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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Upchurch 50 Years Ago in February 1963

The River Thames completely frozen over in 1963.
In the grip of a big freeze, the worst for many years, a surprising number of activities took place in the village considering the low temperatures, icy roads and periodic heavy snow.

The horticultural society dinner turned out to be the biggest social event of the month at which Reverend Bradshaw made a strong plea for old and new residents to integrate more in the village. Many newcomers had recently arrived because of the construction of several housing estates. Reverend Bradshaw always ready to speak his mind said:

‘Not only is the growing of dahlias and cabbages important but so is the growth in our village of a spirit of friendship. And I hope you will take into our village life those newcomers and those who will come amongst us, let them integrate into that life so that we just don’t know who is new and who has been here all this life. As we tear up the weeds in our gardens so let us tear up those things which might spoil the friendship and fellowship and the community spirit for which this village stands.’

After speeches Mrs. Bradshaw awarded prizes to the winners for 1962. These included the flower shield to George Friend from Ham Green, the vegetable award to Charlie Stokes from Holywell Cottages, the fruit shield to A Hinge & Son from Ham Green and the ladies section shield to Mrs. Carroll from Oak Lane. 

David Wood.

Otterham Quay caravan site made history when it held its first beauty queen competition during the winter with 31 year old Linda Tiny winning the title ‘Miss Otterham Caravan 1963’ out of 13 contestants at St Margaret’s Hall in Rainham. Otterham Quay Caravan Site Social and Welfare Committee organised the event and caravan site owner Ron Beckenham headed the judging.

The cold weather failed to perturb the Women’s Institute which held its monthly meeting in the village hall. Mrs. Burrows presided over about fifty members who listened to Mrs. Enwright talk about the life of country people in France. Mrs. Parker from Chaffes Lane won the competition for the best tune played on a comb with Mrs. Jones from Oak Lane second while Mrs. Nelson ran a produce stall. Other events included a visit to the village by the Bishop of Johannesburg who addressed a youth rally in the village hall about apartheid, a scout’s party in the village hall and a pancake race for men on Shrove Tuesday in which eight teams participated. The cricket club defeated the youth club in the final. Other organisations were not so lucky with their monthly activities such as the Upchurch Players who had to cancel rehearsals because members living outside the village had difficulty travelling on the treacherous roads while all the football club matches had to be cancelled because of unfit pitches.

The month ended on a sad note when the parish council reported that every street light in the village had been deliberately smashed by vandals and that ratepayers would have to bear the cost. However, a glimmer of happiness emerged with the wedding of Veronica Clark from Gore Bank to Anthony Carlton from Newington at the village church while burials included Edith Wyles from Brent Cottages aged 78 and James Crittenden from Webb’s Cottages, Wetham Green aged 71.

Overall, February proved to be a busy month in the village dominated by freezing cold and difficult conditions which continued into March.

About David:
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on:  or from us here at Upchurch Matters.
price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood

Part Time Vacancy - Admin Assistant - Upchurch

Admin Assistant – Part Time

Based in Upchurch

18 hours per week

Good telephone manner & interaction with clients

Familiar with Microsoft Office – especially Word and Excel

General Office duties – letters, filing use of database etc

For more information, Telephone:  01634 230490

Trudy Whelan

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Residents and Parish Council Working Together

Are you interested in working with the Parish Council on various projects to improve and maintain areas of the village?

If yes, and you have time to spare, we would welcome your support and constructive input as a representative of the residents.

Currently we are looking at the following projects:-

1. How to make parking around the school at drop off and pick up times safer and less congested

2. General parking issues around the centre of the village

3. Potential short and long term improvements to the Paddock, including play equipment and facilities

4. ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ or similar 

These will require attendance at meetings and follow up of actions as necessary.

If you do not have the time to commit to an on-going project but would volunteer to help out with ad hoc general maintenance or tidying around the village we would also welcome your support.

If you are able to support us in any of the above, please contact the Clerk or Chairman

Lastly, we are sadly without our village cleaner, with the post currently being advertised, so please take extra special care in disposing of your rubbish, and if you are able to tidy up an offending area near you please do!

Upchurch Parish Council

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Chalkfoot Theatre Presents The Prisoner of Zenda

Upchurch Village Hall presents


(a Chalkfoot Theatre production)

on Saturday 16th March at 7.30pm

The annual Chalkfoot Theatre productions have always been welcome in the village as great entertainment for the audience whilst supporting the running of the Village Hall. This year’s performance promises another exciting tale of political intrigue, royal identity swap and a budding romance between two star-crossed lovers, adapted from the swashbuckling novel by Anthony Hope.

Tickets (£9, £8 for under 16’s) available from Keith Rossiter, 114 Chaffes Lane
(01634 234780,, with an additional £1 off for early booking.


