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Friday, 31 January 2014

Nick Sketchley

Nick Sketchley 1976 - 2014.

Nick sadly passed away on Tuesday the 28th of January and will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved him.

A family man and loving husband to his wife Joanne, Nick was Dad to two children, Annie and Billy and, along with his brother Robert, a loving son to his parents Chris and Bernard.

Many will remember Nick from growing up in Upchurch, and his school days at Holywell Primary and the Westlands School in Sittingbourne. He went on to study drama at Mid Kent College, during which time he worked at festivals and in the theatre. Nick went on to help run the family business for many years.

Before settling in Lower Halstow, Nick and Joanne travelled the world. Nick will be remembered as someone who embraced life fully and made those around him smile. His zest for life meant that he was able to experience many of his great passions. 

Nick had many good friends and the number of kind thoughts and tributes received this week are testament to a well-loved man who will be truly missed.

Robert Sketchley

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Winter Mix Salt/Sand Available For Residents Use

Upchurch Parish Council would like to advise residents that there is a bag of winter mix (salt/sand) located in the Recreation Ground Car Park for residents use.

If you would like to get prepared for the winter, please do help yourself to this salt using your own bag/container. We do ask that you clear away any spillage's to ensure the area is kept tidy.

Upchurch Parish Council

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Wienerberger Public Exhibition - Hartlip Parish Hall

On behalf of Wienerberger I would like to make you aware of a public exhibition which is due to take place at Hartlip Parish Hall on Wednesday 5th February from 2pm until 8pm. You are welcome to attend.

Representatives from Wienerberger will be at Hartlip Parish Hall to meet local residents to discuss plans for the proposed brick earth extraction site at Paradise Farm, Newington.

Plans will be on display and the team will be on hand to answer any questions from the local community. All issues including transport movements, the process of extracting the material and timings will be explained to anyone wishing to attend.

Feedback forms will also be made available on the day for any additional comments.

Terry Gilligan

Associate Director – on behalf of Wienerberger

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Upchurch Players - AGM

Upchurch Players - AGM
Monday 10th March 7:45 pm

Please attend the AGM in the Back Hall at Upchurch Village Hall if you want to be part of putting on a Panto again.

If not enough people which means, Actors and Backstage Crew are not present at this meeting or notify me of their interest to help and in what way they will help....It won't go again and the chance is the group will be disbanded.

Please do not say you will help to bow out late but please do come and reinvigorate the group. Tel: 01634 363271 for notifications of interest or Email:

Gloria Knight


Monday, 20 January 2014

Upchurch Twinning Group - Quiz Night

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.

Upchurch Twinning Group Quiz Night on Saturday the 1st of February at Holywell School.

If you are thinking of attending and having a table - then please book it very quickly with Sue Rossiter on (01634 234780) - If you are unable to reach Sue then please try my phone (01634 235420) or Email:

We currently have up to 13 tables. There is only room for a maximum of 15 tables in the School Hall.

Jim Harman (Chairman)

