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Sunday, 31 July 2011

Produce Sale and Crafts at St.Margaret's

Come along on the 13th.

A Produce Sale and Crafts takes place at St.Margaret's Church Lower Halstow on Saturday the 13th of August between 10:00am and 12:30pm.

Join us for a wide selection of home grown and home made produce, books, plants and local crafts. Refreshments available.

Elizabeth Mouland

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Temporary Road Closure, Halstow Lane 28th July 2011

Alternative route is via Holywell Lane and Breach Lane.
It will be necessary to close Halstow Lane, Upchurch planned to commence from 28th July 2011.

It is likely the road will be closed for up to 1 Day.

The road will be closed in rolling sections between Forge Lane and Breach Lane.

The alternative route is via Holywell Lane and Breach Lane.

This is to enable gully repairs to be carried out by Kent Highway Services.

East Kent Roadworks Team

Friday, 22 July 2011

Upchurch Scarecrow Competition 2011

Get creative making your Scarecrow !
This years Upchurch Scarecrow Competition will take place over the August bank holiday weekend.

Judging will be carried out on Sunday the 28th of August.

Judges will need to know where to find your scarecrow.

If you would like to enter then please collect an application form and return it to the post box at The Crown Public House.

The winners will be announced at the August Farmers Market on the 28th at 12pm and also published in following edition of The Gabriel.

This year prizes will be given for: 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Under 11’s.

Get creative making your Scarecrow !

The Crown Telephone: 01634 233896

Sophie Byfleet

Thursday, 21 July 2011

World's Biggest Coffee Morning

Please Help Diane raise money for Macmillan again this year.

Diane Macaulay will be holding another coffee morning this year as she has done for the last 14 years, on Friday the 30th of September at 10am - 12pm at 22 Church Farm Road, Upchurch.

Last year Diane raised an amazing £810 towards Macmillan and hopes to beat that record for Macmillan this year.

This year Diane is opening up her house once again with cake and coffee, raffle and a fruit basket for the public.

For further details please contact Diane or Catherine Lamstaes on: 01622 600050 or visit the Macmillan website:

Upchurch matters

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Upchurch Parish Council Report August 2011

The Parish Council met on Thursday 7th July in Challenger block of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present and 4 members of the public.

CorrespondenceGordon Henderson MP – An email indicating his interest in attending the Parish Council Meeting to be held on 1st September. This meeting will be held in Challenger Block of Holywell Primary School starting at 7.30pm. The first hour of this meeting will be open for the public to speak if they wish.
Planning - The following applications were considered:

