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Saturday, 22 March 2014

News from Upchurch Players

Players Auditions - are being held on Sunday the 27th of April, 3:00pm at the Village Hall.

Beat the Quizmaster - on Saturday the 10th of May at the Village Hall, 7:45pm. Tables of 6, £5 entry per person. Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

Painting Dayson Saturday the 10th and Sunday the 11th of May at the Village Hall, 9:00am.

Beat the Quizmaster - on Saturday the 11th of October at the Village Hall, 7:45pm. Tables of 6, £5 entry per person. Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

Painting Days - on Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th of October at the Village Hall, 9:00am.

Gloria Knight
Tel: 01634 363271

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Quad Bike Stolen - Crosier Court

[Reference: Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward]

Message 207 from Neighbourhood Watch


Unknown offenders have broken into commercial premises and stolen a red quad bike from stables at Crosier Court, Upchurch. This happened overnight between 19th and 20th of March.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number: 101 and quote relevant Crime Number.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

How Upchurch has changed over the Years by David Wood

From being a small rural village with a tiny population living in thatched cottages surrounding the church for centuries, Upchurch, which means ‘Church on the hill’, has grown into a big village in Swale and at present has a population of over 3,500. Although the road layout is similar to previously, many parts of the village are unrecognisable from past times and some big changes have taken place.

The first significant rise in population took place in the second half of the 19th century when the figure rose from 777 in 1871 to 1,121 in 1881, mainly due to the establishment of the brickfields. The village population only rose slightly to 1,129 in 1901 and only grew gradually after that until the 1960s. During this period several housing estates were constructed in quick succession starting with Crosier Court in 1961, followed by The Poles, Church Farm Road, Marstan Close and later Bishop Lane. These estates attracted new residents from far and wide. The population then grew substantially until it exceeded 3,000.

Old thatched cottages once existed at Ham Green and Wetham Green while oast houses were located in Horsham Lane, Chaffes Lane and Forge Lane. As a result of population growth and the building of new houses some old historical buildings which were left over from past centuries disappeared for ever. For example, on the site of Church Farm Road housing estate an old Elizabethan barn, a forge and Church Farm Cottages had existed up to the 1960s before being demolished. Opposite The Crown several buildings that dated from the 18th century were knocked down while Bradshaw Close replaced the old vicarage building which had existed since 1724.

There are still buildings which have survived from the distant past. These include the church which dates from 1100, ‘Wayside’ situated opposite which is believed to have served as a vicarage, a coach and horses stop off point, a pub and a confectionary shop at different times. The site originally dates from the 14th century although the present house dates from the 17th century.

The site of The Crown pub has survived from the 14th century with a layout that suggests that it had a connection with the church, a meat store, a coffin maker’s workshop and finally a pub. Gore Farm farmhouse also dates from the 14th century and Black Horse Cottages in Oak Lane survive from the 18th century. The Paddock still exists in more or less the same condition since the mid-19th century with the exception of the children’s play area and the recreation ground has existed since 1897 although trees have been planted around the perimeter. A scout’s hut named Drake’s Lodge adjoins it, the wooden hut that Upchurch Football Club used for changing purposes no longer exists and Upchurch Football Club no longer play there. Next to the recreation ground and opposite the doctor’s surgery is the former police house where the village policeman lived. A policeman had been resident in the village since the second half of the 19th century and before then constables were elected by the parish overseers to maintain law and order in the village. This is no longer the case.

Holywell School served the village for the education of all village children from 1847 until 1883 when the Infant’s School was opened. Children of secondary school age continued to be educated at Holywell until the 1930s then began travelling to Medway for their secondary education. In 1976 the school closed and the pupils were moved to a new building in Forge Lane along with pupils from the Infant’s School to form the new Holywell School. The old Holywell School eventually became the location for a private company while the Infant’s School became a private nursery school named ‘Nursery Days’ in 1996. Upchurch Children of secondary age now travel to Sittingbourne schools for their education.

David wood.

The village post office has occupied various buildings starting with the shop now known as ‘Terry’s’ during the late 19th and first part of the 20th centuries. It then moved to the Old Bakery in Forge Lane for a while, back to ‘Terry’s’ then to the Upchurch Stores opposite the church in The Street. During the 1950s it moved on to the building now known as ‘Snaffles’ and finally to its present location at the newsagent’s in 1982.

The building opposite Snaffles is now the Co-op stores but after its construction in 1893 it became the Edward 1st pub which had originally been located at ‘Wayside,’ the white building opposite the church. It became a convalescent home during and after World War 1 then the Co-op Stores from the early 1950s.

