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Monday, 30 June 2014

Maypole Dance at the Upchurch Village Fete Day 2014.

This year the old Village Maypole was found, restored and danced around again at the Village Fete Day. Possibly for the fist time in some 15 years.

The day was also part of the Village World War One Centenary Commemorations.

Thanks very much to Max Lee for kindly allowing us to post his video.

Upchurch Matters

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Thank You form St. Mary the Virgin Promise Auction

A very big thank you to all those who took part in what was an amazing successful Auction held at the Village Fete on Saturday 28th June.

A special thank you to all the people who made donations of the promises plus to Dennis Paulley for being the Auctioneer and to Tracey Snellings for the Auction Website.

For all those who bid and to those who were successful , thank you for your tremendous support, we hope you really enjoy your promise.

On behalf of the St. Mary the Virgin, Parish Church Committee, a huge thank you for supporting with the up keep of our Village Church.

A grand total of £1056 was raised.

Any queries please contact Brenda Kemsley
Tel: 01634 231585 or Email:

Friday, 20 June 2014

UpARA - Schedule of Events

Upchurch Active Retirement Association

We had a very successful launch of our new association in Upchurch and our membership has now risen to 120, against our upper limit of 150.

Our next events are:-

Monthly Meetings (2nd Friday of the month)
(Members Free; Guests £2.00)
Friday 11th July 2014 - 2:00pm
Friday 8th August 2014 - 2:00pm

Coffee Mornings (4th Tuesday of the month)
(Members £1.50; Guests £2:00)
Tuesday 24th June 2014 - 09.30am until 12:30pm
Tuesday 22nd July 2014 - 09.30am until 12:30pm

Village Walks (Every other Friday)
Friday 20th June 2014 - 10:00am
Friday 4th July 2014 - 6:00pm

Thursday 24th. July 2014
Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury
Wednesday 13th August 2014
Day Trip to Brighton

 New Members Welcome - Annual Subscription £15

David Powell - Chairman
Telephone: 01795 843550

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Break In - Spade Lane

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Message 423 from Neighbourhood Watch


There was a break in at Pacific Traders Ltd Spade Lane Hartlip Sittingbourne. This occurred overnight between 16th and 17th of June.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the Crime Number.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Upchurch Village Fete Day

Lots of traditional fete stalls and games being run by local groups & organisations

 Teas, Coffees, Cold Drinks, Beers, Cakes, BBQ available

 All Day activities in St Mary’s with historical displays, games for all ages, trips up the bell tower and cream teas being served

 Parking will be available in the Recreation Ground, a short walk along Oak Lane from The Paddock and limited parking in the Village Hall Car Park

 Toilet facilities available

 Dogs welcome, but must be on a lead at all time (unless in centre arena) and please clear up after them. Dog bin situated by main gate

Timetable of Events (EO&E)

11:00   Opening ceremony - Arena

            Reveille played by Alan Vardy, Marjorie Lacy & Sara Tucker, Chair of Parish Council, with the             release of poppy balloons - One for each serviceman who died in the Great War

11:30   The Lindy’s singers - Stage

11:45   In the Stocks - Gerry Lewin

12:00   The Syncopators Jazz band - Stage

12:10   In the stocks - Holywell’s teachers - Miss Rachel Walker & Miss Eleanor Parker   

12:30   Rock choir - Stage

13:00   Holywell School singing - Stage

13:20   In the stocks - The  ‘Dame of Panto  and  Upchurch’ - Dave Candy

13:30   The Syncopators Jazz band - Stage

13:45   In the stocks - Holywell’s teachers - Miss Sue David & Miss Tracey English

13:50   PCC Auction - Arena

14:20   Rock choir  - Stage

14:30   In the Stocks - Holywell’s One & only - Tom Ball

14:55   Maypole Dancing - Arena

15:10   Tug of War competition - Arena

15:40   The Lindy’s singers - Stage

16:00   Fete closes with a Quarter peal of the church Bells

11:30 - 13:30   Doggy Assault Course for dogs over 1 year old in the centre arena

Sara Tucker

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Upchurch Parish Council Report - July 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 5th June at the Village Hall where 7 Councillors were present and 7 members of the public.

Public TimePublic Footpath ZR7 – Residents reported that the overgrown vegetation had been cut but it had not been cleared away. Bus Shelter in Village Centre– A resident commented that the Councils decision to agree to a bus shelter was most regrettable. He felt that it would eventually be of great detriment to the village centre. It was explained that this issue had been discussed many times and a decision by the Council was necessary. A working party will progress this proposal. Another resident thanked the Council for voting for this proposal. He had been surprised by the number of residents who were pleased with this. Deliveries to the CO-OP store – Two residents explained that they had come along on behalf of the store and were hoping to find out if anything could be done to address concerns raised. Cllr Tucker explained that the Council had met with the Area Risk Manager from the CO-OP and the Store Manager to discuss this issue. This item was on the agenda and members were aware that it involved all lorries delivering to the village. Pavement overgrown from Beckenham Park to Three Sisters – It was explained that this could be reported on line at:

Correspondence Book funding – Members considered a request to fund or part fund printing costs of local heritage book. It was agreed not to fund this request.