 SW/11/0653 Field to r/o 32/62 Hartlip Hill – Change of use for the keeping and grazing of 4 horses and a 1.2m high fence. There were no objections. However they did ask that the fences were enhanced by hedges in the near future so that the rural aspects of the area may be retained.
SW/11/0655 The Barnyard, Gore Farm, Oak Lane – Extension to marquee and erection of toilet block. There were no objections. However, they noted with some force, that the site would meld into the rural background much better if a more appropriate colour was used for the marquee.
SW/11/0672 Spade Lane Depot, Spade Lane, Hartlip – Application to extend time limit for the implementation of the planning permission granted under SW/06/1345 – removal of condition 6 (VI) of SW/89/1248 (restriction use) and change of use to allow the Spade Lane Depot (including existing and unbuilt phase) to be used for general class B1C (light industrial), B2 (general industrial) or B8 (storage and distribution uses). The Planning Review Team welcomed the proposed tree screening and noted that local residents remained concerned about noise from the site and possible increases in HGV traffic on the A2, with associated noise increases.
Permissions and refusals: Permissions granted:
SW/11/0496 Jack Russell Place, Halstow Lane – removal of condition (1) of permission SW/08/0917 to permit permanent occupancy of the site for gypsy family.
Permissions refused:
SW/11/0545 Sandyridge. 61 Horsham Lane – extension to side of house to provide 1 reception room and bedroom.
Other Planning matters Rural Needs Housing – An email from Alison Thompson, English Rural Housing Association (ERHA) explained that she had met with the landowners of the site in Forge Lane, opposite Holywell Primary School, and they were currently considering her proposal. Also, during this meeting, the landowners suggested that there were two possible sites, either fronting Forge Lane or The Street. Members commented that they would consider the site fronting The Street if it contributed to car parking facilities for residents.
SW/10/0350 Land r/o Wallbridge Lane -  A letter from a resident regarding the planning application granted at small profits, a livery stable located at the far end of Crosier Court. Concerns were expressed with the increase in traffic as it had been expected that access to this work would be via Wallbridge Lane. However, trucks had been seen passing through Crosier Court, a heavy duty crane on a low loader and also smaller trucks passing this way travelling at high speed. PSCO McCall had been informed. The resident was arranging a meeting with Swale BC Highways Department. Members will look into arranging a meeting with the landowners to discuss this further.
Finance Swale BC Members Regeneration Fund and Local Engagement Forums Community Project Funding – Information on the two grants available were discussed. The Parish Council could apply for the member’s regeneration fund, where each Borough Councillor had been allocated £1,000 to support local regeneration projects. Suitable projects to be discussed at the next meeting.
Allotments and Recreation GroundGoal Posts in Recreation Ground – a quote and specification for installing one set of goal posts was circulated. Members felt that further research was required. Please let the Clerk know if you think this would be a useful facility to have in the Recreation Ground.
Paddock Entrance to Paddock by 22 Chaffes Lane – Members agreed that this entrance should remain open and quotes for installing a safety barrier will be obtained. Lease – It was agreed to accept a 14 year lease with the right to renew for another 14 years.
KCC Local Engagement Forum Grant 2011-12 Members are considering ideas for new play equipment using the £2,100 grant that has been approved. Please let the Clerk know if you have any suggestions.
Burial Ground and ChurchyardPhoto memorials – It was agreed to allow photos on memorials subject to a standard size.
EnvironmentBroadband speeds available in the village- An email from a resident raising this issue had been circulated. He claimed that it appeared to be unreasonably slow and was getting reduced month on month. Members considered ways of dealing with this and would like to know if any other residents experience the same problem. Please let the Clerk know.
Queens Diamond Jubilee June 2012 – Residents considering holding a street party are invited to set up a table in the Paddock to celebrate this event. There will be no charge and the date is yet to be decided. Please let the Clerk know if your street would be interested in taking part. Also, members considered having a permanent feature such as another Oak tree, or other tree, with a plaque near it, similar to the Oak tree on Granny’s Green which had been planted for the Silver Jubilee. Please do let the Clerk know if you have any ideas.
Highways – Lay by outside doctors surgery – Information from Kent Highways indicated this would be very difficult and expensive to install. It was suggested that a crossing would be of more benefit. Kent Highways will be consulted. Parking issues in village centre – Members met with Brett O’Connell from Swale BC to highlight the areas of concern. The Council await his proposal which will be used to consult with residents before taking any further.
Bus Shelter in Horsham Lane – PCSO McCall had advised the Council that the police authority must remain neutral on this issue. She suggested that the Council looked into installing a temporary shelter.
Residents are reminded that the ASB hotline number is 01795 417575 should you need to report incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour.                                                                                                                        
Next meetings – 1st September, 6th October.
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 363906

Upchurch Parish Council

Sunday, 17 July 2011

The Village Schools 100 Years Ago in 1911

Memories of Upchurch
With 150 boys and girls Holywell thrived as a public elementary village school in 1911. Mr Maltravers served as headmaster and Mrs Maltravers, Mrs Witherden and Mrs Wraight worked as teachers. The Infant’s School was designed to accommodate 140 children but in 1911 it averaged 97. Miss Elizabeth Strachan served as headmistress.

In February the Infant’s School presented singing and dancing for an entry fee of 6d. Headmistress Miss Strachan and local author Alice Chesterton organised the event. The presentation included dancing, singing, recitations and three playlets entitled ‘Alice in Wonderland’, ‘Rooms to Let’ and ‘The Japanese Tea House’. Dorothy Smith, Ethel Dawson and Lily Packer excelled in the cast and the show turned out to be very successful.

