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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Upchurch Scout Group - Jumble Collection

Can you help us ?

We are looking to collect old Jumble... clothes, pairs of shoes, handbags, belts etc.

To help raise money for Upchurch Scout Group.
All money raised goes towards running the hut,
camps and the weekly meetings.

If you think you can help please could all items be brought to the Scout Hut the week of 6th July.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Gemma Tutt - Upchurch Beavers

Upchurch Village Fete Day 2015 - Survey

Create your own user feedback survey

The survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to send in their feedback.

Apologies if you're unable to see the survey in our Email alert version of this Notice Board post.
To take the survey please click the link here ☞

Upchurch Village Fete Committee

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Upchurch Village Fete - Thank You

Upchurch Village Fete Committee

Upchurch Guides Strawberry Tea

Upchurch Guides are holding another Strawberry Tea on Wednesday the 1st of July, at Upchurch Scout Hut from 7:15pm until 8:30pm.

All proceeds will be split 50/50 between Breast Cancer Care and Upchurch Village Defibrillator Fund.

All welcome, please come along and support us.

Breast Cancer Care Website:
Find out more about the Defibrillator Fund here:

Tracey Snellings - Upchurch Guides

Saturday, 20 June 2015

New Under 8s Players Wanted - Upchurch Colts FC

Upchurch Colts FC are looking for NEW under 8s (year 2) players
for the new season.

If you are interested please contact Rob Croome on: 07909 688456
or Email:

Sponsored by Kent Trade Frames Ltd -

Rob Croome
Chairman - Upchurch Colts FC

Kent & Medway Civilian Military Partnership - Online Survey

Councillor Gerry Lewin

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Road Closure - Windmill Hill

Windmill Hill will be closed for 4 days from Monday the 20th of July for work to patch the road and repaint the white lines. This can only be done under closure.

Otterham Quay Lane will be closed between the junctions with Lower Rainham Road and Horsham Lane, with no through access during closures.

Due to the nature of these works, it is unlikely the road can be re-opened outside the working hours, except on the evening of Tuesday 21st July when the road will be re-opened due to the overnight closure of nearby Breach Lane.

Access to Beckenham Park will be maintained from one or other direction, as signposted on site.

All other access will be maintained whenever it is safe to do so, but there are likely to be some delays and certain times when this is not possible, for safety reasons.

These works are weather dependent, and if adverse conditions prevent them going ahead on the planned dates shown, revised dates will be notified and signposted on site.

The alternative route is via Otterham Quay Lane, A2 London Road, Oak Lane and
Horsham Lane.
Once Chalkwell are made aware of the exact times and location of the closure they will put notices out on their vehicles to advise their customers.

It's likely they will get to the Three Sisters Public House from Rainham then travel up Otterham Quay Lane and into Upchurch via Oak Lane then continue the route as normal, with the same working in reverse.

We are still waiting to hear back from Travelmasters regarding changes to the School Bus service during the closure.

Upchurch Matters

Monday, 8 June 2015

Experienced Bar / Waiting Staff Required - Upchurch River Valley Golf Course





Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Upchurch 50 Years ago in June 1965 by David Wood

The month began with Swale Borough Council giving permission for land development at Otterham Quay but only for wharfage purposes and not for building. The previous four years had seen a significant increase in house building with three private housing estates appearing in the village. This had caused mixed feelings amongst parishioners about further construction.

Mr J Clark wanted to develop the Otterham Quay area but the council refused. They also turned down a request for street lighting at Drakes Close. More discussion took place regarding lighting at the junction of Oak Lane and the A2 which had been an issue for some time but with little progress being made. Parish clerk Aubrey Smith even visited the Ministry of Transport to get permission but failed.

In social affairs Linda Ellis from Plantation Cottages became Miss Upchurch at the annual competition and dance in the village hall while Linda Boakes from Chaffes Lane and Catherine Dubont became her attendants. Meanwhile, Carol Edmonds (now Carol Boakes) from Holywell became Upchurch Carnival Queen and Angela Gooding from Ham Green and Annette Devont became her attendants for the carnival due to take place in August. Other entertainment in May included three one act comedies staged by ‘The Upstarts’ in the village hall.

In sporting affairs Upchurch Cricket Club enjoyed a successful month with victories against Kent Farm Institute, Detling, Borden and Minster. Although the matches were generally low scoring Don Diffey hit 62 against Kent Farm Institute while bowler Alan Twist took 5-37 against Borden and Len Harris 5-23 against Minster. The club continued to play at their Poot Lane ground where Ted Tress umpired, John Brunning did the scoring while Mary Barden, Mrs Porter and Evelyn Veale usually prepared the teas.

During the long summer evenings large groups of boys played football on the recreation ground with regulars including Peter and Lawrence Duncalf, David Wood, Dave Diddams, Michael ‘Tich’ Parker, Chris Ballard, Mick Kearns, Bob and Philip Gregory and Derek Wraight with Peter and Brian Boakes sometimes joining in. The youths who hung around the village centre outside the Infant’s School were sometimes recruited by Eric Gransden to clear sheep droppings from the cricket ground for a fee of 6d each.