Planning - The following applications were considered:
SW/14/0513 Gardening World, London Road, Newington – Use of additional floorspace within existing buildings for the sale of non-plant specific/related products. No objections.
TP/14/0066 The Paddock, Oak Lane/Chaffes Lane – Elder (T1) fell. No comment.
SW/14/0042 Land to the north of Tree Tops, Holywell Lane – Change of use of land and barn for the grazing and stabling of horses and associated vehicle parking for private use. The Planning Review Team commented as follows:

·      This is a retrospective application for a site which has been used since 2004 and, it is understood, has been tolerated by local residents. What has prompted this application now?
·      The permission granted in 2004 was for “private recreational use”. Did this include the keeping of horses? If not, has there been an enforcement notice about this use?
·      In section 14 of the application it says that the site is currently vacant. This is not so as there are buildings and horses on it.
·      Is the use purely private or is there an income being generated from it?
·      The location of this site is on the controversial Holywell Lane which already has highway issues from traveller sites. Is this application going to exacerbate it?

SW/14/0589 22 Horsham Lane – Removal of large conservatory to rear of dwelling and replaced with two storey extension forming new breakfast/family room at ground floor and bedroom/en-suite at first floor. No objections.
Permission granted:
SW/13/1198 134 Horsham Lane – Erection of timber framed garden shed.

Other Planning matters - Public Footpath ZR24 (part) Upchurch – proposal to divert the footpathThe Order is not confirmed. SW/14/0074 Oast Field Stud, Gore Farm Track, Holywell Lane – Change of use of land to a 1 no.pitch gypsy site (1 no. mobile home, 2 no. tourng caravans) with associated foaling boxes and parking bays. The Planning Review Team had commented that they strongly objected to this application and also felt that temporary planning permission should not be an option as it delays the inevitable. SW/13/0152 Horsham Plantation Yard, Horsham Lane – Change of use from B1 to car sales & showroom. Members noted that the Enforcement Officer had visited this site and was taking forward the planning/advertising issues with the operators of the Car Sales.

Finance KCC Member Grant Scheme 2014-15- It was suggested to apply for 50% match funding towards the total cost of replacing the Recreation Ground fence along the Oak Lane end. All agreed.
Administration - Replacement Village Cleaner – The Council is looking into the option of a KCC Contractor. Members will continue to litter pick The Paddock and Recreation Ground on a regular basis.
Allotments and Recreation GroundVacant plots/Non-payment of rent – The Clerk reported that three plots were vacant and one person was interested.                                                                                   
Paddock New play area/equipment – An email from a resident suggesting ideas for this had been circulated. Ideas included: benches, seated area around stump, a nature walk/area in the trees that had now been opened up, a woodland walk by Bradshaw Close, one piece of play equipment, teenage area where the old play equipment was located and maintaining the flower beds around the outside of The Paddock. It was agreed to set up a project working group to re-visit this now that the tree work had been completed.

Burial Ground and ChurchyardSt Marys Churchyard Wall – It was noted that the Conservation Officer had met with the builders and the Churchwarden to discuss the rebuilding of the wall that was damaged by a reversing lorry. He had recommended that the mortar, which is still soft, be raked back just a few mm to expose the corners of all the bricks. St Marys Church Clock – It was agreed to accept a maintenance agreement with Gillett & Johnston at annual cost of £145 plus VAT. Grass Cutting – The Clerk reported that Grasstex were planning to cut the grass the next day. Concerns were expressed that the grass had not been cut since the beginning of May. It was explained that the schedule had been altered due to a specific request to avoid a funeral taking place in the Church and also, the bank holiday on 26th May. The Clerk will contact Grasstex to confirm the dates of future cuts and how amendments to the schedule are dealt with.

EnvironmentBarbara Webb Memorial – It is hoped to plant a tree with a plaque in the grounds of the Village Hall. Faster Broadband – Making Kent Quicker Project – It was noted that the rollout plan and postcode checker could be accessed via: It was commented that this was scheduled in Upchurch between July and December 2014.