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Upchurch Parish Council Report - February 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 9th January in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 6 Councillors were present and 12 members of the public.
Public TimeBus Shelter – A resident referred to objections made at the last meeting. He commented that the suggestion that the village sign be taken away in order to remove the pavement was rather dangerous. The comment that there is only one bus every two hours therefore a shelter is not required is precisely the reason why you do need one as you have no choice. Tree outside 21 Oak Lane – A resident reported that work is being planned. Water leak outside 29 Oak Lane – The resident reported that this section of the road is gradually disappearing. Tree overshadowing allotment plot – A resident referred to his request for this tree to be trimmed. Parking on Granny’s Green – A resident commented that a number of vehicles have been parking on the grassed area. Emergency road closure of Oak Lane – A resident commented that it was totally inadequate closing this road when Windmill Hill was closed. He felt that a “stop/go sign” was needed in Canterbury Lane or alternatively, Police assistance. It was advised that the closure was necessary to carry out the work. The Clerk will contact Highways to explain that traffic lights would be needed in Canterbury Lane if this situation ever arose again.  SW/13/1373 Orchard Park, Oak Lane – A resident asked if it was the Councils policy to publish details of planning applications on notice boards and lamp posts. It was explained that the Council had not posted this application on lamp posts around the village and it was not their policy to do so. This application was on the agenda for discussion at the meeting as an additional comment had been submitted to Swale BC. Details of all planning applications are available on-line for public information. All planning applications that are forwarded to the Council for comment are discussed at monthly Parish Council meetings.
CorrespondencePlanning Application for Orchard Park, Oak Lane – A letter from Upchurch Golf Course requesting a meeting be arranged with them, neighbouring Parish Councils and Mr Freeman, Senior Planner at Swale BC. Bus Shelter – A letter and an email from residents of Horsham Lane objecting to this. Members commented that the Council had been discussing this for a while. It was decided to note any future correspondence regarding this and then gather together for discussion at one meeting. The Council will investigate the options available for carrying out a public survey in the village. Young Kent and KIYS Clinic LaunchAn email from the Youth Development Officer explaining the restructure of Kent Integrated Youth Services. The Clerk will invite them to the Annual Parish Meeting scheduled for 24th April.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
 SW/13/1273 Orchard Park, Oak LaneIt was reported that additional comments had been submitted to Swale BC following comments raised during public time at the last meeting. It was agreed that Cllr Tucker would request to speak at the Planning Committee meeting of the Council scheduled for 16th January at Swale House.
SW/13/1518 14 Horsham Lane – single storey first floor rear extension and provision of balcony. The Planning Review Team had no objections provided neighbours views were taken into consideration.
TC/13/0147 The Paddock – Fell 4 x Sycamore, 1 x Oak, 1 x Holm Oak, 1 x Ash, 1 x Hawthorne. Crown lift 6 x Holm Oak, 1 x Sycamore, 1 x Oak, 2 x Lime. Coppice 2 x Field Maple. Cut & remove Ivy, 1 x Sycamore, 1 x Acacia. Thinning of 50% of vegetation. The Planning Review Team commented:
Mrs Attaway, as Clerk to the Parish Council, has submitted this application on our behalf as the land in question is leased by the Parish Council. The area has been sadly left unattended, other than emergency work, for many years due to issues in renewing the lease on The Paddock. Now this is satisfactorily resolved, we now need to undertake the work to thin out the trees, giving better growing conditions and tidy up overgrown areas to improve the overall appearance of The Paddock. All proposed work has been discussed in detail with our local Conservation Officer and local Tree Surgeon so as to ensure we protect the area’s overall ambience, whilst opening up overcrowded areas and attempting to control spread of unwanted growth. There is no intention to completely strip out areas with heavy undergrowth but it is felt that tactful clearance would improve the overall view of the area.
Proposed diversion of Public Footpath ZR24 (part) Upchurch – Members were advised that the order will be determined following a hearing at 10.00am on 15th April 2014 at Upchurch Village Hall. Cllr Lewin will attend this.                                                
Permission granted:
SW/13/1098 Hursell Farm, Chaffes Lane – Change of use of land to gypsy site and for siting for two static caravans and extension of one static caravan, and stationing of one touring caravan and use of barn as general amenities and extension of barn, and erection of stable building for the keeping of horses, and use of part of site for keeping horses. (Part retrospective)
SW/13/1190 The Cart Lodge, Chaffes Lane – Construction of Oak-framed garage and two open fronted parking bay. Relocation of entrance gate (new fencing to be installed at boundary where existing gate is removed) and formation of new access and excavation of soil around the proposed garage.
Permission refused:
SW/13/1403 13 Wilks Close – Convert garage into habitable room
SW/13/1369 2 Macklands Cottages – Proposed raised patio area with workshops/store below
Public Consultation on the Pre Submission Draft of the Kent Minerals & Waste Local Plan – Members were advised that the consultation will commence online  Here  on 31st January 2014 and close on 16th March 2014.
Finance Budget/Precept 2014/15It was agreed to accept a 0.3% increase in the precept.
Paddock Paddock Project - Quote for tree workIt was commented that a local tree surgeon had assisted members with moving this project forward. It was therefore felt that he be consulted when seeking quotes for the work. It was agreed to waive the standing orders on this occasion and obtain one quote for the tree work. Village Fete – The Clerk reported that village organisations and businesses had been advised of this proposed event with a suggested date as Saturday 28th June 2014. Support had been received from Upchurch Matters and Upchurch Golf Course. Holywell School and St Marys PCC had already indicated an interest. It is hoped that this will be a village event, facilitated by the Parish Council. Residents are encouraged to be part of the working group so please do contact either the Clerk or Chair if you would like further details.
EnvironmentPower Supply Problems – Members discussed the problems experienced during the storms. The Clerk will contact UK Power Networks to highlight the poor communication and ask what the plans are for this area in the future.
Highways – Zigzag markings outside Holywell School – Kent Highways had confirmed that they would be able to remark the zigzags to the maximum permitted length of 43.56m (i.e. by nine metres in each direction) without the need to make any further amendments to the current Traffic Regulation Order.
Next meetings – 6th February and 6th March in the Hall of Holywell School at 7.30pm.
Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Upchurch Twinning Group News

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.

Bonne année à tous les membres de Upchurch!

Or in plain English – Happy New Year to everyone in Upchurch!

Do visit:  for interesting stuff as well!
Saturday 1st February 2014 – Quiz night in Holywell School. Eyes down at 7:30pm, tables of up to 8 (you can have 4 or 6 or whatever!), £4 each, bookable with Sue Rossiter or Jim Harman.
Bring your own drinks and nibbles and there will be a raffle. Be quick, tables are going fast!
Committee – desperately needs more members. Do get in touch with us if you feel you could be part of our committee. Not onerous, but great fun!

