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Tuesday, 24 December 2013

No Place Like Home - Bespoke Later Life Support

‘Time to talk’ rather than ‘time and task’ - pioneering a new approach to later life in our local area

No Place Like Home is a highly personalised, private support service for Canterbury and Swale senior residents. It was established by local resident, Alison Carter, in response to challenges experienced by her mother, Leslie, in sourcing high quality, tailored support at home for husband, John.

Our passion is to help our clients be better prepared for and to make the most of later life, focusing on quality experience and enjoyment. We pride ourselves in carefully crafting our companionship and care around each individual’s wishes – this might include escorted trips out as well as help in the home or, if needed, personal care.

We are available 7 days a week and can respond to urgent requests, however, we find that it is often helpful to introduce support gradually, perhaps just for a morning or two each week. We are always delighted to receive visits from prospective clients, friends and family to explore how we might be able to help. Of course, we can also come out to visit prospective clients in their own homes if they are unable to come to us. We especially welcome those living with dementia.

We would like to invite you to our next Public Open Day at our office on: Tuesday 11th February 2014. Enjoy ‘Tea and Talk’ between 10-12am.

For more information, please contact Alison Carter on: 01795 597 983 or Email: or see our website:

Alison Carter
Managing Director
No Place Like Home
Bespoke Later Life Support
Office: Syndale Park, Ospringe, near Faversham, Kent ME13 0RH

Youth Group Artworks Around The Village

You may have noticed a collection of artworks that have been put up on posts and lamp posts around the centre of Upchurch. These form a collection of works produced by the youth group that meets in St. Mary's church on Thursday evenings.

The young people were asked to produce a painting or simply to use words in an artistic way, to express their feelings about Christmas. What you see are eight pieces. These were produced as artistic gifts to the people of Upchurch. Beneath each artwork is a passage from the bible.

If you have time, and weather permitting, please take a look. They start at the top of Horsham Lane in a circuit that runs along Church Farm Road, looping back to Horsham Lane.

You can leave comments here too, please see: 

Thanks and Merry Christmas,
George Hulme (Lay Minister - Reader)

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - January 2014

The Parish Council met on Thursday 5th December 2013 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 4 Councillors were present and 16 members of the public including Gordon Henderson MP and Cllr Mike Baldock.

