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Monday, 31 October 2022

Remembrance Sunday Parade to St Mary's Church

Members of the uniformed sections and their leaders at Drakes Lodge Scout Hut will make their yearly Remembrance Sunday Parade to St Mary's Church on the 13th of November.

Leaving at 9:45am, they will march (accompanied by marshals) from the Recreation Ground along Oak Lane, arriving at the church around 10:00am and returning at approximately 11:15am.

Please be patient during this time.

If you need to drive through the centre of the village, please consider using Church Farm Road and Chaffes Lane instead.

Thank you


Group Scout Leader Julia Richardson and Upchurch Matters

Swale Foodbank Collection - Call into the Church for 'A Cuppa and a Chat'

Swale Foodbank Collection

Dear Upchurch,

Thankfully it hasn't been too cold so hopefully, people aren't having to use too much of their precious money on heating - but nevertheless, things are getting very tricky for those who already find feeding their family a struggle. I am buying more and more own brands as the cost of food shoots through the roof. Where do those who have always bought own brands go from here?

We will be collecting your Swale Foodbank donations at the bus stop opposite the church again on Wednesday the 2nd of November, between 10:30am and 11:30am.

Please bring your items in carrier bags. Warehouse Coordinator Richard Divers will then deliver your donations to the Swale Foodbank Warehouse, part of the Trussell Trust.

You always amaze us with your generosity - bless you ♥️

I have spoken to Richard, and the usual tinned meat meals, milk, and juice are in short supply, but more urgent are hygiene products, especially toilet rolls. They need everything! They need God's love shown and shared in your outstanding generosity.

'A Cuppa and a Chat'

While you are there, why not call into the church for 'A Cuppa and a Chat' and a piece of cake in the Lady Chapel.

We will have the kettle on from 10:00am until 12:00pm.

Followed by a time of prayer for our village and our country at 12:00pm. For those who need God to give them his strength, peace and joy.

A warm welcome awaits you - just call in, and we will be pleased to see you!

Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator

Saturday, 29 October 2022

Upchurch Poppy Day Appeal and Remembrance Sunday Service 2022

Upchurch Poppy Day Appeal

In Upchurch, a team of local volunteers will again be making the annual house-to-house collections from Saturday 29th October to Saturday 12th November.

Upchurch Parish Council has arranged to display poppies on lampposts throughout the village which will remain on display throughout Remembrancetide.

Remembrance Sunday Service

The Remembrance Sunday Service will be on the 13th of November in the Church of St Mary the Virgin in Upchurch.

Wreaths will be laid at the internal memorial in the Lady Chapel on behalf of the Church, Swale Borough Council, Ferques [our twin village in France], Upchurch Parish Council, Upchurch Scouts, Upchurch Guides and Upchurch Brownies.

A wreath on behalf of all Upchurch residents, from the Parish Council, has been sent to Ferques for laying at their ceremony on November 11th.


Hon. Alderman Gerry Lewin - Poppy Appeal Organiser 
Telephone: 01634 366113 - 07946 996789

Friday, 28 October 2022

Poolside Bar Presents Star Cabaret Night with Leslie P. George at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Free Entry - Non-Members Welcome

Jenny Giles - Upchurch River Valley Golf Course
Telephone: 01634 360626

Phone Stolen - Newington

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 46/206376/22

Between 23:59 on Friday the 21st of October and 04:17 on Saturday the 22nd of October, somebody stole a recently lost phone in High Street, Newington.

If you have any information that could help investigators, please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

Sorry, No Trick or Treaters Poster

Click the poster to download and print it out.

If you are worried about people coming to your door during Halloween - particularly after dark or late in the evening remember, you don’t have to answer the door.

You can make this clear by displaying a poster in your front window or on your door.

If anyone calls at your door and their behaviour worries you, let a neighbour know. Alternatively, you can contact Kent Police on one of the numbers below:

In an emergency - dial 999

Kent Police non-emergency - 101

Upchurch Matters

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

NSD Runners

We are a local and inclusive community running group based in Upchurch set up in 2021 and open to runners of all abilities, even complete beginners.

We meet on Tuesday evenings and weekends at the Crown pub - you may have seen us about.

It is free to join and a great way to get fit and meet new people along the way.

Runners of all abilities are welcome and encouraged to join us.