Highways - CO-OP delivery Lorries – The Area Risk Manager at the CO-OP had recommended implementing parking control(s) in the area directly outside the store: 1. Apply yellow lines – It was commented that his had not been favourable in the past. 2. Apply for a loading bay (narrow white lines on one side of the road) with restrictions for parking, probably for a two hour window Monday-Saturday. It was commented that the store could only control the deliveries of CO-OP lorries. 3. The wooded area to the right side of the store as you viewed by the road could be used as a loading bay. It was commented that this application could become difficult and time consuming due to its location within a Conservation Area. 4. The yard area to the left side of the store could be used for parking. It was commented that a planning application submitted in 2002 was refused. It was accepted that the CO-OP delivery lorries did cause parking issues but it was compounded by the parking of visitors to all the shops in that area and not just to the CO-OP. After much discussion, it was agreed to follow up the option of a loading bay with the CO-OP Area Risk Manager and consult PSCO Cork.

Next meetings – 3rd July, 4th September at Upchurch Village Hall at 7.30pm.
The Public are welcome to attend this meeting and may put questions and/or make comments to members. It is helpful if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting.
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon - Thurs 9am to midday)

Upchurch 50 Years Ago in June 1964

In a series of summer events related to the fete and carnival, the month got off to a great start when ‘The Crown’ Darts Team reached the final of the Rainham & District Darts League. Well- known Upchurch player Doug Sellen from Gore Bank reached the singles final then paired up with ‘Taffy’ Burnell from Gore Farm Cottages for the doubles final to be played at the Central Hotel, Gillingham in July.

On June 20th the Carnival Queen Final took place at the Infant’s School with nineteen year old Barbara Webb from Drakes Close winning the title. The following week the Miss Upchurch final took place with fourteen year old Rosemary Gransden from Wallbridge Lane winning the competition. Kay Donald from Chaffes Lane and Linda Ellis from Horsham Lane were runners –up.

At the parish council Annual General Meeting long serving village councillor Ted Tress became chairman and Eric Wright from Chaffes Lane vice-chairman. Various committees were then formed dealing with footpaths, allotments and the recreation ground. At the same meeting Mr. Stearne from The Poles and Mr. Bull from Otterham Quay caravan site were elected as councillors, Mrs. Burton from Horsham Lane became manager of the Infant’s School and Mr. Clark from Frog Farm Cottages became trustee of the Upchurch Charities following the death of Charles Witherden.

The parish council paid a special tribute to recently deceased farmer Charles Witherden from Crown Cottage at Ham Green for his service as a parish councillor and a charities trustee. He had managed the village charities for many years. Meanwhile, a special farewell party took place for Tom and Edith Colven from Horsham Lane before their departure to Cranbrook after living in the village for fifteen years. Tom Colven had served as a parish and rural councillor while Edith Colven had run the Darby & Joan Club, she had served as a member of the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) and had sat on the school management committee. An autograph book signed by friends and a gift of £24 were presented to the couple in appreciation for their contribution to the village community.

In sporting affairs Upchurch Cricket Club had a mixed month with several good wins against other local teams. Peter Porter took 5-26 against Baldwins, Eric Gransden took 5-12 against Borden while Len Harris took 4-10 against BP Research. He also took 5-47 against Rennats and scored 56 against the Kent Farm Institute. The problem of clearing sheep droppings from the playing surface immediately before matches with shovels at the Poot Lane ground periodically occurred but the playing area continued to be well maintained.

David Wood.
At the Women’s Institute president Mrs. Burrows presided over 40 members while Mrs. Ives gave a demonstration of homemade sweet making. In the competition that followed to see who could make the best sweets, Mrs. Daniel from Oak Lane came first and Mrs. Burrows second. After this a geographical guessing game took place entitled ‘Where I was born’ which gave members a competitive and engaging evening.

June birthdays were celebrated by Clive Glover from Oak Lane aged six, John Lamberton from Chaffes Lane aged four and Colin Wood from Ham Green aged three. The only recorded baptism involved Gerald Diffey from Oak Lane in a month dominated by parish council, village fete and carnival queen elections.

About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at: or from us here at Upchurch Matters. Price £12 + £3.50 postage and packing.

David Wood.

Auction of Promises - Website Up and Running

Our website is now up and running. We have a wide selection of bids on offer from a football signed by Gillingham Football Club to a trip on the Edith May. Please take time to have a look.

We will be in the Paddock, Upchurch, on the Village Fete Day 28th June 2014 where we will have our promises on show for you to see and then at 2pm our Auctioneer will take the final offers.

Please take time to look at the promises and make a bid if you find something that you like.

Any queries please contact Brenda Kemsley
Tel: 01634 231585 or Email:

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

WW1 Centenary - Reflections of Lower Halstow - 1914

Reflections of Lower Halstow - 1914, in Words,
Pictures, Flowers and Music

August 2nd, 3rd and 4th at
St. Margaret's Church, Lower Halstow

Please join us in church as we explore life in the village in August 1914. We will have a display giving a brief history of the young, brave lads who volunteered from Lower Halstow.

St. Margaret's will be decorated with floral arrangements inspired by poetry and music written by those affected and with photos from the era. There will be a series of events in the church to mark the weekend.