Keith Rossiter

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Burglary in the Street Upchurch

This is a joint message from Swale Neighbourhood Watch and Kent Police.

Message 51.

A burglary occurred between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm on Wednesday the 16th of January 2013 in The Street, Upchurch.

If you have any information about this please contact Kent police on telephone number 101 and give Crime Number: XY/001792/13.

Please state you are a member of Neighbourhood Watch.

Thank you,

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Friday, 18 January 2013

Shed Break-In - Beckenham Park

This is a joint message from Swale Neighbourhood Watch and Kent Police.

[Reference: DY5097]

Beckenham Park. A Shed break-in between 11:30pm and 11:45pm on Tuesday 15-01-13. One offender was disturbed and arrested for this offence.

If you have any information about this please contact Kent police on telephone number 101 and give Crime Number: XY/1842/13.

Please state you are a member of Neighbourhood Watch.

Thank you

Upchurch Twinning Group News

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France. 
Try the Holywell School website:  or visit:
for interesting stuff ! 

Saturday 2nd February 2013
Quiz night in Holywell School.  This is always popular and we always have a jolly good time!  Tables of up to 8 (you can have 4 or 6 or whatever!), £4 each, bookable with Sue Rossiter on 01634 234780.  Do give Sue a ring as tables are actively being booked now. Bring your own drinks and nibbles. There’ll be a raffle as well.

Sunday 14th July 2013– Bastille Day Fair in Ferques. We usually have a stall at this street fair – do plan a day out over there and come and find us.
Sunday 1st September 2013 – SPORTS DAY!  In Upchurch – do put the date in your diaries.  Not sure of the venue yet, but it will be a day of fun and games and we will be welcoming friends of all ages from Ferques.
Jim Harman: (Chairman) 01634 235420 & Sue Rossiter: (Secretary) 01634 234780
Sue Rossiter

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Items Stolen From Garage - Bishop Lane

This is a joint message from Swale Neighbourhood Watch and Kent Police.

A SUZUKI motorbike GF 600 registration number: X42M KP plus angling equipment and a Honda stand alone generator were stolen from the garage of a property in Bishop Lane Upchurch. 

This happened sometime between the 1st and the 8th of January.

If you have any information about this please contact Kent police on telephone number 101 and give Crime Number: XY/001044/13.

Please state you are a member of Neighbourhood Watch.

Thank you

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Monday, 14 January 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - December 2012 / January 2013

Upchurch Parish Council Report - December 2012
The Parish Council met on Thursday 6th December 2012 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present and 5 members of the public.
Public TimeInternet Speeds – A resident asked for an update on this. Cllr Lewin reported that he had consulted Mr Catford and would be taking this forward. Blocked drain – A resident reported that a drain in The Poles was still blocked. Cllr Arnold reported that he had consulted Kent Highways regarding this and would request it be cleaned again. Rural Crime – A resident explained that this was happening all over the village. The Clerk will contact PCSO Cork to request if his presence in the village could be increased. Residents are reminded to report crime to the Police. The non-emergency number for Kent Police is 101. Dog waste – A resident reported that bags full of dog waste were being left in the bushes along footpaths. Parking issues in the centre of the Village – A resident raised concerns over parking on the bend of the junction with Church Farm Road/Chaffes Lane during school pick up times. It was suggested that wooden bollards on this bend could prevent this. Paddock Play equipment – Two residents reported that they had come along to the meeting to find out the Councils plan for the Paddock play area.
Administration - Co-option of one member – Members welcomed David Steward who had filled this vacancy. 
Finance KCC Member Community Engagement Grant Scheme 2012/13 – A grant of £6,120 for Paddock Play Equipment and re-pointing of church yard wall had been approved and the acceptance form submitted to Kent County Council. Members discussed ideas for the Paddock Project. It was hoped that a working group could be set up with Parish Councillors and residents to investigate this project further. A detailed plan and costing for the project was required and then ways to obtain grant funding could be explored. Cllr Tucker offered to contact the residents present at the meeting who had expressed an interest in the project and the Clerk will consult Mr Newbery. Members were asked to forward any ideas for the project to Cllr Tucker. 
Paddock LeaseThe Clerk reported that an email had been received from Tim Simmons with several attachments. The correspondence attached indicated that the lease renewal was in progress and that questions had been raised with regards to the use of the Paddock as a car park.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardTrees overhanging pub garden, Churchyard wall and cables on outside of garage It was suggested that a management programme was needed for this area. The Clerk will arrange the weed spraying of the churchyard wall as soon as possible. Cllr Lewin explained that he had asked a resident to carry out adult supervision whilst the three fundraising students carried out some tasks in the churchyard. 
EnvironmentChristmas tree Festival at St Marys Church from 16th December 2012The Clerk reported that a Christmas tree would be decorated on behalf of the Council and the theme chosen was “A Sweetie Christmas Tree”. She thanked Cllr Apps and his wife Trudy for offering to arrange a real Christmas tree and providing the decorations. Please note that A.C. Goatham kindly donated the Tree.
Highways - Street light in The PolesAn email from a resident explaining that this light was causing light pollution onto their property. Cllr Arnold would continue to follow this up. Street Lights needing attentionResidents may wish to report any faulty street lights found in the village to Cllr Arnold: and/or the Clerk:

