.

Its association members enjoy a wide variety of regular activities, trips away, parties, meetings and guest speakers every month.

The physical and mental health benefits, together with the social side of what UpARA provides are immeasurable, and it has brought enjoyment to 100's throughout the last 10 years.

Congratulations, and happy birthday, UpARA🍾 🎉 🙌🏼 🥳

Here's to the next 10 years 🥂🍻

Below is an extract from the February 2024 members newsletter, telling the story of how the association began...

“10 years ago, on the 14th of February 2014, a village meeting was held to discuss the formation of an active retirement association in Upchurch. 

Jan Lacy had got the idea from someone she had met from St. Mary’s Island ARA (SaintARA), and she thought that an ARA would help the Village Hall, which was struggling at the time.

No sooner said than done, Jan had contacted KentARA, and a meeting was set, with advertising and flyers around the village and a notice in the Gabriel calling for those interested to attend.

From this meeting, a working party was formed, with the remit to report back on the 14th of March on the feasibility of an Upchurch ARA. The working party met and did indeed come up with a plan that was put to attendees on the 14th of March.

This inaugural meeting was chaired by Peter Nicholls, chair of KentARA, where the plan was formally put to the meeting and accepted unanimously.

We would be called UpARA (various other abbreviations had been discussed), and we would meet on the second Friday of each month at Upchurch Village Hall.

Entry would be free, with complimentary tea/coffee/biscuits and a donation box. Subscriptions would be £15, membership and a membership limit of 150.

77 members signed up that day, and UpARA was formed!

Our first speaker on the 11th of April was to be comedian and Radio Kent presenter Paul James, with a talk entitled ‘Right Time, Right Place’.

A working party was made up of Jan Lacy, John McWilliam, Sandy Tutt, Bryn Howells, Peter McGibbon, David Powell, Brenda Groves, John Tutt, Malcolm Groves, Keith Harrell, Sylvia Roberts, John Mustoo and Joan Mustoo, those in bold together with Valerie Powell forming the first UpARA committee with David as Chair, Sandy as Honorary Secretary and John McWilliam as Honorary Treasurer.”

Upchurch Matters

Saturday, 10 February 2024

Annual Memorial Service at St Mary the Virgin, Upchurch

Come and remember your departed loved ones with us in St Mary’s, Upchurch, on Sunday the 25th of February 2024, at 4:00pm.

Sue Rossiter

Upchurch WI - February Meeting | Tracey Fulton - The History of Midwifery

Wendy Pitts
Secretary - Upchurch Women's Institute
Tel: 01634 362253 

Poolside Bar & Courtyard Music Nights - February to May 2024 at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Telephone: 01634 360626


St Mary's Church Fundraising Sale

Saturday 10th February between 10:00am - 11:30am

Homemade Cakes, Jams, Pickles, Scones and Savouries

Also Puzzles, Books, Bric-à-brac and sometimes Plants

Something for everyone!


Please help support this ancient building - Thank you

🍰 🍓 🧩 📚 🎨 🪴 ☕️ ➕

Upchurch Matters

Sunday, 4 February 2024

Holywell Kids Club - February Half Term 2024

Booking is essential and is taken on a first come first served basis, please use Arbor to book if your child attends Holywell.

Children from other schools are very welcome, please message: 07706 002060 or Email:

Holywell Primary School



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