Today there is more and better quality housing available than at the beginning of the 20th century. A village hall appeared for the first time in 1961 which has served as a venue for parties, village organisations and sports clubs. Previously the Infant’s School and the former Labour Hall served as the main social venues. The golf club replaced the hop gardens in Oak Lane and a new location appeared first for the cricket club in 1987 then later for the football club in Holywell Lane. A garage with a petrol pump existed almost opposite Crosier Court in Horsham Lane from the 1950s but this closed down and became a car showroom.

With the coming of Woodruff Close in Horsham Lane and the construction of housing estates on the sites of the former brickfield and Four Gun Field near Canterbury Lane, Upchurch is expanding and getting closer to being joined to Rainham.

Outside the village centre farmland is worked more intensively by fewer farmers than previously. In the past a larger number of farmers and smallholders existed in the parish but due to economic circumstances many went out of business and local labour has been replaced by seasonal and temporary Eastern European workers. This has led to barns and farm workers cottages being converted into luxury homes, mainly in the Ham Green area of the parish and a change in the composition of the local population. While ‘Pick Your Own’ strawberries are no longer available at Twinney, The Barnyard farm shop still continues at Gore Farm.

Otterham Quay has served as a port over the centuries allowing the transport of agricultural products and bricks to other locations. In the 16th century it became an outlet for the export of corn which made the village affluent for a while. It also became an important consideration in the building of the brickfields during the mid-19th century from where a single track allowed bricks to be transported to Otterham Quay then on to other locations by barge. A similar situation arose at the Wakeley Poot Lane brick works from 1862 when bricks were transported across Wetham Green by rail to Twinney Creek then on to other locations by barge. By the early 20th century three pubs known as The Anchor & Hope, The Lord Stanley and The Three Sisters served the Otterham brickfield workers, bargemen and seamen. Today only The Three Sisters continues to exist as a pub in the Otterham Quay area.

The area of the village has remained about the same but Burntwick Island just off the Ham Green Peninsular is no longer part of the village as it got cut off by the river during the mid-18th century. During the same period a large area of land incorporating the lower end of Poot Lane and Ham Green which got handed over to the parish of Lower Halstow by the owner as a gift was returned to Upchurch in 1882 although parishioners living there didn’t officially obtain ecclesiastical rights in the village until the early 1960s.

Until well into the 20th century most Upchurch residents were born, educated, married, worked and died in the village. Being a rural area male residents found work on local farms, on the barges or in the brickfields. Women did periodic fruit or hop picking on local farms to supplement their husbands’ income. This remained relatively unchanged until the 1960s. At present residents generally work away from the village with many commuting to London and are generally much better off than residents from previous centuries who suffered hardship, periods of unemployment and disease such as ague, a marsh malaria that wasn’t totally eradicated until the early 20th century.

The church, which is characterised by its ‘candle snuffer’ tower and where Sir Francis Drake’s father Edmund Drake served as vicar, has remained a focal point in the village but its social role has changed. Up to the early 19th century it incorporated the village school. Although it continues its traditional role for religious services, baptisms, weddings and funerals, it’s now also the venue for musical concerts and fund raising events. There is no longer a resident vicar but instead a group of clergy who operate between several parishes which includes Upchurch.

Many clubs and organisations have existed since the second part of the 19th century with the oldest being Upchurch Cricket Club formed in 1883 and the Mother’s Union formed in the early 1890s. With a large variety of clubs the village has catered for a vast range of residents’ recreational interests over the years.

The village continues with its long tradition of fund raising which has remained a feature since the mid-19th century. Old traditions have ended like the annual village fete and carnival, the village marathon and the Empire Day celebrations while new events like the Upchurch Festival of Music and theatrical plays have become established.

Upchurch today is a well organised village with good quality housing and facilities for residents while still maintaining its rural character with plenty of open spaces and a healthy environment for families to live.

About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at:  or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood.

Falls Prevention Classes - A New Free Service

Brighter Futures will be delivering a new programme of falls prevention classes in the community across east Kent. Funded by Public Health, these are specialist classes for people who have had a fall or are at risk of falling. They develop confidence, strength, balance and postural stability.
Falls often have a terrible effect on older people, limiting confidence and increasing isolation longer term.
This is a free programme with transport available for those who need it, delivered across the area.