At other village organisations members of Upchurch Women’s Institute listened to a talk given by Miss Degan about diet and how this controls a person’s health and temper. During the same evening members voted to retain ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and sing ‘Jerusalem’ at future meetings.

As today crime periodically occurred in the village and in June 1965 Florence Crittenden’s house at Plantation Cottages got broken into and an eternity ring and money were stolen. The burglar stole £25 which Mrs Crittenden had saved for the Spastics lighthouse organisation and this caused widespread local condemnation.

In agricultural affairs Gore Farm went up for sale but it had to be withdrawn from the auction in Sittingbourne because the price fell too low. With a starting price at £30, 000 for 152 acres of land and a restored farmhouse the price fell to £22, 000. Edward Vinson & Son Ltd from Faversham eventually became the new owners while Mike Blee arrived as the farm manager. He later bought the farm in 1977.

In church affairs Mrs Wraight decided to retire as the church cleaner but her husband Ernie continued as verger and maintained the new churchyard. Miss Orchard finished as the church organist and her position was taken over by Mrs Bodley-Scott on Sunday mornings and Mrs Ryder midweek. Meanwhile, church services were conducted by Reverend Bradshaw with a full congregation attending most Sunday mornings.

The only recorded marriages of the month involved Kay Latter from Drakes Close and John Price from Chatham and Georgine Bateman from Oak Lane and Tim Long from Higham. The funeral of Harry Bass from Drakes Close also took place at the church to end a fairly typical month in the village.

About David
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at: or from us here at Upchurch Matters. Price £12 + £3.50 postage and packing.

David Wood

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Kent Musical Theatre Society Barn Dance at Upchurch Village Hall

We will be joined by Ralph Liddell who will be leading us through the dances.

Tickets can be purchased on the door or reserved by
Email from:
or by Calling / Texting: 07769 343239.

We would encourage guests to reserve their Tickets in advance as we have
a limited capacity for the event.

Paul Gostling
Kent Musical Theatre Society

Upchurch Village Fete Day 2015 - Latest Schedule of Events

Upchurch Village Fete Committee

Upchurch Parish Council - Casual Vacancy for a Councillor

Two casual vacancies have arisen on the Parish Council. Electors have the opportunity to request an election if they wish. If 10 or more electors write to me with this request, in the next fourteen working days, then an election must take place. I would deem this time limit to have expired by Thursday 30th June 2015. 

After this time, the Parish Council is free to co-opt two Councillors. Therefore, anyone interested in coming on to the Council should apply in writing to the Clerk as soon as possible. The qualifications are that you should be a European national, at least 18 years old, an elector and living within three miles of the parish for 12 months or someone with land or a primary place of business in the parish.

Julia Cura
Clerk to the Parish Council
43 Woodside

Tel: 01634 363906

Upchurch Parish Council Report - June 2015

The monthly Meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 4th June at the Village Hall where 5 Councillors were present and 3 members of the public.

Minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2015 – There were no amendments to the minutes and it was proposed by Cllr Rose and seconded by Cllr Denny that they be accepted as a true record. All agreed.
Public TimeVillage Centre – A resident raised concerns regarding the untidiness of the Village Centre with regards to overgrown grass and rubbish outside of the Co-op. It was agreed that the Clerk contact KCC to request that the grass be cut and also that she contact the Co-op to request that they address the issues with litter. Planning - A resident enquired as to what the Parish Councils response would be to the Horsham Lane Garage application. Cllr Tucker advised that the Council had submitted their response in time for the 28th May deadline and had objected strongly to the application. Concerns were also raised with regards to the Jubilee Fields application and the fact that the contractors had given residents the impression that Swale Planning were backing the application at a recent event laid on by Clarendon’s. Cllr Tucker responded that the Parish Council had also been given that impression and that the Clerk had therefore contracted Swale Planning and was awaiting a response and that any information received will be uploaded to the Parish Council website. Burial Ground– A resident enquired as to what Phase 2 is in the Council’s recent Burial Ground update. Cllr Tucker advised that Phase 2 will be the Clerk contacting the plot owners whose graves are currently unkempt and non-compliant in order to start the process of tidying the Burial Ground.  
Declarations of Interest – Cllr Lewin declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in the Defibrillator.
Correspondence – Planting in Upchurch – Following a letter received by the Clerk from a resident regarding the lack of flowers in and around Upchurch the Clerk reported that she had discussed the situation with both KCC and SBC both of which were willing to help. It was agreed that further discussion was needed with regards to ownership of certain areas of land and whether residents and the School may want to be involved with planting. Parking at Village Fete - A resident had contacted the Clerk regarding concerns with parking on the Recreation Ground during the Village Fete. The Clerk had responded to the resident to assure them that as in previous years the parking would be very well supervised.
Planning – 15/503300/FULL – 2 Horsham Lane, Upchurch – The Council strongly objected to this application due to the fact that no consideration had been given to the conditions on the previous application, parking is limited, the use of black stained boarding would be out of character with the surrounding area and there is no evidence of input from the Conservation Officer or Kent Heritage. 15/503784/FULL – Gore Pumping Station – As this application is to improve the quality of water in Upchurch the Council could see no reason to object to this application as long as during construction heavy vehicular access is mindful of potential impact on the busy A2.
Other Planning Matters – 15/501944/FULL- Jubilee Fields– Cllr Arnold is to draft a letter for the Clerk to send to Southern Water with regards to the impact on the already unreliable sewage system in and around the Village that an application of this size will have. 15/500247/FULL – Greenacres, Holywell Lane - Cllr Lewin reported that the Greenacres application will go before Swale Planning Committee on 11th June 2015.
Finance A discussion took place regarding the claiming of basic allowances and expenses for Councillors. It was agreed that the Councillors could claim out of office expenses such as travel costs. As the Council had not had an election it was agreed that the allocation of the election money from last year’s precept should be further discussed at the next Council meeting.
Defibrillator – The Clerk advised that she had received a cheque from the W.I in order to purchase a defibrillator for Upchurch. The W.I are donating this as their 100 year celebration. Cllr Tucker reported that the W.I were still looking into appropriate sites for the defibrillator to be placed and would be continuing to raise funds in order to donate to the Council towards the maintenance of the defibrillator and electricity costs.
Bus Shelter – Cllr Tucker reported that Cllr Masson has made excellent progress with the Bus Shelter proposal and has met with the Conservation Officer in order to obtain quotes for the appropriate type of shelter for the Village and the site that it should be placed. The Clerk has submitted a pre-planning meeting request with Swale Planning and Cllr Masson has contacted Cllr Mike Baldock with regards to a possible grant toward the shelter. There will be a pre-planning meeting arranged with residents to discuss the proposal in the future.
APM 2016 – The date was set for 21st April 2016.
Casual Vacancies – The Council currently has two casual vacancies which the Clerk has advertised on the Parish noticeboards.
Recreation Ground – Support Posts – Cllr Denny reported that two support posts near the new fence had been damaged and would be removed.
Paddock – Play Equipment - Cllr Arnold advised that the new parts had been fitted to the play equipment.  The Clerk reported that the Annual Inspection of the play equipment would take place in July.
Burial Ground and Churchyard – Cllr Tucker  reported that during a recent meeting with the Churchwardens concerns had been raised regarding the erosion of the wall and fence joining the Churchyard and the Village Hall. The Churchwardens had also reported that the ashes plots in the Churchyard were still under discussion with the Diocese and due to the size of the quotes received to place a pathway through the Churchyard it had been decided that the most uneven parts would be addressed first at less or no cost. St Mary’s Church Clock – The Clerk reported that the Annual service is due in August and will be arranged in order that Cllr Masson can be present.
Highways – Cllr Arnold reported that five street lights had been repaired. Road Markings – Cllr Tucker asked that Cllr Arnold contact Highways to request that the hedges be cut back on Windmill Hill before new road markings were applied. Cllr Arnold reported that he had still not received a date for the closure of Windmill Hill for repairs. Parking outside School – Cllr Lewin reported that the Enforcement Officers are looking into the parking situation outside of the school.
Other Matters not yet arising – Burial Ground – Cllr Tucker reported that following a meeting at the Burial Ground a resident had suggested that a charitable fund be set up in order to assist with the maintenance over the coming years. Cllr Tucker advised that this would be considered for the future. Horsham Garage – Cllr Lewin reported that the Enforcement Officers are having difficulty contacting the garage owners.

There will be no monthly meeting in July. The next meeting will take place on 6th August 2015 at 7:30pm in the Village Hall.

Please note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.
Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council.
Tel: 01634 363906

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Upchurch Twinning Group - AGM

Upchurch is twinned with the Commune of
Ferques, Pas de Calais, France.

You are invited to join us at our Annual General Meeting on Thursday the 11th of June at Holywell School Hall, commencing at 7:30pm.

We look forward to meeting you there! As an incentive we are offering a glass or two of wine, with a few nibbles, after the meeting.

Why not come and join us?

You can find out more about Upchurch Twinning Group at the link here ☞

Ann Harman Secretary

Monday, 1 June 2015

Upchurch Best Kept Garden 2015 - Update

All gardens in the Parish that can be viewed from the front of your home will judged on or about Saturday 18th July.

The judging takes place without interviews with the occupants – so if you are shopping or on holiday you garden will still be judged!

Prizes are awarded for:-
Firstly a garden which is predominately growing flowers,
secondly a garden which is mixture of flowers, trees and or shrubs,
Finally for those with only a small or no front garden the judges will assess any hanging baskets or flower troughs.
The Overall Winner will look after the Barbara Webb Memorial Rose Bowl for one year.

Prizes for the above will be presented at the Upchurch Horticultural Society Show during early September in the Village Hall.

This year the prizes are sponsored by the Upchurch Parish Council and Helena Sait of Radiance.

Helena is an Image and Colour consultant and is offering a Gift Experience Certificate for a Full 1-1 Colour Analysis at her company Radiance by Helena as a prize this year (Value £85.00).

For further information look up:

Gerry Lewin
01634 366113 or Email:

On behalf of the Upchurch Horticultural Society and the Parish Council


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