Please contact if you are interested.
Follow NSD Runners on Facebook
Search for NSD Runners on Strava

Darren Wright

Co-op Community Fund - Choose a New Local Cause to Support

Co-op membership - supporting local causes

When Co-op members buy selected Co-op branded products and services, 2p for every £1 they spend goes into their membership account. And the Co-op split the same between like-minded community organisations and local causes within the Co-op Community Fund.

Members can select a local cause they would like to support.

Thanks to its members, the fund has raised £42,779 for causes close to Upchurch.

If you do not select a cause to support, the Co-op shares the funds you raised equally between the 3 local causes in your community.

The Co-op gives you a new set of causes to choose from every October.

You can change the cause you support at any time, and it is now possible for members to donate the rewards balance they have earned to the Co-op Foundation - helping the charity build fairer and more co-operative communities.

If you want to see more causes, use the search function at the bottom of the 'Choose a local cause' page on the Co-op membership website - see the link below.

Our 3 local causes are:

1st Upchurch Brownies and Guides
Upchurch Village Hall

Become a Co-op member and make a difference in your community

To get involved, join the Co-op as a member to earn rewards for you and choose a local cause to support in your community.

To earn and spend your rewards, remember to show your membership card or the Co-op app every time you pay.

As a member, you will also benefit from exclusive member discounts and receive personalised offers across the Co-op family of businesses.

You can spend the rewards you earn on most things you buy from the Co-op - not just Co-op products.

Become a Co-op member and choose a local cause at:

Or download and join using the Co-op app and start using your digital card today - It only costs £1 to join!

Upchurch Matters

Monday, 24 October 2022

Newington History Group

The excavation of a Roman iron furnace during the archaeological dig at
Watling Place, Newington, in 2018.

Sue Flipping will pose the question Newington - a Roman service station? at Newington History Group's monthly meeting in the Village Hall on Thursday (Oct 27th) at 7:00pm.

Her talk will cover some of the most interesting finds from the 'remarkable' excavation of a small industrial town east of the village at Watling Place four years ago.

Newington was a Roman centre for surrounding villages, such as Rainham, Upchurch, Lower Halstow and Iwade, and a 'service station' for wider afield.

​The event (free to members) is open to guests (£3) and includes refreshments. There is free parking at the hall.

For more details contact the group through the website: or call: 01795 842711. Follow on Facebook: Newington History Group, and Twitter: @newingtonhg

Richard Thompstone - Newington History Group

Sunday, 23 October 2022

UpARA: Race Afternoon - Amount Raised and Thank You

Dear all,

Thank you for attending and making the Race Afternoon Fundraiser at Upchurch Village Hall so much fun and such a success.

I would like to thank all those who gave their time, contributed cakes and sponsored/donated to some of the races.

Also, a big thank you to the local businesses who sponsored us:

Professional Property Renovation & Maintenance - Upchurch

I am pleased to say that, after deducting the hall costs, we raised the terrific sum of £710.15

This will be added to our running total towards the St Mary's Bell Tower Restoration Fund.

Don't forget to book your table (up to 8 per table) for our Quiz Night on Friday the 11th of November, our next fundraiser for the Bell Tower.

Kind regards


Friday, 21 October 2022

Window Smashed - Upchurch

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 46/201697/22

On Tuesday the 18th of October around 21:00, somebody smashed a window of a residential property in Woolbrook Close, Upchurch.

If you have any information that could help investigators, please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

National Safe Speed Awareness Week

Good morning Upchurch,

Today is part of National Safe Speed Awareness Week, officers from Swale Community Safety Unit are conducting an operation targeting irresponsible and dangerous drivers committing speeding offences around Swale.

We will be attending various hot spots within the district. However, if you have any reports of bad driving, please feel free to report this to Kent Police via 101 or our online reporting system and we will take appropriate action.

Volunteers from various wards within Swale will be running speed watch sessions throughout the day. If you would like to volunteer, please visit:

Kind regards

Ryan Chase
Police, Police Sergeant, Swale Community Safety Unit

Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Kent Fire & Rescue Service - #FireStoppers

Be a #FireStopper 0800 169 5558.

100% Anonymous. Always.