Public Time –  SW/13/1373 Orchard Park, Oak Lane – Gordon Henderson MP assured those present that he would continue to support them in objecting this application. He reported his reasons for opposing this proposal and a question and answer session followed. It was suggested that the Council and residents collectively put in their objections. However, individual letters were encouraged as well. The Council and members of the public thanked Mr Henderson and he left the meeting. It was proposed to set up a working group to include residents. This group could escalate to Swale BC and other bodies, the growing concerns of residents over the increasing number of traveller & gypsy sites in Upchurch in proportion to other Parishes across Swale. Tree overshadowing allotment – A resident requested that a tree in the Recreation Ground be cut back as it created a shadow on his allotment for a large part of the day. Teen Shelter – A resident raised concerns about this idea. Bus Shelter – A resident explained that his views opposing this were well documented. Residents living in the vicinity of the proposed bus shelter were strongly against it. Another resident explained that Lower Halstow had a bus shelter and there was no evidence of anti-social behaviour there. It was commented that there are other bus stops in the villages and they may also like a bus shelter.
CorrespondenceProposed Bus Shelter on corner of The Street and Horsham Lane An email from a resident objecting to this had been circulated. Also another email from a resident highlighting concerns about this and a teen shelter had been circulated. It was commented that planning permission would almost certainly be required as the bus shelter would be located in a Conservation Area. It was felt that the Council should seek the opinions of residents by organising a petition for example, or by arranging a poll/survey on Upchurch Matters. Burial Ground expenditureAn email from a resident questioning why the Parish Council is involved in the control and operation of the Burial Ground had been circulated. It was reported that the Parochial Church Council (PCC) asked UPC to take over responsibility for the maintenance of the two areas of Churchyard in 1998 and they agreed. If they had said no, then the PCC might have carried on or asked the next level of local government to look after it – Swale BC. At the time, it was felt that the village would rather have control of the areas where their ancestors’ and relatives’ graves lay, rather than passing such control to an outside authority with less personal commitment. The Parish Council Burial Ground is owned by UPC therefore has the responsibility for the control and operation of this area, subject to Civil and Ecclesiastical Law.                                                            
Planning - The following applications were considered:
SW/13/1206 The Paddock, Holywell Lane – Variation of Conditions 1 & 3 of planning permission SW/04/1302 to allow additional mobile homes on the site (total 5), with one being sited adjacent to the southern boundary - The Planning Review Team of UPC objected most strongly*
SW/13/1209 The Paddock, Holywell Lane – Change of use of land for the stationing of two mobile homes (in connection with adjacent existing site) - The Planning Review Team of UPC also objected to this application, mainly as this application had various anomalies which needed an explanation, as well as disquiet at what amounts to yet another gypsy site, or an extension to an existing site.* 
SW/13/1369 2 Macklands Cottages, Otterham Quay Lane – Proposed raised patio area with workshops/store below - The Planning Review Team of Upchurch Parish Council had no objection *
SW/13/1190 The Cart Lodge, Chaffes Lane – Construction of Oak-Framed garage and two open-fronted parking bays. Relocation of entrance gate (new fencing to be installed at boundary where existing gate is removed) and formation of new access and excavation of soil around the proposed garage and construction of retaining wall (stone-filled gabions) – The Planning Review Team had no objections.
SW/13/1373 Orchard Park, Oak Lane – Application to vary conditions (2), (3) and (4) of SW/10/0765 (private gypsy and traveller site consisting of eight plots); condition (2) to be varied to allow up to 32 (note: currently 22) caravans of which no more than 16 (note: currently 8) can be static caravans or mobile homes; condition (3) such that occupancy is restricted to gypsies and travellers as defined in Annex 1, Planning Policy for Traveller Sites; and condition (4) such that the use is to cease and the site to be restored to its previous condition if it ceases to be occupied by gypsies and travellers as defined in Annex 1, Planning Policy for Traveller Sites - The Planning Review Team of Upchurch Parish had major concerns and felt overall the conditions imposed in 2010 should be upheld*
SW/13/1403 13 Wilks Close – Convert garage into habitable room – no objections.
* Please note that a full copy of the comments submitted to Swale BC can be obtained from the Clerk. Requests must be made by Email:
Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development
SW/13/1091 2 Wallbridge Lane – Single storey garage to side
SW/13/0886 75 Forge Lane – Lawful Development Certificate for rear dormer window and internal alterations (proposed)
TP/13/0112 The Paddock – Fell 4 x Sycamore, 1 x Oak, 1 x Holm Oak, 1 x Ash, 1 x Hawthorne. Crown lift 6 x Holm Oak, 1 x Sycamore, 1 x Oak, 2 x Lime, 1 x Mixed Holly. Coppice 2 x Field Maple. Cut and remove Ivy, 1 x Sycamore, 1 x Acacia. Thinning of 50% vegetation – It was reported that residents of Bradshaw Close were concerned about the proposed clearance of undergrowth labelled as number 19 on the plan. It was emphasised that the plans did not include removing all the trees; the objective was to remove weaker trees and open up the Paddock to create a “Village Green”.
Notification of refusal of permission to develop land:
SW/13/1119 Tranquillity, Otterham Quay Lane – Change of use to dwelling; alterations to window and door configuration; and internal alterations.
Finance Ground Maintenance Contract 2014-2017It was agreed that the price of cuts be the deciding factor irrespective of the contractor. Therefore it was confirmed that the quote from Grasstex would be accepted. Budget/Precept 2014/15Swale BC will no longer be providing the Council Tax Support. Last year, the Council received £2,183 under this scheme. Therefore, the Council will be looking at ways to make savings.
Allotments and Recreation GroundAllotment tenancy agreement This has been amended and all allotment holders will be asked to sign the new agreement at the time the rent is renewed.                                   
Paddock Paddock Project Members were pleased to hear that Holywell School would like to be involved in the Village Fete. Two dates were suggested, the first weekend in August and 28th June 2014. It is hoped to set up a working group as soon as possible. Please let the Clerk know if you are interested in being part of this working group.
Next meetings – 9th January 2014 and 6th February 2014 starting at 7.30pm, at Holywell Primary School.
 The Public are welcome to attend this meeting and may put questions and/or make comments to members. It is helpful if you let the Clerk know in writing prior to the meeting.
Claire Attaway
Parish Clerk
33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 12pm)

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Fire Fighters Strike

Fire strikes: Friday 13th December 6-10pm and Saturday 14th December 6-10pm - please pass on to friends, colleagues and family

There will be two national firefighters strikes on Friday and Saturday evening. Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) will continue to answer and deal with 999 calls, but will not be operating at the normal level of service. So it is particularly important everyone takes extra care. If we all take a few minutes to for a some safety checks we really can help reduce unnecessary calls and prevent fires in homes and businesses. As with previous strikes there will be fire engines at strategic locations around the county. During the strikes KFRS will keep their website:  updated with information about any significant incidents and provide a regular update online.