Amanda Duddle
Postural Stability Coordinator
Voluntary Action Maidstone
39-48 Marsham Street Maidstone Kent ME14 1HH
Tel: 01622 762403

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Temporary Road Closures - Halstow Lane & The Street, Lower Halstow

Temporary Road Closures - Halstow Lane & The Street, Lower Halstow - 31st March - 3rd April 2014.

Closures of sections of Halstow Lane and The Street, Lower Halstow are planned, starting from 31st March 2014, as shown below.

HALSTOW LANE will be closed from Monday 31st March 2014 for up to 2 days.

The closure is in the vicinity of the Cricket Ground.

The alternative route is via Halstow Lane, Holywell Lane and Breach Lane.

THE STREET will be closed from Wednesday 2nd April 2014 for up to 2 days.

The closure is in the vicinity of Neptune Bungalow, to the north of the junction with Vicarage Lane.

The alternative route is via Sheerness Road, Basser Hill, High Oak Hill, Wardwell Lane and Vicarage Lane.

Due to the nature of the works, it is unlikely that roads can be re-opened outside working hours.

The closures are to enable Kent County Council to carry out works to install village gateways.

These works are weather dependent, and if adverse conditions prevent them going ahead on the planned dates, revised dates will be notified locally and signposted on site.

The Kent County Council Highway Helpline phone number is 03000 418181

For details of roadworks, please see:


Phil Lightman

Road Closures Co-ordinator, East Kent Division
KCC Highways and Transportation
Ashford Highway Depot
Javelin Way, Ashford, TN24 8AD
Phone: Highway Helpline 03000 418181


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Phil Cooper 1944 - 2014

It is with great sadness that Gloria Cooper would like to inform the village of the death of her husband Philip Cooper.

On Sunday the 16th of March Phil was involved in a fatal motorcycle accident and would have been 70 in May of this year.

Many will remember Phil, Gloria and their sons Nicholas and Paul from their years living at No 3 The Poles.

Upchurch Matters.

News from Upchurch Twinning Group

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.
Do visit: for interesting stuff as well! 
Committeedesperately  needs more members.  This is now a matter of some urgency as, without new people to replace those of us who are stepping down at the AGM, the committee will cease to function. Please come to our AGM or contact us beforehand to help us here. We will need a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and ideally a few others to bring our group up to strength. Do ask us about our committee’s work if you are unsure of anything.
The two villages will always be twinned because of our signed Charters, but without a committee there cannot be events or excursions organised.
Your Twinning Group needs you!
 Annual General Meeting – our AGM has been fixed for Thursday 19th June 2014 at 7:30pm in Holywell School Hall. Refreshments will be available after the meeting.
Bastille Day Fair in Ferques – Always on 14th July, this year it is a Monday. Ferques always has a street fair. Makes a good day out!
Jim Harman (Chairman) 01634 235420
Sue Rossiter (Secretary) 01634 234780 or Email: 

Sue Rossiter

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Promise Auction at the Grand Village Fete - Update

St. Mary the Virgin, Upchurch
Promise Auction
at the
Grand Village Fete
on 28th June 2014

We have received a steady flow of Promises but we still have room for more.

Do you have something to offer?

If so

Please contact either

Brenda Kemsley on: 01634 231585 or


Elizabeth Shorthouse on: 01634 364676 or

There will be a website set up to take ‘Bids’ from the 1st June 2014
Until 12 noon 28th June 2014.