Together we will stop deliberate fire setters destroying lives

Kent Fire & Rescue Service

Hedgerow Removed | Attempt to Gain Entry to a Vehicle - Newington

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 46/198989/22

Between 00:01 on Monday the 19th of September and 23:59 on Monday the 10th of October, somebody removed an ancient hedgerow causing loss of protected species in School Lane, Newington.

Crime Number: 46/198533/22

Between 00:49 and 01:00 on Wednesday the 12th of October, somebody tried the doors of a vehicle parked on the road in Pear Tree Walk, Newington.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

Saturday, 15 October 2022

Temporary Road Closure - School Lane, Lower Halstow

It will be necessary to close School Lane, Lower Halstow from Saturday 22nd October 2022 for up to 7 days.

The road will be closed outside 51 School Lane.

The alternative route is via The Street and Vicarage Lane.

This is to enable gas main works to be carried out by SGN.

KCC 24hr Contact Centre: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Appeal Lodged to build up to 74 New Homes on Land off Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch

Click plan to enlarge.

Gladman Developments Limited is challenging Swale Borough Council's refusal in May 2022 to grant permission for outline planning application: 21/501839/OUT for up to 74 dwellings at land off Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch, with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system and vehicular access point - all matters reserved except for means of access, and has now lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate and requested a public inquiry.

The Swale Borough Council planning decision notice, and Medway Council consultee comment, letters of objection along with appeal documents can be viewed at >>

Upchurch Matters' post regarding the original planning application can be viewed at >> and the developer's pre-application consultation at >>

Upchurch Matters

Thank You from Foodbank Co-ordinator Gill Gay and Swale Foodbank

Dear Upchurch,

Amazing - just amazing. It's only 2 weeks since our Harvest Festival foodbank collection, and Upchurch, you are still making my heart tingle with pride. Your kindness - well, what can I say. Let the pictures speak for themselves.

This is Warehouse Coordinator Richard Divers' car. You filled his 7-seater both with the back seats folded and his boot.

Bless you all for your kindness ❤️

And I'm throwing in a photo of our jolly group at 'A Cuppa and a Chat' - there were others, but they left before I took the photo.

Don't forget we have Warmer Place this Friday in Upchurch Village Hall from 11:00am until 1:00pm. Anyone and everyone is welcome. All hot drinks and snacks are free. Come and enjoy a warm place with some company. Come and play a game. Have a chat. A warm welcome is waiting for you. Hosted by St Mary's and Uplift.

Next month I will be gratefully collecting your Swale Foodbank donations at the bus stop opposite the church again on Wednesday the 2nd of November, between 10:30am and 11:30am - Thank you.

This will now be on the first Wednesday of the month. Along with 'A Cuppa and a Chat' in the Lady Chapel from 10:00am until 12:00pm. Followed by a time of prayer for the village until 12:30pm.

Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Temporary Road Closure - Hollow Lane, Hartlip

It will be necessary to close part of Hollow Lane, Hartlip from Thursday 20th October 2022, with estimated completion by 22nd October 2022.

Hollow Lane, Hartlip will be closed between the junctions with The Street and Lower Hartlip Road, to the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The alternative route is The Street, Mount Lane, Lower Hartlip Road and vice versa.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while sewer connection works are undertaken by Southern Water.

For information regarding this closure, please contact Southern Water on: 0330 303 0368, who will be able to assist with the scope of these works.

KCC 24hr Contact Centre: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Warmer Place at Upchurch Village Hall

Warmer Place at Upchurch Village Hall

Friday 14th October 11:00am - 1:00pm.

This is for 
anyone and everyone who would welcome a warm place to go to and enjoy some company.

Come and be warm without worrying about the cost!

There will be hot drinks and refreshments - all totally free.

We are really grateful to the Village Hall Committee for donating the hall to us for free - our church is a bit nippy in the Winter. We are also very grateful to Upchurch's Co-op for donating some of our refreshments.

Bless you all for your kindness ❤️

Gill Gay

Upchurch Parish Council - New Village Caretaker Required


■ Litter Picking
■ Emptying Bins
■ Keeping Upchurch Tidy
■ No Experience Required
■ Communicative
■ Self Motivated


Contact Parish Clerk Nina Henley:

Upchurch Parish Council

Monday, 10 October 2022

Upchurch Horticultural Society - October Show


Sponsored by: Upchurch River Valley Golf Club 

Upchurch Horticultural Society will be holding their
October Show on

Saturday 15th October 2022 in the barn at the rear of
97 Chaffes Lane, Upchurch

Open to the public from 2:00pm
Sale of produce at 3:40pm

Refreshments - Plant Sale - Auction of Exhibits
Toilets - Ample Parking

Upchurch Matters

Friday, 7 October 2022

Planning Permission Refused for 2 Housing Developments in Rainham South

Click plans to enlarge.