Safety tips:
• Most home fires start in the kitchen - for example, when someone is distracted or falls asleep, leaving a pan on the hob. Please take extra care and if you come home from a night out feeling peckish, this may be the night to have a takeaway.

• Many KFRS calls are to rescue people from road crashes - please take extra care on the road on Friday night and during Monday morning's rush hour.

• Before you leave the house or go to bed unplug unused electrical items, make sure sockets aren't overloaded and test your smoke alarms.

• Businesses need to make extra safety checks too.

More safety advice at:  or follow the Twitter hashtag #takeextracare

Kent Community Messaging

Community Speed Watch Scheme - Training Session

Upchurch Parish Council has now designated sites in the village to operate the equipment. However, due to the requirement to have 3 trained volunteers to man the Speed Watch Equipment, we have arranged a follow up session for more volunteers and for interested residents of neighbouring parishes.

If you are interested in volunteering or were unable to attend the previous session, the next training session has been provisionally arranged for Thursday 23rd January 2014 at 7pmThis will take place in the back room of the Village Hall.

Please contact the Clerk if you would like to attend.
Email:  or Telephone: 01634 363906.

Upchurch Parish Council

Upchurch Village Hall - Treasurer Required

Duties are to maintain the Village Hall accounts to the Charity Commissioner’s accounting standards. Applicants must have a working knowledge of financial accounting, preferably using the SAGE commercial accounting package.

Use of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word will also be required. A monthly honorarium will be paid. The successful applicant will be required to start duties in January 2014, and will work for a short while with the assistance of the current Treasurer.

For further information and an application form, please contact John McWilliam on: 01634 366565 Email:

John McWilliam

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

KCC Update - Emergency Closure - Oak Lane

Update - Emergency Closure - Oak Lane, Upchurch

The emergency closure of Oak Lane, Upchurch (Swale Area) remains necessary due to the serious collapse in the carriageway.

We have been advised that Otterham Quay Lane is due to re-open from approximately 2:30pm today.

We have been told that Seymour Road is also due to re-open at approximately 2:30pm today.

Oak Lane remains closed in the vicinity of the railway bridge.

The alternative route (once Otterham Quay Lane has re-opened) is via A2 London Road, Moor Street, Otterham Quay Lane, Wallbridge Lane and Oak Lane.

It is suggested that drivers find alternative routes if they possibly can, or allow additional time for their journeys.

All roads in the area are narrow and patience is needed.

Re-opening Otterham Quay Lane should ease some of the local problems that have been faced. When the closure of Otterham Quay Lane was agreed, the closure of Oak Lane could not have been foreseen.

Otterham Quay Lane could not be re-opened immediately, until the works there were made safe.

It is likely that Oak Lane may be closed for several weeks, and a further update bulletin will be issued in the near future.

For details of roadworks, please see:


Phil Lightman

Road Closures Co-ordinator, East Kent Division
KCC Highways and Transportation
Ashford Highway Depot
Javelin Way, Ashford, TN24 8AD
Phone: Highway Helpline 03000 418181

Monday, 9 December 2013

News From Upchurch Twinning Group

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France. 

Happy Christmas!  Joyeux Noël!

