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Thursday, 27 October 2011

Upchurch Horticultural Society October Show

Presentations will be at 3:15pm.
The Upchurch Horticultural Society October Show takes place on Saturday October the 29th at the Upchurch Village Hall.

Doors open to the public at 2:00pm for: Flowers – Fruit – Vegetables 
 Domestic & Craft. There's also Refreshments – Tombola and a Raffle too.

The presentation of prizes will be at 3:15pm followed by the sale of produce at approximately 3:45pm.

Maxine Budden

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Indoor Boot Fairs

Come along on the 1st and the 6th.
There will be an Indoor Boot Fair on Tuesday the 1st of November at Upchurch Village Hall. 

Doors open at 10:00am until 12:00pm and admission is only 20p, which is donated to The Stroke Association. Tables  for stalls cost just £6.00.

For more information please contact Lisa on: 01795 428006 or 07968 792354.

The next sale will be on Tuesday the 6th of December 2011.

Lisa Older

Friday, 21 October 2011

Darby and Joan Christmas Bazaar

All are welcome on the 23rd.

Upchurch Darby and Joan Club are holding their Christmas Bazaar on Wednesday the 23rd of November at Upchurch Village Hall.

Open to all ages with free entry it starts at 10:00am until 12:00pm. There will be all the usual raffles and other attractions with homemade cakes, tea and sausage rolls to.

Please come along and support this event.

Janet Gilbert

Thursday, 20 October 2011

The Village War Dead Remembered 1914-1918

Every year in November, Remembrance Sunday which is held in the church, allows residents to pay their respects and remember those who died in the two world wars. The names of the 39 men who perished are read aloud and a bugler plays ‘The Last Post.’

Memories of Upchurch.
James Robinson and Herbert Hodges, two agricultural workers from Ham Green and John Allen from Gore Bank became early fatalities when they were killed in action while serving in the Buffs in 1914. Albert Newman, a lance corporal in the Grenadier Guards from Otterham Cottages and Charles Gransden a lance corporal in the Coldstream Guards from Gore Bank also perished early in the war. However, Percy Hales, son of village butcher and stockman Jacob Hales from Horsham Farm joined the Grenadier Guards, fought in the early battles of 1914 and survived unscathed. After being promoted to sergeant he was later killed by an exploding shell on his 21st birthday in France on September 6th, 1917.

With the war well underway, Bill Clark from Yew Tree Cottage in Poot Lane enlisted in the Royal East Kent Mounted Rifles in 1915. The eldest son of Ham Green farmer Henry Clark, he attended Holywell School and excelled as a talented sportsman, playing for the village football and cricket clubs. He was also a member of the church choir and served as a church sidesman. Bill went to France where he was attached to the Buffs and placed in the machine gun section and became a lance corporal. When returning home on leave in July 1916 he married his girlfriend Ellen Banfield and they later had a baby daughter but not before he had returned to the Western Front where he was killed by an exploding shell on June 15th 1917 aged 22.

Arthur Faulkner, son of ‘The Crown Inn’ publican James Faulkner enlisted in the Buffs in February 1916 and went to the Western Front in May. About to return home on leave, he was killed by a bomb dropped by a German plane. Before joining up he had assisted his father in the pub and became well known in the village. Later in 1917 Tom Sifleet, another Buffs recruit, became a casualty when a shell exploded and shrapnel badly wounded him in the head. He died of his wounds on 8th December 1917. He was one of five brothers sent to fight in the war. Before joining up he had become a well known member of the village football and cricket clubs. He left a wife and two young children.

The Banfield family from Bayford lost three family members. Fred was the first killed on September 7th, 1916 just one week after being sent to the Western Front in France. His brother in law William Clark from Yew Tree Cottage in Poot Lane perished one year later then his older brother George was killed while serving in the navy as Chief Artificer Engineer on 4th April 1918. George had been a member of the bellringers and the church bible class.

Several soldiers went missing in action and were later presumed dead. These included Fred Blewitt, a private in the Buffs from Church Farm Cottages in Forge Lane aged 25, Robert Tumber, a private in the East Sussex Regiment from Plantation Cottages aged 24 and Edward Muggeridge, a private in the Buffs from Gore Bank aged 25. All had served on the Western Front.

Some Upchurch men joined the navy like farmer’s son Roland Whitnell from Windmill Hill who served on H.M.S Dirk until it was torpedoed and sunk by the Germans on May 28th 1918. The 18 year old had joined up only two months previously. Percy Betts also died at sea on 27th March 1918 aged 26 when H.M.S Kale on which he was serving was mined in the North Sea. Wilfred Baker from Plantation Cottages died of pneumonia aboard H.M.S Valentine aged 24 while Walter Hatton from The Street was killed in a magazine explosion aboard H.M.S Vanguard in Scapa Flow harbour on July 9th 1917 aged 24.