The church will be open at the following times with daily events:

Saturday 2nd August 10:00am to 4:00pm  At 2:00pm Michael Mills will present a talk on the First World War, the talk will be aimed to suit children, so every one is welcome.

Sunday 3rd August 1:00pm to 4:00pm  At 2:00pm there will be singing from two lovely ladies known locally as 'Those Women', they will be singing popular songs known to us from the First World War. Afternoon Tea will be served afterwards, so every one is welcome.

Monday 2:00pm to 6:30pm  The Thames Sailing barge, Edith May, will be joining us in the parish dock. Our reflections will end with a short service at 6:30pm, concluding with Fred Slade playing 'Sunset' on the trumpet. After the service please stay for a glass of wine to reminisce, so every one is welcome.

There will be tea, coffee and cake available during all three days to welcome visitors and to enjoy the ambience of the church.

Please do come and join us as we mark the Centenary of the outbreak of the First World War in this simple but beautiful way.

Liz Mouland
Friends of St. Margaret's Church, Lower Halstow

Produce Sale and Crafts

Produce Sale and Crafts - Saturday 19th July and
Saturday 27th September, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
St. Margaret's Church, Lower Halstow

Please join us at arguably the prettiest location around for a wide range of home grown and home made produce and crafts including: Jewellery, Pens, Woodwork, Needlework, Cards and Honey.

Refreshments available and a warm welcome guaranteed!

Liz Mouland
Friends of St. Margaret's Church, Lower Halstow

Fire Brigades Union Strikes

The Fire Brigades Union have called 2 more strikes on the following dates:

Between 9:00am on Thursday 12/06/14 and 9:00am on Friday 13/06/14.


Between 10:00am and 5:00pm on Saturday 21/06/14.

Kent Fire and Rescue Service will continue to answer and deal with 999 calls, but will not be operating at the normal level of service, so it is important to take extra care.

Please take a few minutes for a few safety checks to keep your home, business and family safe and help reduce unnecessary calls.

Kent Community Messaging

Monday, 9 June 2014

Upchurch Best Kept Garden 2014 - FINAL REMINDER

All gardens in the Parish that can be viewed from the front of your home will be judged on or about Saturday 19th July. The judging takes place without interviews with the occupants – so if you are shopping or on holiday you garden will still be judged!

Prizes are awarded for:-
  • xxxxxx
  • Firstly a garden which is predominately growing flowers,
  • secondly a garden which is mixture of flowers, trees and or shrubs,
  • xxand
  • Finally for those with only a small or no front garden the judges will assess any
  • xxhanging baskets or flower troughs.
  • The Overall Winner will look after the Barbara Webb Memorial Trophy for one year.
Prizes for the above will be presented at the Upchurch Horticultural Society Show during early September in the Village Hall. 

Last year the prizes were sponsored by the Upchurch Parish Council and The Brown Jug - if you would also like to be a sponsor [in cash or in kind] then please contact me.

Gerry Lewin
Tel: 01634 366113 or Email:           

On behalf of the Upchurch Horticultural Society and the Parish Council

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course - Anniversary Day Celebrations

Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Nursery Days Pre School

Nursery Days is planning some exciting additions to the provision we already offer! Those already attending know just how busy we are in the preschool this year and with the new starts and those moving up we are full by January/February again!

The village hall preschool will be an extension of what we already offer for those who just wish to receive the 15 hours, although we are just putting feelers out at the moment for interest ....


600 Posts

We've reached a milestone today on Upchurch Matters. In just over 3 years we've posted 600 news items and articles to our popular 'Notice Board Page', in support of local groups, organisations, events & businesses.

If you're planning a village event then don't forget to tell us about it first so we can tell everybody else!

Thank you

Upchurch Matters

Church Opening Times during June and July

Church opening times for St. Mary the Virgin, Upchurch during June and July are:

Wednesday afternoons between 1:00pm and 4:00pm.

Saturdays between 11:00am and 4:00pm.

Jackie Giddings

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

UpARA - Programme of Events

Upchurch Active Retirement Association

We had a very successful launch of our new association in Upchurch, with 77 members signing up at the inaugural meeting, which has now risen to 110, against our limit of 150.

Our next events are;-

Monthly Meeting (2nd Friday of the Month)

(Members Free; Guests £2.00)
Friday 13th June 2014, 2:00pm
Friday 11th July 2014, 2:00pm

Coffee Mornings (4th Tuesday of the Month)

(Members £1.50; Guests £2.00)
Tuesday 24th June 2014, 09:30am 
Tuesday 22nd July 2014, 09:30am

Village Walks (Every other Friday)

Friday 6th June 2014, 6:00pm
Friday 20th June 2014, 10:00am


Thursday 24th July 2014
Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury
Wednesday 13th August 2014
Day trip to Brighton

*New members welcome*

David Powell - Chairman
Telephone: 01795 843550


Fiona Shoults


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