Do visit:  for interesting stuff as well!
School exchange – The visit from Elinghen School to Upchurch was very successful and a lovely day was had by all.  This included interaction in the morning, at Holywell, followed by a trip to Dickens World in the afternoon. The Twinning Group was pleased to help fund the costs of this day together.
Bonfire Night – Sorry we had to pull out of running a stall at the Scouts’ Bonfire.  It did go ahead and there was a fantastic firework display – but no bacon rolls I’m afraid!  We couldn’t get the tent to stay up! 
Quiz night – date for your diary!  Our ever popular and fun quiz evening will take place on Saturday 1st February 2014 at Holywell School.  Arrive from 7:00pm for 7:30pm start, cost will be £4 per person, tables up to 8 max, though, just come along if there’s only two of you – we’ll fit you in!  Bring your own drinks and nibbles and there will be a raffle. Contact Jim or Sue to book a table.
Committee – desperately needs more members.  Do get in touch with us if you feel you could be part of our committee.  Not onerous, but great fun!
Jim Harman: (Chairman) 01634 235420 & Sue Rossiter: (Secretary) 01634 234780 or Email: 

Sue Rossiter

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Upchurch 50 Years Ago in December 1963

A packed church service conducted by Reverend Bradshaw, ‘The Queen’s Christmas Message,’ ‘Billy Smart’s Circus’ and ‘Christmas Night with the Stars’ on black and white TV, families overeating and relaxing in front of a roasting coal fire. Are you old enough to remember Christmas Day in 1963?

Before the arrival of Christmas the month began on a serious note with a discussion at the monthly parish council meeting about essential services being overloaded if the village continued to grow at a fast rate, particularly with regard to the electrical power supply and sewage services. At the meeting councillors decided to inform the planning authority that when considering future building development in Upchurch essential services should be kept at a minimum standard.

As the festive season drew closer a Christmas fair took place in a gaily decorated village hall with Father Christmas and most village organisations present. On a cold evening the event began in The Paddock where a carol procession headed by The Women’s Institute and the church choir led the way followed by Father Christmas being pulled on the ‘Upchurch Clipper’ by village youth club members. They took off on a route incorporating Oak Lane, Horsham Lane, Crosier Court and The Poles then to the village hall where a ten minute carol singing session took place before everyone went inside to have refreshments provided by the Women’s Voluntary Service.

Inside the village hall the Christmas fair began with a fancy dress parade won by the Darby and Joan Club with its entry ‘The Ghost of Sir Francis Drake.’ After this Angela Lacy and Mrs. Eastwood both won the ‘Best Dressed Doll Competition’ with their entries ‘The Beatles’ and ‘Regency Lady’ respectively. In a successful evening a profit of £75 was made and this contributed towards the repayment of the loan for the village hall. Shortly after the Christmas Fair the horticultural society held a dance which also raised money for local charities.

More social events followed In the week leading up to Christmas Day when the church choir and Upchurch Young Wives made a carol singing tour of the village while other attractions outside the village included the Christmas pantomime ‘Dick Wittington’ at the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury with Richard Murdoch and the film ‘Treasure Island’ starring Robert Newton as Long John Silver at the Odeon cinema in Sittingbourne.

With Christmas Day rapidly approaching ‘The Crown’, a more basic pub than today with two separate bars and outside toilets, attracted more customers in the run up to Christmas and continued to serve as the main social meeting place in the village centre with a variety of regulars. Landlady Kitty Stewart was always good for a chat, Doug Sellen and ‘Taffy’ Burnell starred as the main darts players while Alf Castle, John Brunning and Jimmy Goodall were regular euchre card players. Sadly, these well-known village characters are now just a distant memory.

David Wood.

In sporting affairs a meeting took place in the village hall to form Upchurch Badminton Club. With 26 members enrolled Mr. Julier was elected chairman, Mr. New treasurer and Mrs. Gurtler secretary. Meanwhile, the table tennis club continued to thrive in the village hall with teams in all divisions of the Sittingbourne & District League. Star players included Keith Pamplin from Drakes Close and Peter and Brian Boakes from Chaffes Lane, while Rich Boakes continued as the principal organiser.

December also proved to be a very good month for local farmers when Frank Stevens & Sons from Boxted Farm won the champion beast prize at the East Kent Christmas Fat Stock Show at Canterbury Cattle Market with a pedigree Sussex steer named ‘Copton Manor.’ Another local farm company W.H. Mouland & Son from Lower Halstow came second with an Aberdeen Angus cross breed steer named Mr. Bert. Frank Stevens also won second prize in the Southdown Sheep Society prize for three lambs and first for a pair of Sussex cockerels, four ducks and drakes and another second with four fat hens.

Birthdays were celebrated by Anne Clemons aged 13 from Gore Bank, Elaine Stokes from Holywell Cottages aged 12 and David Swift from Chaffes Lane aged five in a busy and varied December Christmas schedule with residents experiencing an entertaining and joyous month.

About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on:  or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood.


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