Brenda Kemsley

Friday, 14 March 2014

Upchurch Parish Council Report - April 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 6th March in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 9 Councillors were present and 12 members of the public.
Public TimeOak Lane – A resident raised concerns about the section of road that appeared to be sinking and commented that no repair work had taken place. C.A.Ts (Community Action Team)– A resident reported that he attended a youth session held in the Village Hall on Tuesdays between 3.30pm and 6.00pm. He explained that there was no charge and really enjoyed the session. SW/13/1373 Orchard Park – A resident asked if there was any update on holding a joint meeting with other Parish Councils to discuss issues with gypsy and traveller sites. Cllr Tucker reported that she hoped to arrange this shortly. The resident reported that there was around 6 or more caravans at the gypsy/traveller site near to The Three Sisters Public House. Bus Shelter – A resident reported that he had completed his unofficial survey on the number of people using the bus in the village. The maximum number of people waiting for the bus in one day was 9 and the minimum was 2. This excluded the children waiting for the school bus as this was variable. The majority of people waited for the bus travelling to Chatham. He commented that you would need a pavilion to fit in the amount of people waiting for this bus. He reported that vandalism at St Marys Church had occurred again when the door to the gas meter was kicked in. SW/14/0074 Oast Field Stud – A resident explained that she had submitted this application and would be willing to answer any questions that the Council may have. Bus Shelter – A resident commented on the minutes of the last meeting. He referred to a comment made during public time that implied that the people asking for a bus shelter did not use it. He commented that they were using the bus and will continue to do so. He also referred to the suggestion to carry out a survey for this proposal. He commented that the Council does not suggest doing so when discussing installing dog bins for example or for installing facilities in the Recreation Ground. Therefore, the Council may find they are asked to carry out a survey for any improvements or facilities they propose in the village. He also raised concerns about involving Chalkwell as he did not want to send the wrong signals and pointed out that the 327 Sunday Bus Service will be withdrawn from 31st March 2014.
Administration – Co-option of two members – It was reported that Maria Rose and Peter Masson had been selected by the Council.
CorrespondenceHolywell Primary School –Members queried the overheads charged to the Council at the last meeting when the school building was already being used. Also they requested that adequate notice was given should the hall be unavailable on the date of the Council meeting. Holywell Lane – A resident had raised concerns about the environment in this lane. Swale BC Environment Officer had investigated and residents were instructed to clear all the litter. Also, this lane is scheduled to be closed in order for BT Openreach to carry out repair work to the telephone lines.
Planning - SW/14/0096 Twinney Wharf, Susans Lane – Erection of barn for storage of animal feed, bedding and associated plant and machinery. The Planning Review Team had no objections on planning grounds, but felt that the barn was overlarge for the purpose for which it was proposed and that it was close to the Saxon Shore Way and may not fit in with the nature of the area. SW/14/0074 Oast Field Stud, Gore Farm Track, Holywell Lane – Change of use of land to a 1 no. pitch gypsy site (1 no. mobile home, 2 no. touring caravans) with associated foaling boxes and parking bays. The Planning Review Team commented that this was a retrospective application. As the Parish Council has already commented, Upchurch already has 9 gypsy/traveller sites and the location of this one is contributing to a vast expansion of such sites in the area. It joins Holywell Lane which has had a ribbon development of gypsy sites along it which are contributing to an unsightly and haphazard development. They front on to a narrow lane with no pedestrian footways and where it is difficult for two vehicles to pass each other. SW/14/0148 Land adjacent “Orchard House” Fronting Oak Lane – Change of use of an orchard into a facility for the keeping of horses, including the construction of a livery/stable yard with stables, a schooling area, associated paddocks, fencing and an access road, together with the blocking up of the existing site access and the provision of an improved access in an alternative location with associated walls and gate. The Planning Review Team commented that the new location for the access was dangerous as it was nearer the railway bridge and vehicles usually speed up at this point. They asked if the gate to the access was set back sufficiently for a horsebox or car with a horseback trailer to wait whilst the gate is being opened or closed. Should permission be granted for this application, conditions should be imposed limiting the times that the floodlights are in use. TC/14/0028 21 Oak Lane – reduce Holm Oak canopy by 33%. The Planning Review Team welcomed the decision to reduce the size of this tree and so make the quality of life for residents of no. 21 considerably enhanced, although it was felt that it could be decreased by more than a third. Because of the hardiness and rapid growth associated with this species of tree, they requested a condition that the tree be scheduled for similar treatment every two years without the need for further planning applications. SW/14/0190 2 Church Farm Road – First Floor extension over existing garage. The Planning Review Team commented that the plans were ambiguous and the amendment to the style of the extension in their opinion was out of character with the property, and more detrimental to the area than the previous one.
Permission granted: SW/13/1518 14 Horsham Lane – Single storey first floor extension and provision of balcony
SW/12/1243 Four Gun Field, Otterham Quay Lane – Outline application for residential development (about 50 dwellings) and public open space with wildlife area.
Permission refused: SW/13/1563 Bell Grove Stud Farm, Halstow Lane – Variation of condition 4 of SW/10/0485 to allow unrestricted overnight use of the caravan/mobile home by employees and customers of the stud farm.
Other planning mattersSwale BC Local Plan: Part 2: Issues & Options Consultation for Gypsy & Traveller Site Allocations – It was reported that the purpose of this session was to discuss the allocation of sites until 2031. The document could be viewed online Here Please note that this consultation is open to all - Residents are encouraged to respond.
SW/13/1373 Orchard Park – Members discussed whether to register to speak at the Planning Committee meeting being held on 13th March. It was agreed to do this and Cllr Tucker will report on this application on behalf of the Parish Council.
Paddock Footballs being kicked into Oak Lane – A resident had suggested installing a metal fence high enough to stop the balls going over into Oak Lane. The Conservation Officer commented that from an arboricultural view, provided the position and installation of any new fence did not compromise the boundary trees or hedges then in essence he would have no objections. However, it was likely to require planning permission. Members are considering various options but with limited funds they are mindful of finding the best way to actually achieve the desired result.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardBurial Rules & Regulations – Members discussed a request to use Corian as a material for a tablet. The rules and regulations stated that only a natural stone may be used for memorials. It was agreed to make no amendment to the rules and regulations at this time. Damage to Churchyard wall – It was reported that a Co-Op delivery lorry had reversed into the side of the wall that adjoins The Crown Public House. St Marys PCC was dealing with this and the Co-Op was assisting.
EnvironmentVillage Fete – Cllr Tucker reported that plans for the fete were going well. A small committee had been formed and there were lots of ideas and suggestions.
Next meetings – 3rd April and 1st May in the Hall of Holywell School at 7.30pm. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 24th April in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)