Henry Marsh from Rose Cottage in Forge Lane joined the 1st Canadian Pioneers before the war but died of pneumonia aged 35 on March 7th 1916 and was buried at Ross Bay in British Columbia with full military honours. Although many servicemen who died are buried in foreign war cemeteries some are located in Upchurch churchyard. These include Henry Thurley, a private in the Buffs and Albert Stapleton, a corporal in the Royal Engineers both from Kent Terrace in Canterbury Lane and Stuart Mercer a Royal Naval stoker from Breach Lane.

All those who perished and remembered on Remembrance Sunday have their names inscribed on a marble tablet located in the church.

David Wood, who was born and raised in Upchurch, is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village.

David Wood's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on:  price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood


Monday, 17 October 2011

Friends of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin - Update

The new trust launched on the 8th of October.

Thank you to those who have responded to Upchurch Matters and have joined us as Friends of the Church of St. Mary in Upchurch.

It has been decided that for something as important as the historic Church building, that those who become members before 31st December 2011 will be recorded alongside the first Trustees as FOUNDER MEMBERS of the Friends.

If you want to join and would like a Membership Application Form  then contact Gerry Lewin on: 01634 366113 or send a text to: 07946 996789 or an email to:

Gerry Lewin - Chairman of ‘The Friends’

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Upchurch Parish Council Report - November 2011

The Parish Council met on Thursday the 6th of October in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 5 Councillors were present and 3 members of the public.

Public Time - SW/10/350 Land rear of Wallbridge Lane- A resident expressed concerns about the Lorries that were coming down the footpath as they left no room for pedestrians. It was advised that in the future, this should only involve cars. A further concern was expressed regarding the amount of deliveries, which included large vehicles delivering hay. The Council will investigate. Traveller’s site – A resident referred to a traveller’s site that was located at the site previously known as Hursell Farm. The Enforcement Officer had been notified and the Clerk will contact him. SW/11/1150 6 Wallbridge Lane – A resident expressed concerns about this application. He was advised to contact Cllr Lewin who had also expressed concerns about this planning application as it was not supported by any information about need or what accredited organisation would be running it.
CorrespondenceThe Local Government Boundary Commission – Electoral Review of SwaleA letter informing the Council of the review and to seek their views on the most appropriate number of councillors for the Borough.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
 i) SW/11/1027 Ridgedale Stables, Halstow Lane – Removal of condition (7) of planning permission SW/08/0710 to allow permanent occupation of 3 mobile homes for gypsy family - The Planning Review Team had objected strongly to yet another site within its boundaries commenting that there were now three sites alongside each other in Halstow Lane and were an eyesore.  They were clearly visible from the road with no attempts to provide screening or landscaping. 
ii) SW/11/0949 79 Chaffes Lane – Retrospective application for amendments to scheme approved under SW/10/0762 comprising additional bedroom and en-suite in loft space together with roof lights and light tube in roof slopes, barn hip to rear gable and porthole window to garden roomMembers commented that this was a totally inappropriate dwelling.  It had not raised any objections to the original application which was for an additional storey on to a bungalow.  However, what had been built was a three-storey building which was inappropriate in this location, dominating a bungalow on one side and a two-storey one on the other.  It overshadowed both of these residences. Complaints have been received from neighbours about the external lighting which, again, was inappropriate in a rural area.
iii) SW/11/1020 18 Horsham Lane – Demolition of existing conservatory and existing rear extension and erection of new single storey pitched roof extension. The Planning Review had no objections. However, they commented that any external lights should be designed to have minimal impact on the neighbours.
iv) APP/V2255/A/11/2157895 Oastfields, Stud & Livery, Track off Holywell Lane - Change of use from private stables to stud farm and livery yard including the erection of foaling boxes and the stationing of one mobile home for residential accommodation in association with the stud farm and livery businessThe Council supported Swale BC in its reasons for refusing permission for these proposals, i.e. that it fails to justify the size and nature of the mobile home for the purpose given.
v) SW/11/1150 6 Wallbridge Lane – Change of use to a residential unit caring for young mothers – babiesMembers referred to a letter from residents of Wallbridge Lane expressing concerns about this proposal. The Planning Review Team would forward a comment based on these concerns.
vi) SW/11/1161 Redbrick Cottage, Poot Lane – Rear extension. To be used as plant room (To house oil storage & boiler)There were no objections.
vii) SW/11/1160 Field to rear of 32/62 Hartlip Hill - Variation of condition 4 of SW/11/0653 to allow 3 mobile field shelters and two horse trailersThere were no objections.
Permissions and refusals
Permission granted:
SW/11/0885 61 Horsham Lane – extension to side of house to provide 1 reception room and bedroom
SW/11/0749 32 Wallbridge Lane – Single storey pitched roof extension to rear of house
Permission refused:
SW/11/0925 The Oast, Holywell Lane – Single storey rear extension with room in loft area