Members of Medway Council’s Planning Committee have voted against granting planning permission for 2 housing developments in neighbouring Rainham South ward, with 11 against and 4 in favour.

Esquire Developments submitted outline planning application: MC/21/2225 to Medway Council in July 2021 with all matters reserved (except access) for a residential development of up to 48 dwellings, including associated access, parking, landscaping and open space on land to the East of Seymour Road and North of London Road, Rainham.

The proposed development would be accessed from a new entrance created on the A2 - London Road, Rainham, almost opposite the junction with South Bush Lane.

Bellway Homes Ltd submitted full planning application: MC/21/3125 to Medway Council in October 2021 for the development of 74 (later amended to 66) dwellings (including 25% affordable housing) together with open space, landscaping, drainage, access, parking and associated works on land North of Moor Street, Rainham.

The proposed development would be accessed from the new roundabout junction on Otterham Quay Lane, which serves the Leigh Academy Rainham.

The agenda, officer's recommendations and report to the planning committee meeting held on Thursday 6th October can be viewed at:

Upchurch Matters

Vehicle Stolen - Newington

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 46/192791/22

Between 20:00 on Monday the 29th of August and 12:30 on Monday the 3rd of October, somebody stole a black Subaru Forester, registration number: HY06** from the road in Wardwell Lane, Newington.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

Thursday, 6 October 2022

Emergency Road Closure - Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch

It will be necessary to close Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch from Thursday 6th October 2022 for up to 7 days.

The road will be closed at the junction with Wallbridge Lane.

The alternative route is via Horsham Lane, Forge Lane, The Street, Raspberry Hill Lane, Old Ferry Road, The Street, Ferry Road, Sheppey Way, A2, and back onto Otterham Quay Lane.

This is to enable water mains repairs to be carried out by Southern Water.

KCC 24hr Contact Centre: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

October News from Upchurch Horticultural Society - From the Potting Shed

Sponsored by Upchurch River Valley Golf Course Ltd

The Summer is over, and we have moved into Autumn, and October is the tidy up month. It is a good month to get the garden put to bed unless you plan to work through the Winter. Personally, I retire to the kitchen these days to develop my interest in cooking which pleases the Duchess immensely.

September brought some much needed rain with it and cooler temperatures, which has allowed the garden to start the process of recovery and refilled the water butts. We didn’t even get a hosepipe ban, not to mention standpipes in the street. However, we need to learn the lessons from this year as ever hotter Summers may become the norm. Unless, of course, the world can face up to Global Warming. Good luck with that one!

The lawn is picking up quickly and is much greener, although there are some large brown patches of dead thatch and even bare earth that may need re-seeding next year. I have set about the lawn with a spring tyne rake to scarify the dead stuff and it is making a difference, but not easy work. There is still a chance for a low Nitrogen Autumn weed and feed, which will help to strengthen the roots over the Winter, ready for next Spring. The edges can be tidied up with a half moon cutter now that the soil is damp. Then it is best to avoid unnecessary foot traffic.

The vegetable patch finally managed to produce some Runner Beans, in fact, there is now a glut. The hot weather really set them back, and the first flush of flower failed to produce much of a crop. Hopefully, they will now continue well into October and make up lost ground. The Climbing French Beans are also doing well, although they finish a bit earlier than the Runners. Also, hoping for some October Marrows, which will be a bonus. One of the Marrows actually turned out to be a Pumpkin (gosh knows where it came from) which has become a staple for soup… pints of it! Also, I discovered a recipe for Thai Red Curry with Pork and Pumpkin. If you simmer it for over 20 minutes, the Pumpkin dissolves into the sauce and gives it a lovely sweetness. Anything that is frost sensitive needs to be harvested this month and stored in a cool dry place. That just leaves the Winter crops to stand in the ground.