Nothing much happened at Holywell during the winter months apart from the replacement of stove fireguards and a heavy snowstorm which caused the children to be sent home for several days in early April. During April the Canterbury Church History Exam took place. Twenty three Holywell pupils were entered and seventeen were successful with Ethel Dawson and Ethel Dray obtaining first class awards. Nine others obtained second class awards. These included Rose Edmonds, Una Jarrett, Joseph Witherden, Bertha Golding, Olive Packer, Annie Clemons, Joyce Witherden and Len Baker.

During the early spring term Holywell pupils voted Rose Edmonds ‘Best Girl’ and Albert Seamer ‘Best Boy.’ Enthroned May Queen Rose Edmonds was crowned and presented with a bunch of flowers at the Infant’s School on May 24th. This was followed by singing and a rendition of nursery rhymes. A month later on June 20th the children were given a one week holiday for the royal coronation. Both schools were decorated with bunting, gaily coloured streamers and the union Jack was flown.

Disruption took place on July 3rd when Mrs Wraight began a period of two months leave and was replaced by Miss Alice Lott on July 14th. However, the school year ended on a happy note with a Diocesan inspection resulting in high praise being given by the inspector Mr G Brocklehurst.

‘…the religious instruction is all that one could desire. This is high praise but it is well deserved.’

In September the accommodation shortage at Holywell became so severe that the new Standard 2 class had to be transferred to the Infant’s School as a temporary measure. In October the HM Sub Inspector addressed the problem and recommended another teacher for the school because of excessively large classes. At this point there were 119 children registered at Holywell.

New cloakrooms and toilets were constructed in August and the playground was asphalted in December. Night school re-opened at Holywell School in October for adults. A variety of subjects were offered like Arithmetic, Drawing, English, Atlas, Church History and Geography. In December several of the night students were presented with prizes. Winners included Cecil Bishop, Albert Bishop, Bert Cox and Percy Packer. On December 20th the schools closed for the Christmas holidays which ended an eventful 1911 at the village schools.

David Wood, who was born and raised in Upchurch, is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village.

David Wood's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David on:  price £12 + p+p £2.

David Wood


Monday, 11 July 2011

Postponement of A2 Closure High Street Newington

Southern Gas Networks have now decided to defer the closure of the A2 High Street, Newington which was due to have started on 25 July 2011.

This decision has been taken following extensive local consultation and takes into account the significant issues raised.

Road works in Newington have now been postponed.
Discussions are continuing as to how the gas mains replacement works can be carried out with the absolute minimum of inconvenience.

A road closure will still be needed for some of these works, and it is likely this will be Easter 2012.

The existing main is in the middle of the carriageway where the road is very narrow.

All other options have been considered to avoid closing the A2 but there is no satisfactory alternative to a road closure for some of the works.

Kent Highway Services

Friday, 8 July 2011

Upchurch Farmers Market

Come along to the 2nd Market on the 24th.
A massive thank you from the Management Committee to all our visitors, customers, stallholders and willing volunteers for making our inaugural Market such a RESOUNDING SUCCESS !!!

Don't forget our next Market will be on Sunday the 24th of July at the Village Hall from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. With even more stalls !!!

For more details contact Andrea on:
01634 361040 or by

Andrea and Dave Candy

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The Well

Our regular Café, The Well is happening again this Sunday in Newington. The Well offers an opportunity for local people to have home cooked food, with great activities for kids, Sunday papers and a chance to meet up with other local people. It takes place between 12:30 - 2:30 on the second Sunday of every month in Newington Village Hall.

Come along this Sunday to Newington Village Hall.
In addition one of the things we offer at The Well is The Community Exchange, a wall with notices, information and news from the local area which might be of interest to local people.

You can find out more at:

Rev Hugh Nelson

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Upchurch Festival of Music

Concerts run from the 5th to the 10th of July.
The Thirteenth Biennial Upchurch Festival of Music starts on the 5th of July at St Mary's Church Upchurch  Map.  Details of all the weeks concerts can be found  here  on the  Village Diary Page.

Upchurch Matters


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