Friday, 7 March 2014

Entertainment for March at the Three Sisters

Friday 7th March - Karaoke with Luke
Friday 14th March - Karaoke with Luke

Sunday 16th March - St. Patrick's Day celebration

Come and join us for singing and dancing with traditional buskers
from 3:30pm - 5:30pm.
Guinness and all beers and lagers, including 4 local ales
(all at £2.80 a pint).
Bar snacks and piping hot roast potatoes free on the bar.

We are pleased to announce our own real ale,

The Three Sisters.
Smooth, crisp and flavoursome, pale straw colour, ABV 4.7%.
Difficult to put down, easy to pour down!
Come and sample some.
Available from Thursday 13th March.

Sally and George.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

The Oak Lane Railway Disaster of August 1944

One of the most serious incidents experienced locally in World War Two took place in August 1944 when a German V1 rocket, known as a doodle bug, destroyed the bridge in Oak Lane Upchurch shortly before a train approached resulting in a tragic accident causing death, injury and chaos.

According to Peter Wood’s research at ‘Kent History Forum’ dated September 4th 2013, in the afternoon of August 16th flight lieutenant John Malloy of the RAF chased a V1 rocket in his ‘Tempest’ fighter plane over Kent. In his combat report Malloy wrote that he tried to shoot the rocket down without success then closed in on it and managed to flip it over with the wing of his plane. This worked and the rocket sped downwards but by sheer bad luck it landed almost under the bridge in Oak Lane and not in the surrounding fields. It exploded and completely destroyed the structure. It also killed a railway worker who was sheltering underneath.

As the 3-35 pm Victoria to Ramsgate train with about 400 passengers aboard approached the bridge from Rainham, the driver didn’t notice a problem until he saw smoke directly ahead but it was too late. Both he and the fireman desperately tried to stop the train but they failed and the engine tender and three carriages crashed heavily into the gap. ‘The East Kent Gazette’ of August 1944 reported that the engine was turned upside down and the front two carriages were crushed. The third coach mounted the wreckage in front and the fourth coach was left hanging over the gap where the bridge had previously stood. Passengers jumped from the carriages to help the trapped and injured. Seven passengers were killed in the front two carriages and the body of the dead railway worker who had been killed in the rocket explosion lay on the ground nearby.

David Wood.

With the train and carriages damaged and strewn over the embankment and in the gap where the bridge had stood, the ground was littered with wounded passengers who had been thrown out of the carriages, onto the track and down the embankment.

Miraculously, both the driver and the fireman survived without serious injury. After clambering from the wreck the fireman ran along the track in the direction of the Newington signal box to issue a warning for fear of a train coming from the opposite direction. Luckily, the train travelling to London had already been held up at Sittingbourne otherwise the disaster could have been much worse.

Doctors, ambulances, passers-by and members of the local WRVS were soon on the scene to help the casualties while the nearby transport café known as ‘The Rest Tea Rooms’ situated opposite on the A2 was turned into a temporary hospital as doctors and medical staff rushed to the scene to help. Most of the injured were eventually taken to St Bart’s Hospital in Rochester for emergency treatment.

According to ‘The East Gazette’ of August 1944 12 passengers were killed and 34 injured although more recent research suggests that less were killed and far more injured.

After the wreckage had been cleared a new bridge was constructed in November 1944 at a cost of £3,800 and it still exists today. The disaster turned out to be the most serious and tragic incident to hit the parish of Upchurch during World War Two.

About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at:  or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood.


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