Upchurch Parish Council Report – January 2013
The Parish Council met on Thursday 3rd January 2013 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present and no members of the public.
Correspondence - Resignation of Village CleanerA letter had been received from Mr. Letchford. It is hoped to hold interviews for a replacement as soon as possible. If you are interested in applying for this position, please contact the Clerk. Further details on the vacancy can be found in this issue of the Gabriel.
Planning - SW/12/1511 Units Adj The Cottage, Otterham Quay Lane – Application for a new planning permission to replace exant planning permission SW/09/0642 for the erection of replacement building to provide two B1 (light industrial) unitsNo objections.
SW/12/1472 Hedgerows, Holywell Lane – Retrospective application for the change of use of land for the stationing of two mobile home for use by a gypsy family with associated utility room, 4 vehicle parking spaces and hardstanding We object strongly to yet another retrospective application where a traveller site is established before any application is made. The proliferation of travellers' sites in the Parish of Upchurch can no longer be tolerated and we insist that Swale BC take positive action against this and any further infringement of planning law”. It was suggested that members may wish to comment on the highway impact that this proposal would have on the narrow lane. The Clerk will forward an additional comment based on the impact of an additional entrance on this narrow busy lane. At certain times of the day, it was a relatively heavily used road with blind access. Therefore any access which had been built should be safe. 
Local Needs Housing – A request from a resident asking for the result of the two sites. It was explained that although the tally of votes for each site was recorded, this was not formally counted or ratified. A decision was made by the Council not to publish this result if the majority votes were “no” to the proposed scheme. Members agreed that the response to this request should be “on the basis that the letter stated that should the majority vote be ‘no’ then the site count was not formally counted and therefore the figure was not published”. 
Finance - Budget/Precept 2013/14 –It was agreed to calculate a 2% increase in the precept. 
Recreation Ground - Tree planting for Jubilee CelebrationsIt is hoped to plant two trees at the far end of the Recreation Ground opposite the Scout Hut to celebrate the Jubilee and the London Olympics.
Highways- Parking problems at junction of Horsham Lane/The Street – An email from resident raising concerns about parking at this junction. He explained that it created a dangerous bottleneck and a potential accident situation. A member explained that recently this junction was blocked by Lorries delivering to the Co-Op and the arrival of a bus. The Clerk will consult the Co-Op. Parking in Forge Lane – A letter from a resident asking the Council’s proposals to tackle the parking in this road associated with school pick up/drop off times. The Council will be looking into this further. Windmill Hill – water on the highway – A report from Cllr Lewin had been circulated which explained the current situation: 
Contractors had cleared out this very shallow gulley. After it was emptied, the Kent Highways Services (KHS) engineer had found no evidence of any water ingress into the gulley except for a trickle of natural ground water at the bottom. He therefore recommended that the gulley be used as a chamber for catchment f water from which a pipe will then be laid down the hill to a gulley at the bottom. The guess estimate cost of this work would be around £25k which would need to be found from the KHS 2013/14 budget. 
Cllr Lewin indicated that during cold spells, Highways would be able to spot grit this road. He confirmed that he had written to Cllr Keith Ferrin asking for his support to the funding of this scheme in 2013/14.
Next meetings – Thursday 7th February and 7th March 2013, held in the hall of Holywell Primary School starting at 7.30pm. Please contact the Clerk if you require further advice.
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch, Kent ME9 7AG.
Tel: 01634 363906 (Mon-Thurs. 9am – midday) Email:

Upchurch Parish Council

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Upchurch Parish Council - Vacancy for Village Cleaner

Do you have spare time or are looking for part time work?
Do you care about our village environment? 

If so, the Parish Council require a Village Cleaner in Upchurch. Main duties include road sweeping and litter picking the village centre, and some gardening work e.g. weeding around the village sign.

Approx 10 hours per week will be required, to include no more than half an hour on a Sunday to carry out a safety inspection of the Paddock. However, hours are negotiable. Rate of pay will be in line with the national minimum wage. Applicants should be motivated and take a pride in Upchurch.

If you would like to apply for this position or require more information, please contact the Clerk, Claire Attaway, Telephone: 01634 363906 or via Email:

Upchurch Parish Council


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