The borders and containers should keep producing colour through to the first hard frost, and hopefully, you have a good number of Autumn flowering perennials in your garden. Chrysanthemums are a wonderful Autumn perennial and one of the finest plants. A lot of growers specialise in them, and of course, the Emperor of Japan sits on the Chrysanthemum throne. They can take a lot of effort to grow however, a Charm Chrysanthemum can grace any garden and gives a great flush of small blooms that look spectacular. Now is the time to plant Spring bulbs except for Tulips which can wait until next month, and think about Winter/Spring container plants.

Fruit picking should finish this month with the last of the Apples and Pears. It has been a bumper crop, and it is amazing how much dwarf rootstock has collapsed under the weight. My Braeburn is creaking at the stake and I am praying it will reach harvest before it gives way. I have hammered the stake into the ground and re-enforced the strapping, and still, it is keeling over at an alarming angle. Plum trees should be pruned before Winter and give everything a good mulch.

We are planning to move to Suffolk in October and will be saying goodbye to Upchurch. It has been a wonderful 18 years living in this village, and we have enjoyed it very much. The Upchurch Horticultural Society is going from strength to strength at the moment and is there for anyone in the village or local environs who would like to get involved in gardening. Dave Candy has asked me to be his special Suffolk Correspondent, so I will continue with a monthly article for The Gabriel and Upchurch Matters website.

Gardening is going to be a bit different up there, with heavy clay soil away from the coast that is prone to water logging in Winter, so I will have to lift the maincrop Potatoes. Also, from all accounts, there is no B&Q in Framlingham, although there are two Cs in Beccles. (Just an example of Suffolk humour).

I was born in Kent and will miss it, but I do like Adnams Ghost Ship, and they have brought out another beer called Sea Fog... sounds all very spooky. So it’s time for some practice… and I look forward to being with you again next month.

UHS is always looking for new members and tries to encourage a fun attitude towards friendly competition. So if you want to grow your own fruit, vegetables, and flowers or even enter any of the shows we hold each year, please get in touch. We would be happy to hear from you.

If you are interested in becoming a new member, (all ages are welcome), please contact Rosey on: 01634 377812 (evenings) or Email:

Sean Barry - Upchurch Horticultural Society

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Latest POLICE.UK Crime Data for Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward - July 2022

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

A brief summary of crime information for the past 2 months.

36 crimes are shown on the map in July 2022 including:

5 Anti-social Behaviour
1 Burglary
1 Criminal Damage and Arson
2 Other Theft
3 Public Order
3 Vehicle crime
21 Violence and Sexual Offences

41 crimes were shown on the map in June 2022.

Not all crime that occurs is shown on the map.

Please visit: for more information including outcomes for these crimes and contact information for your local policing team.

Upchurch Matters

Harvest Festival - Thank You

Dear Upchurch,

Richard came on Tuesday and filled the van with your Harvest Festival donations for Swale Foodbank.

The items came from Holywell School and Nursery Days, who held their Harvest Festival service in the church on Thursday the 29th of September, and from the folk at St Mary's and Uplift who held their Harvest Festival service last Sunday. 

There was also £55 raised in donations from our Harvest Lunch in the Village Hall, which followed the Sunday church service. 

Thank you for your loving generosity ♥️

We will be collecting your Swale Foodbank donations at the bus stop opposite the church again on Wednesday the 12th of October, between 10:30am and 11:30am.

Please bring your items in carrier bags. Warehouse Coordinator Richard Divers will then deliver your donations to the Swale Foodbank Warehouse, part of the Trussell Trust.

'A Cuppa and a Chat'

While you are there, why not call into the church for 'A Cuppa and a Chat' in the Lady Chapel.

We will have the kettle on from 10:00am until 12:00pm.

Followed by a time of prayer for the village until 12:30pm.

A warm welcome awaits you - just call in, and we will be pleased to see you!

Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator

Upchurch WI - Quiz Night

Only a few tables left!

Wendy Pitts - Upchurch Women's Institute 
Tel: 01634 362253

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Monday, 3 October 2022

St Mary's Church Fundraising Sale

Saturday 8th October between 10:00am - 11:30am

Homemade Cakes, Jams, Pickles, Scones and Savouries

Also Puzzles, Books, Bric-à-brac and sometimes Plants

Something for everyone!


Please help support this ancient building - Thank you

🍰 🍓 🧩 📚 🎨 🪴 ☕️ ➕

Upchurch Matters


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