Rural Needs HousingIt was commented that the Council often heard the views of residents who were against this scheme. Please do let the Council know if you feel you may have a need for this type of housing in the future.
Finance Budget/precept planning 2012/13 – Members discussed possible ways for reducing costs, including reducing the number of meetings to one every two months. Village Hall Asbestos Problem – Members considered a request from the Village Hall Management Committee to contribute towards the cost of removing asbestos. It was agreed to support this request in principle but further information was required on the work involved before releasing any funds. Annual Audit 2010/11 – This has now been certified and completed. No issues have arisen from the audit.
Allotments and Recreation GroundResurfacing of Recreation Ground Car Park – It is hoped that J Strevens will be carrying out this work shortly.
Paddock Entrance by 22 Chaffes Lane – The Council is looking to install a barrier by this opening after consultation with the resident of 22 Chaffes Lane. New Play Area – It was agreed to install a climbing frame for ages up to 4 years old. This would be ordered from Wicksteed Playscapes once the grant funding from Kent County Council had been received. Footballs being kicked into Oak Lane/Goal Posts – A letter had been received from Upchurch Beavers supporting the installation of Goal Posts in the Recreation Ground. It was agreed to contact the Parks and Recreation Ground Officer at Swale BC for further advice.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardRules and Regulations  - It was agreed to include the permission of photo mounts on memorials, no greater than 9cm x 7cm. Parish Clock in Tower – Members agreed to arrange the renovation of the clock faces at St Marys Church. It is hoped to complete this work whilst the scaffolding is still in place.
EnvironmentQueens Diamond Jubilee 2012 – Please do let the Council know if you have any ideas or suggestions on how the Village could celebrate this occasion. Provision of extra waste bins in the Village – The Clerk will contact Swale BC to see if a waste bin could be installed outside the Fish & Chip Shop in Forge Lane. Footpaths – If you would like to report any issues with footpaths, please contact Cllr Brian Kennard by email:
HighwaysSW/10/350 Land r/o Wallbridge Lane – The Clerk will contact Anna Bloomfield, the agent of the owners of Small Profits, to raise the concern regarding the amount of Lorries delivering hay to the stables. Bus Shelter – The Conservation Officer will be consulted regarding a design for any such shelter before considering further.
Next meetings – Thursday 3rd November and Thursday 1st December 2011. Please note that the meetings are held in the Hall of Holywell School and start at 7.30pm.
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 363906
 Office Opening HoursMonday - Thursday 9.00am -11.30am.

Upchurch Parish Council

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch [Reference: CB22] Message: 823

[Reference: CB22] Message: 823

This is a joint message from Swale Neighbourhood Watch and Mid Kent Swale Police.

House burgled and keys along with Mercedes vehicle stolen from Forge Lane Upchurch between 9th and 10th of October.

If you have any information please contact local police on telephone number: 01622 690 690.

Thank you that was message: 823. 

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Beaver Scouts Hall Display For Upchurch Fireworks

Upchurch Beaver Scouts have worked really hard on their hall display for this years Upchurch Fireworks.

Here's a picture.

Upchurch Matters.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Upchurch WI Meeting

Come along on the 11th.
Upchurch WI will be meeting at the Village Hall on Tuesday the 11th of October at 7:30 pm, where Helen Kendall Tobias will be giving a talk on ‘‘ 50 ways to wear a scarf ’’.

Upchurch Matters

Monday, 3 October 2011

Upchurch Poppy Day Appeal - 2011


The Upchurch team of collectors will be making the annual house-to house collections from Saturday the 29th October until Saturday the 12th November.

Remembrance Sunday will be the 13th of November.

This is a special year for the Royal British Legion as it celebrates 90 years since being founded.
Its purpose remains as always to look after the welfare of those who have served or the dependants of those who have served Sovereign and Country on our behalf.

The need continues - please donate whatever you can.

Gerry Lewin - Poppy Day Appeal Organiser

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Nursery Days Open and Coffee Mornings

Come along on the 15th and 18th.
Nursery Days Ltd Upchurch will be holding two Open and Coffee Mornings at The Old School, The Street, Upchurch  (map)  on Saturday the 15th and Tuesday the 18th of October between 9:00am and 12:00pm.

Upchurch Matters


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