Jim Harman: (Chairman) 01634 235420 & Sue Rossiter: (Secretary) 01634 234780 or Email: 

Sue Rossiter

Grand Village Fete

Saturday 28th June 2014

Following the Jubilee celebrations last year in which the whole village cooperated in producing a fantastic community jolly, Upchurch Parish Council and St. Mary’s Church PCC are joining forces to organise a Grand Village Fete.

A small committee has already been set up to discuss the format and they would like some volunteers to join with them. So far, the village organisations have been contacted and they will be able to run their own stalls/events.

Please contact any of the following if you wish to be involved and with suggestions for what should be included.

Sara Tucker: 01634 388971
Claire Attaway: 01634 363906
Pat New: 01634 374220

Pat New

Thursday, 9 January 2014

UK Power Networks Would Like Your Feedback

On 23rd and 24th December 2013, our electricity distribution network in the South East and the East of England was affected by severe weather conditions, affecting power supplies to about 300,000 households. Although in most cases, engineers were able to restore supplies quickly, the extensive damage caused to the network by high winds and floods left some customers without power over the Christmas period.

Your feedback is valuable to us and we would like to understand more about your experience in the December storms. We welcome suggestions on what we can do better to improve communication and make the electricity network more resilient in the future.

We have created a short online survey which we encourage you to complete. To access the survey, please go to: Then scroll down the page and click on ‘Complete a Survey’.

Please feel free to send the link to anyone in UK Power Networks' geographical footprint who may have been affected by the storms .

This online survey forms part of the series of consultations we hold to collect views from customers and wider stakeholders on their experience during the storms.

Our stakeholders have a say in what we do and we take all feedback very seriously.

Many thanks

Stakeholder Engagement Team
UK Power Networks
Newington House
237 Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 6NP

Norman Long 1928 - 2014

Norman Long
Norman Long of Church Farm Road sadly passed away on Tuesday. Born in Hartlip in 1928 he was for many years the village Milkman and worked for Wakeley Brothers and in Chatham Dockyard too.

Norman was one of five siblings and is survived by two of his brothers, one sister and his two sons. His wife Christine passed away in 1991.

A regular in The Crown, at St' Mary's Church and a familiar face around Upchurch he will be very much missed.

Upchurch Matters

Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Last Will and Testament of Edmond Drake Vicar of Upchurch 1560-1567

Edmond Drake became vicar of Upchurch in 1560 during the reign of Elizabeth 1st and is famous mainly because of his son Sir Francis Drake who became a famous seaman and helped defeat the Spanish Armada.

Edmond’s last will and testament dated December 25th 1566 was written the day before he died in Upchurch. He opens the will with the words that he is redeemed by the blood of Christ and commits his soul into the hands of God. He then states that he wishes to be buried in Upchurch churchyard next to his son Edward who died in infancy and next to the graves of the Blechenden family. A marked grave does not exist in the churchyard today so the original location remains a mystery.

With regard to Edmond’s immediate family the will only mentions Thomas who was the youngest of several surviving brothers. There were twelve children in total but some died in infancy while others were away at sea like Francis, John and Joseph. Thomas was probably the only son still living nearby during Edmond Drake’s last days. Because of the bequests given to him Edmond may have wanted Thomas to follow him into the clergy.

In the will a wide range of items are bequeathed to Thomas including two chests of books, a new basin, an old platter, a collection of pewter dishes, a French pewter pot, Edmond’s best bible, four of his best candlesticks, his best kettles, his best feather bed, two pillows and five shirts. Edmond’s friend Mr Baker who is named overseer of the will is bequeathed one cock and seven hens while Richard Mylwaye is left Edmond’s chair and best cushion. All other items are left to Edmond’s nurse which indicates she had been looking after him for some time.

While Thomas Drake is designated the sole executor of the will, Clemente Mylwaye, a relative and Richard Sawell, a contemporary Upchurch resident witness it. Mr Baker who is mentioned is an old friend who lived in London and served as Clerk and Keeper of the Stores to the Admiralty and was looking after Edmond’s son Thomas.

David Wood.

Although Francis is not mentioned in the will, the date of Edmond Drake’s death indicates that he was a teenager at the time and was probably already away at sea. Concrete evidence is not available about whether Francis went to sea while residing in Upchurch or whether he went before Edmond became vicar of the village. Information that has passed down the generations in Upchurch by word of mouth is that Francis did learn seamanship on a small vessel based at the small village port of Otterham Quay and regularly sailed to the coast of Belgium while living in Upchurch but this cannot be proven with hard written evidence.

The Drake family accept that their ancestor is buried in the village churchyard and have had an association with Upchurch since Edmond’s death. This is shown in a letter dated November 4th 1935 sent to Reverend Lightburne, vicar of Upchurch from the Drake home at Buckland Abbey in Devon. The letter was written by Mrs. Seaton, daughter of Lady Eliot Drake, presenting her mother’s book ‘The Family and Heirs of Sir Francis Drake’ to the people of Upchurch.

About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on:  or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood.


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